A recent article by Joe Nolfi for Entertainment Weekly elicited a pretty unhinged response from scientology. The article springboarded off Leah's appearance on Ron Miscavige's podcast Life After Scientology where she and Ron discussed the upcoming Season 3. Scientology's crazy response is a study in "never defend, always attack" mentality (see my earlier blog post for a lengthier discussion of this topic Dealing With Critics of Scientology): When reached for comment on Remini’s Life After Scientology comments, a representative for the church told EW: “Even a cursory review of this fringe … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2018
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Really? "The best in the world"? Chan Man He's winning -- by taking your money! Should be interesting My guess -- no impact at all. Anywhere on anything... A field trip? Wow, you can go harass people for fun. Imagine how much "entheta" these people are going to hear knocking on doors of people who haven’t been near an org in years. Your role in Global Dissemination Absolutely nothing... Yuck Get their start on the Bridge... Tell Psychiatrist their time is up! Yeah, except there are MANY m … [Read more...]
Ron’s Ramblings
It is an endless source of amazement how scientologists buy the idea that every word Hubbard spoke or wrote is some sort of brilliant revelation. Much of it is gibberish, particularly his "research track." Many of the things he stated as absolute fact he later repudiated -- though he typically characterized it as "further research revealed..." But that implies the former assertion of fact was based on research, and not just meanderings he tossed off which then proved not to be fact when he sold a newer technique. And I do mean "sold"... Yet today, the foolishness he wrote about in the … [Read more...]
More IAS Weak Sauce
It's always so good to see the results of the billion dollars the IAS has collected at work. They found a person who handed a WTH booklet to some kids in the neighborhood and they "stopped fighting." If ever there was a monumental accomplishment that explains "what your donations buy" it must be this one. And this is what they CHOOSE to promote? The best they've got. The ultimate.... It is highly likely that this person who gave the neighborhoods kids a copy of this booklet did NOT get the booklet from the IAS. More than likely he or she had to buy their own copy to hand out. … [Read more...]
IAS Membership
The real truth about the international "expansion" of scientology. Sorry, I posted the wrong version of this earlier -- my commentary was omitted. Was rushing to take the family to the airport this morning -- back home to Florida after visiting me in LA. This list of "top FSMs" is a CUMULATIVE total that began on March 13th (the end of the "Birthday Game"). This is the GRAND TOTAL number of NEW IAS monthly "subscriptions" since March. It is LESS THAN 300 in 4 months. These are people who agree to go on a monthly fixed amount of "donation" to the IAS. Either this is a miniscule … [Read more...]
Auckland Ideal Org is Clearing New Zealand For Realz
On January 21, 2017, Auckland was graced by the presence of the Dear Leader himself, yanking his red ribbon in semi-public view (only his dedicated followers are allowed to catch a glimpse of the great man in person) as he swung open the doors to another of his "gifts to the community." 18 months later, they have apparently (and proudly) produced their 8th clear. That's 5 or so per YEAR. That is what passes for "ideal" as far as scientology is concerned. The population of the country is 4.8 million, growing about 200,000 per year. There is no other in the entire nation (even though … [Read more...]
The “Exact Person” Behind the “Entire Drug Epidemic”
More bizarre news from Denver via IAS Freedom Medal winner Meghan Fialkoff. While Denver HCO are busy trying to ferret out whether anyone in their field is NOT disaffected, they had some pretty remarkable news (though you have to wonder if there was anyone there to hear it). Apparently, like L. Ron Hubbard announcing the exact 12 men on planet earth who were trying to stop scientology, it seems Meghan Fialkoff has found THE PERSON responsible for the "entire drug epidemic and drug pushing" in this country. This has got to be a powerful dude. Anyone who attended this event, I would … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
This week seems to have a lot of "Why I donated" items. Maybe stats are down on the ideal org/IAS front? In that regard, I repeat the notice I first posted yesterday: NOTICE I am interested in hearing from anyone who has given money to scientology and suffered financial hardship/crises as a result, and especially if you then tried to get to get your money back and were unable to do so. Please write to me at [email protected] with the following information: How much money in total you gave Which orgs you gave it to The consequences for you and/or … [Read more...]