My old friend Janis Grady sent this to me and I found it quite amazing. These are some quotes taken from the booklet entitled Brainwashing. L. Ron Hubbard had this distributed by scientology in the 50's. He wrote it, but published it under the name of Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin's infamous head of the secret police. Hubbard never officially acknowledged he had written it, though it was reported by early scientologist John Sanborn that he witnessed Hubbard doing so. But what is undisputed is that Hubbard pushed the booklet (commonly called the Brainwashing Manual) through the HASI. Also undisputed … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2018
Flag OT Committee
The always entertaining Flag OT Committee just sent out their latest minutes. Lots of interesting information in here, I have highlighted some of the lowlights. But the big news here is that the ONLY ideal org ever to have its stats up week after week... The ONLY one EVER. Isn't that amazing? they seem to think this is great news! All those other ideal orgs are not expanding. Just like we have been saying. Poor old Columbus couldn't even get a single person to the Maiden Voyage to represent them. And now they're striving for 1000 onto Solo NOTs. Forget about 10,000. Don't forget … [Read more...]
The Danny Masterson Cover Up Continues — How and Why
The Daily Beast article about the Danny Masterson case provides further insight into the back-story of the, so far, non-prosecution. There are many more details that have not yet seen the light of day, though it seems they will either come out in a trial or in stories in the media... I wanted to comment on the responses from Masterson's lawyer and scientology's anonymous "spokesperson" (Dave come on out...). First, lawyer Marty Singer's quote: This is fairly typical. It's all "old news" and "nothing to see here because he has not been charged with a crime." And when he is … [Read more...]
More Denver in Distress
Here is the "Interrogatory" that preceded the "HCO Summons"... This is pretty revealing. Not attending events "expected of Scientologists." Appearing to drink excessively? Failing in some area of life, "yet do not seek Ethics help"? "Scientologists who are not participating" or "helping OTC"? Can you imagine the state of this "org" that this is what they are devoting their time to? The moral police. Not resembling much the oft-proclaimed “what is true for you is true” and “you don’t have to believe anything in scientology” and “think for yourself”... They clearly have n … [Read more...]
Terra is back with another thought-provoking essay. Hiding I am wary of leaders who don’t show their faces in public. Since they didn’t assume their lofty positions by being shy, I assume they’re hiding something. The higher their standing, the more dirty little secrets they need to keep buried—and the more suspicious I become of their motives. Down the Rabbit Hole Ron Hubbard started down this road to reclusive behavior not long after Dianetics was disparaged by the mainstream health industries in the middle of last century. He lectured to dedicated followers via courses … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
“Our strategy to a whole new level!” The squirrel buster in charge is hosting a fundraiser! And that world without psychiatry? It’s way closer to a world without scientology... Really? From an alley... who had this brilliant idea? 40 years of nothing And now they think giving money is going to accomplish something. It's a festival Desperate for anyone to show up for anything... Bring in the outsiders... Flag public seem to be the only ones left to support these "ideal" orgs. Oh, and the kids... Love those k … [Read more...]
Denver in Distress
You can bet this is not an isolated example, just happens to be something sent to me in the last few days. Apparently things are pretty grim in the Denver "ideal" field. Can you imagine someone who IS disaffected responding to this command to come in to be investigated? But policy says HCO can issue a "summons" -- and policy is NEVER wrong. So, they do the most asinine things and then a whole lot of explaining as to why it didn't work "too much suppression", "the SP's are going wild" etc etc What is most interesting about this is how contradictory it is to the hype they sell … [Read more...]
It’s Only the Money
Well, this is as blatant as it gets. The "OT Committee", according to Hubbard policy is to help orgs expand and get people onto and up the bridge. That is apparently "old" "tech". Nowadays their role is to exclusively collect money. And that about sums up the state of scientology today. After sending out the above, the next notification is this: Well, let me take one guess as to what this "new" program consists of... Nothing to do with getting money of course. … [Read more...]
Listen to Ron
Through the manufacture of fear, scarcity and even hysteria -- individuals in society can be brought under control and conformity. This is a quote from Hubbard that is perfectly clear and one he apparently took to heart (They don't actually give his quote about the true danger of the atomic bomb which I bet is a beauty based on his "research" on the danger of radiation...) Fear and scarcity? Like what scientologists are taught about scientology being the ONLY HOPE of mankind in endless trillions of years and the last chance before black nothingness descends on the universe? Or that … [Read more...]