That's a lot in 2 hours... Bet you TONS of people showed up with their friends. Money, money, money, money... Q: What is the only way you will have that "extra" money you need and want? A: Steer clear of scientology. They have ONE auditor! Praise Lord Xenu. It's a miracle. Hold the presses -- that's TWO! Austin will be cleared in no time... What about the terrible pay? Someone has gone squirrel and altered Source OMG! It's probably the only thing that is true and they left it off... Seriously? Winston … [Read more...]
Archives for August 10, 2017
Scientology’s Aftermath Part 2
See previous blog post Scientology's Aftermath. this is the second new PR spin to tumble out of Scientology in the last 24 hours. Responding to an article in Rolling Stone, headlined Leah Remini Wants Federal Investigation Into Scientology, Dear Leader Miscavige offered up further butt hurt whining: Regarding Remini calling for an "investigation," it is pure balderdash. The Church is a religious institution committed to our religious, social and humanitarian missions. The Church says Remini and her "sources" have continuously filed false reports with law enforcement that have been … [Read more...]