Another provocative essay from our old friend Terra Cognita. Scientology and Suppressive Persons: Types A & B LRH said Suppressive Persons—SPs for short—were turned suppressive by getting profoundly crushed by another somewhere in the distant past—like way distant. Apparently, they’ve been stuck in this incident and fighting this battle ever since—sometimes for quadrillions of years. Everyone they see in present time is an enemy from this traumatic event. LRH wrote, “The technical fact is that they have a huge problem, long gone and no longer known even to themselves, which they use hi … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2017
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
There are "Stars" in New Mexico? Must be a pretty low bar to become a "star". Glitz and glamor is doubtful. They don't even know where they are holding it and it's just a few days away! Nothing over the top here... But wait... The last one said it was the "human spirit" and this one says its the mind? Which one is it? Scots Humor At least I think this is supposed to be humor Serious Qualifications on display here... Because he has completed the Student Hat and "KTL/LOC" (not even "things" in scientology … [Read more...]
Fun Facts from AOLA
Here is another of the frequent scientology documents that prove they are lying about their "massive international expansion." Let's look at these one by one. "Highest Ever" number of people solo auditing at AOLA -- 220. Remember, AOLA is the Advanced Org for the entirety of the AMERICAS. Everywhere from Buenos Aires to Winnipeg and Hawaii to Barbados. 220 people (including staff and Sea Org members). Total. This is 220 out of ONE BILLION people in North and South America. That's about ONE out of every 4.5 MILLION people. According to National Geographic, you have a 1 in 3.7 million … [Read more...]
Scientology Shill Joy Villa Plays the Trump Card
Unabashed self-promoter and scientology pitch-woman Joy Villa has cashed in on political divisiveness to make a killing from unsuspecting Trump supporters. Ms. Villa has previously attempted to attract attention at the Grammy's by wearing various forms of see-through attire. Her virtual nakedness didn't garner a lot of attention other than to get her onto the "worst-dressed" list. But this year, she hit on a brilliant scheme, marketing herself as a walking advertisement for Donald Trump. In a town and industry that has little love for anything Republican, and plenty of … [Read more...]
Scientology Spying Hypocrisy
The latest edition of Freedom magazine has hit the interwebs and it is doozy. The front cover features the scarehead SURVEILLANCE - SECRECY AND YOU. And a subhead reads: The scope of private information now being swept up from all Americans is daunting -- and the vast majority are kept in the dark Now, whether you believe this is something all citizens should be worried about, or whether you think it is an overblown scare tactic is not the point of this posting. The point is that scientology gathers more information about people than any government agency or corporation. Period. The paid … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard The Movie!
This should be a treat! They are making a movie about L. Ron Hubbard -- no doubt to accompany a thorough drenching in Shermanspeak for the March 13 extravaganza. And it appears that this latest hagiography is going to focus on making Mr. Hubbard "hip" (after all, scientology IS the coolest religion on earth - it says so right on the t-shirts) by associating him with Jack Kerouac and Alan Ginsberg. Whoever Ian McBean was doesn't even rate a Wiki page -- I seem to recall Hubbard talking about some guy who was a British spy in China or something who taught him all sorts of amazing things. … [Read more...]
Teenage Mutant Ninja MAAs
Another provocative essay from our old friend Terra Cognita. Teenage Mutant Ninja MAAs Is it just me or have the staff in Department 3 at Scientology Advanced Orgs gotten younger? And younger. For those of you who’ve forgotten your Org Board, Dept 3, Inspections and Reports, is that section in charge of ethics and justice. And where people are sent when they’ve been bad boys and girls. It’s one thing to get unjustly raked over the coals by an MAA—Master at Arms; it’s another to get screamed at by a sanctimonious teenager. From Cradle to Sea Org Most, if not all, of these young … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Good luck with that The only thing they seem to be promoting is how good the Orpheum is. Like it's an "ideal" venue or something -- it is "recently renovated" and it has close parking, it's right downtown and is "stunningly beautiful." Even if the video they are going to show is a Rotten Tomatoes 0%er, the place looks good. And just like every ideal org, you can bet it will be virtually empty. Grammar Police where are you? "...the Ideal Org of San Diego is having an unprecedented expansion rate..." Seriously? Where do they find their copywriters? Oh yeah, "wog" … [Read more...]