What it means to get ready for OT IX and X Absolutely nothing. There is no "meaning", there is nothing to mean about... California Completion Gala They've got 2 left. Not a new org in sight and nothing has changed with the opening of SFO, Steven's Creek, Los Gatos, Orange County, San Diego, LA Org, CCLA, Valley, Inglewood, Sacramento... 40 million people now being "served" by 10 ideal orgs getting nowhere, will then have 12 getting nowhere. What will be different? What's the point? It's a "game" and when this one ends they will invent another. They love "games" … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2017
Disconnection — Scientology’s Spin
Scientology has long attempted to defend the sordid abuses of disconnection by proclaiming it is a "personal choice" and an "individual right." Tad Reeves, a devout scientologist and OSA frontman is active on social media attempting to promote and also defend scientology from "attacks." He has a blog, and frankly, he seems like a decent guy caught in the distorted world of scientology-think. What is most interesting is that he goes into such detail about the subject of disconnection. His utterances on this subject are certainly coordinated/cleared with OSA before he posts them. This is the … [Read more...]
The Hypocrisy of the IAS
Today is "Giving Tuesday" -- the idea is to stimulate online charitable giving to help those in need. When I got the email from the IAS I had to google this to see if it was a "thing" or just the latest invention of scientology to get people to part with their money. Here is the first thing that showed up on my google search -- and it is a typical example of the orrganizations that participate in this: But here is what is even more important about this organization and others who participate in this program: Yes, 85% of the money they raise goes to those in need. And their … [Read more...]
Ideal Org Failure #47X – San Francisco
SFO is one of the first ideal orgs (the "originals" were Buffalo, Joburg, NY and SFO)... The email accompanying this said "San Francisco is going SH Size". This "ideal org" had it's ribbon yanked by the Chairman of the Bored on 29 Nov 2003. That is almost exactly 14 years ago. FOURTEEN YEARS and this org has not expanded to the "Make-break" point, the size where staff can earn a living wage according to L. Ron Hubbard. Of course, the other "original" "ideal" orgs are also dismal failures. Buffalo has never amounted to anything at all. New York continues to struggle. Joburg, the one … [Read more...]
Clearwater Con Job
Winter Wonderland is coming to Clearwater once again. What is different about this year? It's not the fact that scientologists pretend to celebrate Christmas when they believe christians are "wogs" who need to be saved -- that has always been the case. I have included excerpts from a couple of choice Hubbard writings on the importance of "Safe Pointing" areas and how scientologists are expected to view and address other religions. No, this year their promotion has NO MENTION of scientology. Apparently Winter Wonderland is done by the "Clearwater Community Volunteers" and the word … [Read more...]
Scientology and Help
It's SaTerraDay... Scientology and Help The best band of all time said it best: “Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Help!” Friends, family and countrymen have all failed to help us at times throughout our lives. Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters, ex-husbands and ex-wives have all shirked their duties at to help. We’ve all experienced times where we’ve asked for help, only to be rebuffed, told to scram, told to we were losers and not worth the trouble. We’ve been promised the moon, only to taste green cheese. We’ve been promised fortunes, happiness, … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Sorry, we experienced some unexpected technical difficulty with RB, exacerbated by the holiday. So, I have resurrected one of my favorite earlier editions. Hopefully everything will be back to normal next week. … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Funnies
For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving today, I wish you all a wonderful time with family and friends. We all have much to be thankful for. Good friends (whether family or not) who stand by and support you through thick and thin, friends who would never let someone else destroy the relationship they have with you are perhaps the most valuable thing anyone has -- apart from good health. Cherish and be thankful for them today. And also spend a moment to remember those who have had their families torn apart and rededicate yourself to doing what you can to help bring such barbarity to an … [Read more...]
Michael Silverman
Michael Silverman was a much beloved figure at AOLA for many years spanning the 70's, 80's and into the 90's. This is the only photo I could coax out of him, but for those who knew him back then, apart from being follicle challenged, this smiling face looks just the same as I remember it at AO. Michael reached out to me and asked that I publish his thoughts about his life in the Sea Org and scientology. I am more than happy to do so. Hello Mike. I have occasionally read bits of postings over the years and feel compelled to post something significant that may help others bo … [Read more...]
Mat Pesch Responds to Scientology’s Smears
Frankly, anyone who has watched Mat speak on The Aftermath has no doubt that he is a straight-shooter and an all-around stand up guy. Nobody believes the tripe scientology says about him, not even the people that wrote it. But they think they might be able to convince some of their KoolAid drinkers it's true, maybe. I feel Mat (and anyone else who has appeared on the show) should have a forum here to respond to scientology if they wish, though I am pretty sure it's not necessary. But on the other hand, sometimes it is cathartic to just get it out of your system, put it on paper, and have it … [Read more...]