RB has been under the weather a bit. Thus, an oldie but goodie... … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2018
Thursday Funnies
Well, if you're so good at this... How about generating ANY expansion in ANY org ANYWHERE? Kevin Wilson was touted as the person who was taking over Valley Org. That place is deader than a doornail. Why not go there and prove you can accomplish anything? No commissions? Bring a blanket... A picnic basket, friends, family and MOST IMPORTANT -- your credit cards and check books. All of them. The Raiders of the Empty Bank Balance will be part of the double feature. Remember, nothing is free in scientology. Secret location... This is a … [Read more...]
CSN Desperate for Content
Apparently the CSN is short of content to put on the air. If you have ever tried to watch it, you will know this is true. They have about 24 hours of total programming that they repeat over and over. It's almost entirely the same stuff on today as was airing the day it launched. I know many cable stations repeat some programming, usually their hit/important shows. Not everything they broadcast. CSN should have a tag line — “Groundhog Day brought to life.” So, they are asking people to send them free stuff they can air. Sort of like a "Writers of the Future" for film and documentary makers … [Read more...]
Black PR Around Scientology?
OMG surely not, with the advent of ScientologyTV there is black PR in the air? Your questions answered? I wonder if they will address these: How come we have ideal orgs and they are empty? Why are there no NEW orgs? Why are there no new missions? How come nobody is curious? Where is OT IX and X? Can you show me a mf Clear? If the tech works 100% of the time, where is everyone? Why no new celebs in scientology for 2 decades or more -- what are they doing at CC? Why don't we ever see our OWN governments adopting LRH tech -- how come it's always somewhere we have never heard … [Read more...]
Scientology Fake Photo Shoot
They actually sent this out. Perhaps the most blatant admission ever that their photo ops are staged fake news. No doubt this photo (if they actually got anyone there) will be touted as evidence of how booming things are with “10x the number of graduates at ASHO” or some other blatant lie. What is so amazing is that the participants become willing partners in the deception, almost proud that they are helping to show the world how scientology is expanding. … [Read more...]
Clear on the 1st Dynamic? I Think Not
Our old friend Terra Cognita has provided another thought-provoking essay. Clear on the 1st Dynamic? I Think Not When people weren’t going “Clear” during Scientology auditing, L. Ron Hubbard—or someone within the church; I don’t know who—decided that pre-OT processing only cleared people on the First Dynamic. “Clears” were told that they no longer had their “own reactive mind.” In other words, people who’d been audited on Dianetics and the Grades were now superhuman and self-determined, but still screwed up on their other seven Dynamics. Apparently, seven-eighths of their problems and hang-up … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies on Saturday
Showing the world how it's done... Seriously? The same 6 orgs in Australia since the 1960's -- half of them are "ideal" and the other 3 virtually don't exist. That's how it's done? Curiosity? We didn't think so... Wonder how much goes to the Sheriff's Dept? $5 to the PAL and $100 to Winter Wonderland? For nothing they get to use the Sheriff Dept name... There's no free lunch in scientology Be forewarned, this IS a reg event. This is too... An "intensive" of humanitarians... Now they have half … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Big News about OT VIII
Sorry, circumstances have conspired against the Thursday Funnies today, I shall try to prepare them for Saturday, but even that is not a certainty. Meanwhile, some fascinating news from inside the bubble... The big news is or the little stats variety. I am sure scientology would hype this like they hyped Dave's "medal" that has now been disowned by the Colombian Govt. It will fool some bubble dwellers, but for the rest of the world, this is pretty startling. Remember, they have been promising the release of OT IX and X now for more than 20 YEARS. They have been pushing, HARD, to … [Read more...]
The “Reactive Mind”
L. Ron Hubbard came up with a theory that he explained at great length in his book Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health. He presented is as scientifically proven fact, which it was not. Scientology to this day STILL claims that scientology is where science meets religion -- and the most fundamental "science" is the so called "discovery" of the Reactive Mind. Hubbard describes the Reactive Mind this way (this is taken from the "Technical Dictionary" and is the first definition): REACTIVE MIND, 1. a portion of a person's mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis, … [Read more...]