Look out world! I guess this is a new scheme for an event announcement. Buying a building in DC for Applied Scholastics. Maybe they can get Hanan Islam out of jail to do for this program what she did for Clearwater and Los Angeles. Plagiarism "Off the crossroads of the world" is for the Freewinds, it's not supposed to be a good thing for a Class V org!! And "you can have it all" is Melbourne's pitch. Get original Auckland. Mark Bunker where are you? Wonder who they will try to throw out of "their" block party? This is research? "apparently" … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2018
Regraded Being
A Message from Leah Remini to Scientology Operatives
Dear OSA, OSA operatives, paid off sleazy PI’s and lawyers who are bought off by Scientology, I know you are reading this because you scour our instagrams, FB Pages and twitter feeds all day and night. I also understand you are bound to follow the writings of L. Ron Hubbard which require you to discover what someone considers valuable and attack it, to "fight on the basis of total attrition of the enemy" and treat those who speak the truth about you as "Fair Game." But you should also know that what you are doing, including: -- the legal threats -- paying off family members with t … [Read more...]
Be Inspired!
This is really inspiring... Dont have time to do a real posting today. Just a bit of light entertainment. More hype, that actually says NOTHING.... … [Read more...]
Do What Ron Says, Again, Always
Sure makes me wonder how this particular quote "helped me so much." It’s pretty convoluted — sort of sums up to not being careful I guess... Because in primitive societies if "he got too messed up, he didn't have any tremendous strings on him..." Apparently a high mortality rate was a good thing? The more distance I have from Hubbard-think, the more crazy I think it is. And things that I probably would have just accepted as great wisdom a decade or more ago now seem merely silly. It’s always a reminder how deeply ingrained the “think” is. Gibberish as inspiration. And when shared wi … [Read more...]
Clearwater Follies
Leah and I were speaking with our old friend Mark Bunker, who was telling us about the injunction scientology obtained against him and other members of the Lisa McPherson Trust back in 1998. Amazingly, scientology still seeks to enforce this injunction against him to this day – its language prevents him from protesting in front of some specified scientology buildings and from coming within 10 feet of any scientologist (it’s a mystery how he is supposed to know who is or isn’t a scientologist…) but they tried to get him thrown out of his condo because a scientologist lived next door, and pull … [Read more...]
That’s Some Ideal Mission
The big push to "go ideal" is happening at the perpetually moribund Foothills Mission. There is in fact no such thing as an "Ideal Mission" -- there is a policy by Hubbard called "The Ideal Org" which is what is used to name the concept Miscavige has foisted off of raising money to buy and renovate a new building for an old church. In fact, the "ideal orgs" don't resemble the Hubbard policy. But there isn't even a policy about "Ideal Missions" so this is even more squirrel... BUT, it's being touted as a new fundraising cause: Now for the big reveal of what is going to become the … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Huh? All you know from this poster is they will be asking for money... The point being? Give us your money of course. Better off sticking with the first 5 words After that, it's just about taking your money. It's vitally important news You need to give us more money. Not so much... But REALLY concerned about whether downtown Clearwater has any future at all How to be unstoppable Brought to you by the people who cannot get anyone to come to their ship even though it's the only place in the universe where the first … [Read more...]
Dublin Ideal Org Fail
More "ideal org" fail. This one is a complete enigma. A single, bankrupt Mission suddenly became an "ideal org". For no good reason. Staff were imported from around the world and Miscavige displayed his ribbon yanking prowess for all to see (well, "all" being scientologists only, who had to be flown in for the occasion to make it look like there were at least a couple of hundred interested enough to pay their respects). Now, reality has set in. Someone alerted me to their Facebook page where they are trying to get people to use their auditorium. This posting has ONE comment … [Read more...]