The STAAD League have weighed in on the only thing they care about -- what is happening on Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. Apparently it is the only thing they exist for, which is quite a compliment. For the self-proclaimed champions of free speech and purveyors of epic humanitarianishism these guys have a pretty big blind spot. When Louis Farrakhan and his IAS Freedom-medal winning defender Tony Mohammed roll out the anti-semitic rants, the STAAD League is conspicuously mum. Not a peep. Ever. When we do a show that highlights victims of abuse, they go apoplectic. Not … [Read more...]
Archives for November 14, 2018
Aftermath Aftermath
The first new episode for a long time aired last night, a special on the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's unlike anything we had done before and I am interested to hear your feedback. I watched Twitter and Facebook as the show aired on the East Coast, but have not yet caught up following the West Coast airing. Once again, I want to thank the brave contributors who were willing to sit down and bare their pain to the world in the hope that it will bring some comfort to others who have suffered similarly, and perhaps prevent someone from having to suffer in the future. And my special … [Read more...]