I happened across this 2012 article in Natural News and thought it worth republishing here because of its obvious relevance to scientology, especially David Miscavige (see also my related blog article In Celebration of a Sociopath from 2014): One of the more offensive duties of being an investigative journalist is taking out the trash -- exposing liars, fraudsters, con artists and scammers for the people they truly are. Each time we investigate a sociopath, we find that they always have a little cult group following of spellbound worshippers who consider that particular sociopath t … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2018
Ebony Awakening
This should be fun. Alfraudie is being brought in from his IAS world Regging Tour -- hanging with his NOI buddies and only $500 a head? How exciting could a weekend be. Hard to top this. But don't forget to bring ALL your checkbooks and credit cards. There are a LOT of regges at Flag in addition to Alfraudie. Here is the full line up. The only scientologists they could get were 3 white businessmen. Two NOI people -- one doing Group Processing (that's NOT Dianetics...) and then a non-scientology Minister from LA who is involved in CCHR. I guess scientology … [Read more...]
Exchange…or Scientology: Must Be Contributed To
Terra Cognita is back with another thought provoker... Exchange...or Scientology: Must Be Contributed To L. Ron Hubbard wrote that there were four types of exchange. The lowest and most undesirable of these was criminal exchange in which people take without giving anything in return. A classic example is the thief. The second type is partial exchange, where you order the world's strongest widget and it breaks the first time you try to use it. The third form is equal exchange. I give you a loaf of bread; you give me three dollars. I work at Jabberworks Computers; they pay me a monthly … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
RB is still under the weather, the flu going around is nasty. Fortunately, there is a treasury of timeless archives to select from. Hopefully RB will be back next week, razor wit at the fore. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Columbus is DOING IT! Not really. Lots of action about Columbus this week. There must be a fundraising mission there... This org seems to have been designated as one to be on the line up for a Miscavige ribbon yanking ceremony and they are trying to squeeze as much money out of the suckers before central reserves foots the bill. It's always an indicator when you see the same old Flag whales giving money... Space for 370 New scientologists They couldn't round up 370 new , OLD or deceased scientologists in Columbus... 168 Students I can almost … [Read more...]
More Words from Ron
Here is some more gibberish from L. Ron Hubbard -- taking a "small bit" from OT VIII to explain that because drugs "threaten the body" a thetan reacts by "mocking up." "Of course," Hubbard says without explaining why it is "of course," he mocks up more reactive mind (why exactly instead of something good?) and thus "under threat" he goes "out of present time." Whatever. This is a lot of assertions about what happens in just a few words... All of accepted as gospel truth though there is nothing cited to explain this. "Ron says" and so it is true. Someone at … [Read more...]
What Are Ideal Orgs Really All About?
Here is ALL you need to know about the so-called "ideal orgs"... It has NOTHING to do with "expanding scientology" or "servicing the public" or anything other than MAKING MONEY. This guy is not a scientology official. He is not in church management. He is not even on staff in an org. His ONLY claim to fame is that he gives a lot of money to scientology. Why is the only qualification for the KEYNOTE speaker at this"convention" is how much money he has given and gotten others to give? Because that is the only thing that is important. … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Hagiography
Though there has been an "official L. Ron Hubbard biographer" since I first hired him in 1991, there is still no L. Ron Hubbard biography. "LRH biographer" or more often now "The Biographer", Dan Sherman spends his days penning prolix fluffery for David Miscavige to read from a teleprompter at his "international events" and Ideal Org ribbon yankings. Over the span of 25 years, the silver mullet and his team of biographical "researchers", headed by Andy Lenarcic, have gathered an enormous amount of information, photographs and artifacts about the life of L. Ron Hubbard. They have … [Read more...]
The Real State of Scientology, St Louis Style
It's been a year since St Louis org sent out the last edition of their magazine (Clear View) that included recent course and auditing completions. St. Louis "services" many surrounding states, including the eastern half of Missouri. Western Kentucky, Southern Illinois, Iowa, Arkansas. St. Louis itself has a population of nearly 3 million. Here is what they have accomplished in the last year. Donna Williams by the way is a staff member at the org. And the girl at the bottom, Allie Lane, was raised in Scientology. She is the daughter of STL Org Executive Director Chad Lane. Needed to clea … [Read more...]
Danish Kids in Danger
Something needs to be done about this. Apparently Danish schools believe their children are going to be educated by hearing a lecture from the DSA and watching "An Introduction to Scientology"... This would be like "educating" children about child sex abuse by having them attend a briefing by a representative of NAMBLA. If you are in Denmark, perhaps you can do something about this. Unless these kids are provided a balanced perspective with all the information, this may result in them being lured into scientology sometime in the future. And while we are here, those stats are nothing … [Read more...]