As I have been doing after each program, I am putting this here as a place for people to make comments about the show that has just aired. The outpouring of support has not only continued, if anything it has grown. It is quite amazing how far and wide this show is reaching and to how many people who have not had personal experiences with scientology but now feel they must do something about the abuses that are being exposed. Thank you all. I try to respond to messages and emails and PMs and tweets, but it is physically impossible to do so. If I have not gotten back to you, I … [Read more...]
Archives for December 27, 2016
Scientology “expansion” debunked
A scientology fan on Twitter today reminded me just how thick the bubble of scientology is. Whether this was a real scientologists or simply an OSA front account, the point is still the same. This Twitter genius was repeating the line that "scientology has expanded more in the last 10 years than in the 50 years previously." (I asked him whether he measured this in "vacant real estate purchased" or "# lies told". The discussion didn't go far from there.) This "last 10 years" is a variation of some of the other doozies Miscavige has tossed out about "47X expansion" and "each ideal org sees 1 … [Read more...]