Under the Sea? As in "under water"? How amazingly appropriate... Goal: St Louis Ideal Org Done... In the next decade? Century? Never? Denver "ideal org" can't even keep their own lights on. Elio Cervi knows... ...absolutely nothing. But don't let that stop you because he is an "international keynote speaker" Opportunity of a lifetime... ...to have Michael D. Roberts try to convince you to give him your money. The European Michael Chan Suddenly he is everywhere... This quote... ...followed by this … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2018
Flag’s New Fake Photo
Things are looking pretty dim in the world of scientology, even at Flag, the last bastion of "look how big and cool we are." They actually have to round up anyone who has been given a certificate ANY TIME in 2017 to come for their photo shoot at FLAG??? The photo below shows no more than 150 people (can't be bothered counting them, so giving them the benefit of the doubt). With their ongoing 47X expansion, greatest year of greatness in the history of histories, GAT II and faster Bridge progress than ever, the amazing Super Power and Cause Resurgence making planetary clearing a reality … [Read more...]
The Story of a Scientology Spy
This is the story of a spy paid to infiltrate our lives written by my wife Christie. I originally wrote down the details of this story in 2012 when it happened. Some of the information was included in the book Fair Game, by Steve Cannane, as he played a part in it. Here is the full story: If the ending seems obvious while reading it, try reading it with the frame of mind that it was not perfectly obvious while living it. Most of us go through life with friendship, love and kindness in our hearts, hoping to enjoy people, taking them first as genuine and only after they prove to … [Read more...]
Scientology Gives Money Back??
An interesting article in the Tampa Bay Times with one of the most misleading headlines of all time! Some excerpts below: She donated nearly $300,000 to Church of Scientology, which doesn’t want it The Church of Scientology is shunning a $278,158 donation because of concerns it might have been "ill-gotten" and "misappropriated." Susan Taylor Martin Published: January 5, 2018 On her Cozy Cottages website, Olga Favrow called herself one of the "leading authorities on real estate" in Tampa Bay. "You’ve come to the right place!’’ the site sa … [Read more...]
Framing Whistleblowers — The Scientology Playbook
The media reports that Paul Haggis is now being accused of sexual assault. He responds that scientology may be behind these claims. There is good reason to believe this is no crazy conspiracy theory. Here is why. L. Ron Hubbard, founder of scientology, took a very dim view of anyone critical of scientology. Whether politician, reporter, disillusioned former follower or his own family members, Hubbard designated them as "enemies" -- not just of scientology, but of mankind. And he laid out in detail how those enemies were to be destroyed. Hubbard decreed that anyone speaking negatively … [Read more...]
For Better or for Worse
It's SatTerraDay once again! For Better or for Worse Seldom are married couples on the same page when it comes to their involvement with the Church of Scientology and for this reason, marriages frequently end in divorce—both with the couple and Scientology. Husbands and wives often have different spiritual goals. Despite what the church would have people believe, rarely do both parties place the same importance on “ideal orgs,” “clearing the planet,” and “going free.” And rarely do they feel the same away about Scientology tech, policy, and management. Since Scientologists aren’t allowed to … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Learn to escape the maze of life... This sounds ominous. R2-45 maybe? He's baaacck... After a holiday hiatus, the Chanman is back and ready to take your money. Back big time.... The secret history of this planet. Xenu? Clams on the seashore? The Piltdown Man? Just can't get enough of this guy... Courage... ...to go out and sing with green facepaint on. And then have your photo used for a promotional piece. Yes, that is courage. Can you handle the truth? Nope, scientologists have their heads buried firmly in the … [Read more...]
Scientology Shriveling
With great fanfare, scientology screams "expansion" every time they cut the ribbon on an old org relocated to an expensive new building. Recently we saw one of their upcoming projects, Perth "ideal" org, talking about how they are going to be clearing "Malasia", Singapore and Indonesia. There is no thought of opening ORGS in these countries. Instead, they desperately fundraise to buy a new building for a small, failing org that has ALWAYS been small and failing and proudly proclaim this will herald a new era in countries thousands of miles away. Pure insanity. Remember when … [Read more...]
No Hype is Too Much
This is what the bubble-dwellers experienced on New Years Eve -- being stuffed with bs like a Christmas goose. While the rest of the world takes a moment to wish everyone good luck and good cheer, peace and happiness, scientology takes the opportunity to pat itself on the back and reaffirm it's importance and how it is saving all mankind. The claims and hype are quite astonishing: It's a spiritual transcendence a phenomenon more pride more inspiration more achievements the experience is electric future generations will look back in awe at the achievements we continue to … [Read more...]