Archives for January 2019
Thursday Funnies
There are a lot of postulates happening this week... Reg Event When an event is put on by the FSC Office -- you know it is for only ONE purpose. This makes sense... To nobody. Let's make Brisbane ideal -- because we are proud of a dingo fence? You know this would be the same reason Adelaide and Canberra should be ideal. They too are protected by the same fence... Clear the dingos! Come as your alternate identity Wow. Talk about out of valence... No reason for them But as Ron says, letters out = Gross Income. So, we will just … [Read more...]
St Louis Blues – An Epic Ideal Org Scam
In truth, every "ideal org" is a scam -- but some are scammier than others. Boston comes to mind. New Haven and Battle Creek that have sat empty and neglected for more than a decade. But St Louis might be the greatest scam of idealiness of all. In terms that scientologists can really relate to -- it is epic, monumental and watershed. Here are a few relevant details: In 2007 scientology bought a new building that was to become their "ideal org." In 2010, the org ED, Chad Lane, announces in the St Louis Post Despatch * "the nearly 65,000 sq.ft. building is the ideal size for expansion in t … [Read more...]
Holocaust Remembrance Day
According to Scientology and CCHR, this is a day to "honor survivors of human rights abuse". That is verging on holocaust apologizing -- calling the mass murder of millions "human rights abuse" is like referring to the Titanic as a "boating accident." They are also going to "challenge" the predjudice [sic], discrimination and hatred in our own society today. Here is a tough question for you Dakota. Are you inviting the Freedom Medal Winner Tony Mo to your event? Oh, looks like he is busy doing a speech elsewhere -- including on the poster promoting his speech some of the most disgusting … [Read more...]
There is a lot that could be covered on the topic of WISE -- including how it was created by Hubbard to "get scientology businesses off the backs of orgs" on the basis of his conclusion that orgs were not expanding because staff were moonlighting in scientology businesses and were thus "off purpose" (in fact it was only to be able to earn enough money to live, but Hubbard's answer to that was "make the org make more money and you will get more pay.") WISE today pretends to be something separate from the "Church of Scientology", in fact they state the on the "What Is Scientology?" website: By … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie and STAAD’s Hypocrisy
Someone recently pointed out some of the letters that are on the STAAD website complaining that The Aftermath might cost scientologists jobs. Among the strange things they accuse us of, this has got to be one of the weirdest. First, we have never asked anyone not to hire scientologists for any reason nor have we given anyone a reason not to do so. But more importantly, scientology knows very well that hiring or firing based on religious belief is clear-cut discrimination that is delineated in Federal Law. Scientology knows this especially because various WISE members have faced … [Read more...]
The “Mike Rinder Problem”
Scientology has come up with a new attack line -- the "Mike Rinder Problem." It is quite an honor to be singled out so specifically, especially as I am according to them merely a "bobblehead" (though a "wife-beating" one so that is apparently a bigger deal). They shifted their attacks from Nancy Dubuc to Paul Buccieri in a deft strategic move. Their clever PR maneuvers are a sight to behold. According to scientology, the "Mike Rinder Problem" is this: "Like the classic wife beater that he is, Rinder digs in his heels and refuses to admit he injured his former wife Cathy during an i … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
RB is traveling to visit family so we have an oldie but goodie this week... … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
The "group" above all... This encapsulates "scientology think" in two sentences. Chris Music? Bet it was amazing. Who is he? World and Latino music... And regges. Lots of regges. Always a great way to ring in the New Year. CO WISE Speaks I thought WISE was a "secular" organization? Hell, they go to GREAT lengths to claim the "technology" they insert into businesses is NOT religious. Because that would get them sued... Yet here he is, "Mr. WISE" selling Clear, Dianetics and whatever else at "church" of scientology … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie’s Invisible Friends
Fast Eddie Parkin is a source of continuing entertainment and blog posts. Here is a new one from him -- he seems to be falling into a pattern of quoting anonymous people who supposedly send him messages. Perhaps he is hearing body thetans and misidentifying them? He has been a Sea Org member for 30+ years but is still not OT 3... But you realize Eddie, this might actually have been written about The Aftermath exposing the abuses by "individuals and organizations" (like you, Dave and scientology) -- and along with a nice picture of Leah this could well be a promotional item for the … [Read more...]