This is an editorial in the Washington Post. Whether you are liberal or conservative -- this should be of concern to you. If you are a Republican and supporter of President Trump, set aside your distaste of the liberal media and absorb the information contained within this editorial. It is important. It is not fake news. From a purely tunnel-vision perspective, I do not want scientology gaining the ability to influence and buy politicians like they can buy lawyers and private investigators. The possibility of removing existing restrictions on politicking by religious organizations makes … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2017
Quailynn & Paul McDaniel — Check Mate
Check Mate Recovering from Scientology has been no easy task. However my husband and I did it, together. What broke me from the church initially was this: I was on the ship to do OTVIII, I had cleared every hurdle placed infront of me. As most of you know they are many and extremely difficult -- tailored to break you in every possible way. I was on the ship in Cartagena, Columbia. They had taken my passport and the staff had locked me in a room in a room for three days and had me read my husbands confidential confessionals detailing why he was a horrible human worthy of betrayal. This was an … [Read more...]
More on Past Lives: Real or Imagined?
It's SaTerraDay! More on Past Lives: Real or Imagined? One of the most vexing questions for me when I was in Scientology was whether past lives were real or imagined. Before I ever went in session for the first time, past lives had been solely a component of fantasy novels. In fact, until I routed onto the OT Levels, I avoided going “beyond this lifetime” whenever I could. I was always reluctant to declare I’d lived before this life, and for as long as I could, I limited myself to looking at incidents I knew had happened since that birth date on my driver’s license. Images earlier than birth … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
An easy one to start... Why are you here? To give you money... which is the only purpose in the universe. He really gets around... This fundraising business must be paying off. Melbourne Australia on Tuesday, Pasadena on Thursday. Yowza. That's a strange "block" It's actually the scientology PR building And then they were one... Every item on this NOI "convention" is scientology. Pot luck Thanksgiving? Most churches provide Thanksgiving dinner. This "ideal" org can't even … [Read more...]
The Final Aftermath Smears?
With two specials in 3 days, scientology has been working overtime on concocting smears about the show contributors. Of course, they NEVER respond to anything the people say, never dispute the abuses or the lies exposed by any of the contributors or on the show in general. They just sling mud. They have nothing they CAN dispute, so their only avenue is to try to "discredit the source"... Let's take their smears in sequence. Tony Ortega Of course Tony has long been a target of the scientology smear brigade. But they have nothing new so they roll out their moldy old … [Read more...]
Flag OTC Minutes & LRH Aftermath
The latest and greatest from the biggest and best OT Committee on earth. Some interesting tidbits in here. As announced by the ex-WDC member Anna Paddock (one of the morons who showed up at the Rathbun's to check on their "squirreling") -- the "Clear event" was a "big success" with 30 attendees. Remember, scientology claims 12,000+ members in the Tampa Bay area. Doesn't appear to be a "big success" even if there is only 10% of that number of scientologists. David Pomeranz's wife is the "OT IX and X Get Ready Pjt Officer"... Must be good to have a lifetime and beyond appointment. She … [Read more...]
Harvey Weinstein & Scientology – Separated at Birth?
This New Yorker article is an extremely detailed and well-documented peek behind the curtain of a dirtbag with a lot of money hiring big-name, reputable lawyers and private investigators to conduct a concerted campaign to intimidate and silence victims of and witnesses to his abuse. Scientology has been doing this for years. Decades actually. They wrote the book, literally, on this sort of intimidation tactics. Everyone else is a pretender to the throne of corrupt power abusing the less powerful with impunity. The big difference between Harvey Weinstein and scientology is the money s … [Read more...]
Getting People onto The Bridge Through Narconon
Tonight at 8pm there is a special episode of The Aftermath touching upon the subject of scientology's front groups. Of course, the most well-know of them is Narconon, which is why it was so ironic that I was sent this a couple of days ago. Scientology says the "social betterment" organizations are NOT recruitment arms for scientology. Look at the first paragraph of this letter. Bobby Wiggins seems to have retired from his Narconon job and now is making commissions from persuading people to give money to the IAS. The irony of this is when he WAS in Narconon he had to scrape and … [Read more...]
LRH, Scientology, and God
It's SatTerraDay LRH, Scientology, and God It’s Sunday morning. The sun is shining brightly. I’m writing in a coffee shop with the person I love the most in the whole wide world: my spouse. God is good. least life is. I was raised an atheist. Despite three-plus decades in Scientology, I’m pretty sure I still am. And you know what? I think LRH was too. I never attended a place of worship while growing up. No churches, no synagogues, no mosques. Like Karl, “religion was the opiate of the people,” in my household. God was a crutch in the minds of the weak. If a young LRH got dra … [Read more...]