Archives for August 2017
Thursday Funnies
That's a lot in 2 hours... Bet you TONS of people showed up with their friends. Money, money, money, money... Q: What is the only way you will have that "extra" money you need and want? A: Steer clear of scientology. They have ONE auditor! Praise Lord Xenu. It's a miracle. Hold the presses -- that's TWO! Austin will be cleared in no time... What about the terrible pay? Someone has gone squirrel and altered Source OMG! It's probably the only thing that is true and they left it off... Seriously? Winston … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Aftermath Part 2
See previous blog post Scientology's Aftermath. this is the second new PR spin to tumble out of Scientology in the last 24 hours. Responding to an article in Rolling Stone, headlined Leah Remini Wants Federal Investigation Into Scientology, Dear Leader Miscavige offered up further butt hurt whining: Regarding Remini calling for an "investigation," it is pure balderdash. The Church is a religious institution committed to our religious, social and humanitarian missions. The Church says Remini and her "sources" have continuously filed false reports with law enforcement that have been … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Aftermath
While Miscavige is busy telling scientologists to watch his 1993 IRS Event (see earlier post today When the Going Gets Tough...) in order to combat the new tidal wave of negative publicity flooding his dinghy, he is also rolling out a new external PR line. The cry from scientology has been that The Aftermath is just a means for Leah Remini to "make money" (they cleverly called it "Leah Remini; After Cash") -- but that line is kind of dead in the water as Leah is now filming Kevin Can Wait. Even Miscavige knows that a network sitcom is a far more lucrative gig than any form of "reality TV." … [Read more...]
When the Going Gets Tough…
When Miscavige feels most threatened, he invariably pulls the 1993 IAS event out of mothballs for re-airing in all orgs. This is Miscavige's crowning achievement and when he feels his PR is being assaulted, in his mind this is the antidote. Getting people to come into an org to watch this video yet again is a Sisyphean task. There is no current scientologist who has not seen it numerous times. And there are no NEW scientologists. So it's a tough sell. Miscavige is convinced this is the best reputation damage control he can do. Not come out in public and actually answer questions or make … [Read more...]
The Missing Executives of Scientology
A lot of scientologists remember Guillaume Lesevre, though the COB has done his best to ensure he is forgotten. Guillaume is the "Executive Director International" or ED Int. This is the position L. Ron Hubbard specifically created to "wear my hat" running scientology. In fact, Hubbard did an analysis of his inability to "turn over his hat" and wrote a policy about it which created this position. Guillaume has been the "ED Int" since the early 80's. I had the job of filling this position on direct orders of Hubbard and scoured the globe for the best executive -- Guillaume had … [Read more...]
Old Scientology Allies — the LAPD
Here they go again. The LAPD has a long history of cozying up to scientology. Wonder why they didn't say this was IN THE PARKING LOT OF LA ORG? They just list it at the bottom as one of the sponsors. But you have to love the copyright notice "protecting" the Dianetics symbol and "scientology cross" that do not even appear on the piece... … [Read more...]
Scientology End Phenomena
It's Saturday, so our old friend Terra Cognita has something for us. I will likely not be doing a post tomorrow -- attending the TV Critics Awards tonight. The Aftermath is nominated for an award. Fingers crossed. … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Sorry -- abbreviated today... Helping Mankind Make It? You are serious? Mount Rushmore? Really? This is what you get for half a million? Freedom Destruction Briefing? Food, glorious food... CC is going Ideal? Wow, I thought it was already? Milking every last opportunity to collect money and yank a ribbon... 10 year olds is what it takes? The extraordinary Flag environment One reg for every 5 people I don't think so... At least not because of you. An old timer Just … [Read more...]