The Pride of Africa Get it? Pride... Problem is nobody is "rising up"... They're sinking into oblivion. Artistic ability Perhaps you could find someone who has some to design your next poster. This is an abomination. You have it all As long as all does not include time or money. Or your own thoughts. Going St Hill Size Hahaha. First step, a single car in your parking lot and anyone on service. One of the deadest of the dead ideal orgs. Might as well have a poster "Going to the Moon, join us." This is Auditor's … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2018
Miscavige Panic
David Miscavige, leader of "the world's youngest and fastest growing major religion" is unwilling to appear in public, and afraid of ever doing a media interview (let alone appearing in court). So, he relies on his in-house propaganda organs to hype his accomplishments as a "true leader". The "Dear Leader" moniker has already been claimed, so it seems he is trying out a new one for himself. Here is one of the promotional items for the latest puff piece in Freedom magazine. 22 likes in a day? That's not impressive. I guess they didn't info the click farms on this one. Probably once … [Read more...]
Headhunters Part II
The reward has gone up! Just last week it was $250 to $500. I wonder where this instant money is coming from? Certainly not from Orlando's Financial Planning Committee... Perhaps they have a whale who is tossing in some bucks (rather than joining staff themselves -- too smart for that I guess). Wonder if anyone is left in the housing they arranged for the Orlando "staff" who were flown in for the grand opening? You can bet that place emptied out a week after the ribbon yanking. They proudly announced at the time they were up to 120 staff. If they have 12 staff today I would be … [Read more...]
CCHR Not Supported by IAS?
Hold the phone. Breaking news. The IAS proclaims over and over that the "wins" of CCHR are "thanks to your support of the IAS." Anyone who has been around CCHR or the IAS internally knows that is an absolute lie. But the public facade continues. Yet, it's hard to keep things like this totally secret. And here is more evidence. And how about this statement: There are currently 3 non-SO staff... How are there ANY Sea Org CCHR staff? This is not a "Sea Org" organization... And then a new one arrived about something else the IAS proclaims is all "thanks to your donations to … [Read more...]
More Reefer Madness
Following yesterday's post by Terra Cognita (Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard and Reefer Madness), I thought some words direct from the horse's mouth might be of interest. It was published in Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health in 1950 and remains the word of God (Hubbard) to this day. The chronic alcoholic is physically and mentally ill. Dianetics can clear him or even merely release him without too much trouble for alcohol is apparently not physiological in its addictive effect. With the whole range of chemistry to choose stimulants and depressants from, why the government chooses a … [Read more...]
Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, and Reefer Madness
Our old friend Terra Cognita is back with some more thoughts... Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, and Reefer Madness LRH was hung up on dope. If drugs weren’t the scourge of his universe they were certainly a bane of his existence. LRH convinced himself and his followers that drugs were invented by evil psychiatrists quadrillions of years ago in order to control and enslave people. According to him, we’ve been popping pills since the beginning of time, and drugs are a major cause for our dullness. Ironically, he was never able to treat his own dependency and died a lonely and addicted man … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
1000 Basics Completions... 10 years later and they still don't have 1,000 people done on the Basics? There are more than 1,000 staff in LA?? And NOW she is equipped for eternity? Guess those OT levels were sort of a waste of money if you can get this from reading books. Don't miss the mega announcement Don't spill the beans -- it's all about getting your money. We have an army fighting the battle Sounds inspiring, until you realize the "army" is 5 people and the battle is against every reactive mind on earth. Wow, 13 people started a … [Read more...]
Scientology Staff Headhunter Bonus
This is a new one on me -- and also a reflection of just how desperate things have become inside the "ideal orgs." Why not offer the person who joins staff the $500? It will be the last money they will get from scientology, and they will need it... Instead they are giving money to anyone who can offer someone ELSE up to join staff (presumably they are too smart to do so themselves). "Hey, if you volunteer someone else for this suicide mission we will pay YOU good money." They used to give commissions for selling books and getting money in. Now they are doing it for getting staff … [Read more...]
More Words of Wisdom from Ron
Here is another astonishing statement from L. Ron. It's accepted as true by the bubble-dwellers, but in fact, it is evident that studying scientology in fact makes you dumber. The more you study, the less you believe you need to think for yourself and the more you are convinced that all you need do to have the answers to every question in life -- from why am I crazy to how do I wash windows properly -- is to "do what Ron says." That does NOT make a more intelligent person. You can bet there was no "actual testing" at all. But Ron said it, so it must be true. This is taken … [Read more...]