Archives for March 2017
Thursday Funnies
We start out Thursday Funnies with some REAL funny. Cathy Shenkelberg's one woman show Squeeze My Cans is opening in Tampa today for a limited engagement through Sunday. I encourage everyone in the local area to support her... And nice to see this morning, the Tampa Bay Times doing a front page review of the show and Cathy's story. Ideal Org = Empty Space Every time they promote these ideal orgs they inadvertently (?) promote exactly what you DO get. This is apparently their idea of "more scientologists" Wow... A briefing about OT for OT's by a N … [Read more...]
The “LRH Hall”
The L. Ron Hubbard Hall will be "opening soon" as announced by David Miscavige in December 2014. It is absolutely amazing how they can keep coming up with new ways to bamboozle the sheeple into handing over money. Predictably, this "L. Ron Hubbard Hall" is going to be one of the harder pitches to make. Apart from its name, it has NOTHING to do with L. Ron Hubbard. It is simply a forum for David Miscavige to hold his events instead of Ruth Eckerd Hall (the same 2300 seat venue they have been using for 20 years or more despite their "unprecedented growth"). This is even less appealing than … [Read more...]
Aftermath: Continued
I am cheating -- this is not really a "post," I am simply directing you to read this new article in Entertainment Weekly. I am traveling which has hindered my blogging abilities. And also, I saw a dozen fake twitter accounts sent out tweets about me this morning, so I figured they must be going nuts about something. I checked the news and this story is at the top of the Scientology newsfeed on Google. I figured this was the cause of their latest bout of ad hominem bleating, so it deserved wider coverage. It's my middle finger of the morning to the evil empire. Read the article … [Read more...]
SuMP is “About to Start Broadcasting”
Scientologists live in a constant dream world of what is "going to happen." All orgs are going to be ideal. OT IX and X are going to be released. We are going to disseminate to the entire world through SuMP. Scientologists, in their own vernacular, need to "get in present time." They are not stuck in the past. They are stuck in the future. Operating in a completely unreal world that exists in their minds sometime "soon." And what is so laughable about this particular promotional item is that it is selling people what THEY have to do to be able to disseminate, when the whole pitch of SuMP … [Read more...]
ASL Talks Clearwater Redevelopment
My good friend Aaron Smith-Levin presents a well-reasoned explanation of what is going on in Clearwater based on his considerable experience and knowledge. While specific to the situation in Clearwater he offers some interesting insight into the "think" that drives scientology through the actions and directives of David Miscavige. I have not had time to comment very extensively on this subject of late. I had started but have not completed my own blog post focused on the consummate salesmanship skills of Miscavige - selling what is good for Miscavige to many smarter, more savvy people than t … [Read more...]
Scientology and Reason
Another article from our old friend Terra Cognita Scientology and Reason – or Reasonableness Another big Scientology catchword is “reasonableness.” Loosely defined, reasonableness is the condition of being reasonable—which on the surface, seems like a good trait. To reason means to think logically; to form conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises; to conclude or infer. According to Random House, the word reasonable means, “in accord with reason or sound judgement; logical; capable of rational behavior, decision, etc.” LRH put his own spin on the word. From the Scie … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Cause over the drug scene Well, now that he has the NY drug scene fully in hand he is around lecturing others on how to do the same. And don't forget the commissions. So many things wrong Wonder if Sister Nayyirah is going to preach Koran or DMSMH? How to Clear Ohio Wow. Maybe they should tell NY and California how to do their state. They even have multiple ideal orgs and they are going nowhere. Live in-person! Such an amazing thing. How do they do otherwise? Well, now we know... If you're not really important, you get the Skype … [Read more...]
The Sad Tale of Santa Barbara Org
Oh dear, the spin doctors have spun themselves into a complete dizzy mess. Remember when the big pitch was that Valley Org was the last, missing link to clearing all of SoCal? Well, before the ribbon was even yanked, there is now something else that is needed. MORE MONEY for the "last" (and "new"?) ideal org -- the most northern southern California org. What a surprise. Clearing is going to have to wait a little longer. But if you think about this for a second, what they are really pitching here is the Great News that Santa Barbara will no longer have any org at all. But V … [Read more...]