Yesterday's post about the fake scientology tours brought some other interesting things to light. First, one of the scientology "fronts" that smears whistleblowers announced that the Ft Harrison is "for scientologists only". When Aaron Smith-Levin pointed out that Lisa Mansell had lied to the Chamber of Commerce, the "Truth Newsroom" quickly "clarified" that it's "open" to Non-Scientologists if they "don't show up unannounced" and "where there are community events being held." But things became even more bizarre when someone dug up this EventBrite invitation to the "Tour" (which … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2019
Another Day, Another Lie: Clearwater Edition
A new press release about the Fort Harrison hotel is more important for what it DOES NOT say than what it does. Scientology puts out these paid puff releases pretty routinely. I came across this one accidentally, and of course, the lies flew off the page. Everything that emanates from scientology is designed to create an impression of normalcy that is part of the grand deception. This is no different. They proudly announce they provide "monthly tours" to the public. They see the 9th floor. A room. The lobby. The Auditorium. And a restaurant. Hardly a "tour". 21 people (though … [Read more...]
Scientology: Children in the Sea Organization
This is a follow up to yesterday's post about scientology promoting for 3 month old infants to get "auditing" and children being put through the grueling Purification Rundown. This is the next step in "get em while they're young." Signing up 10 year olds for the Sea Org. This kid cannot be more than 10 years old... likely younger. And there appear to be 2 Sea Org members standing over him, as he signs his billion year contract. This is not an isolated random incident that happened to be caught on camera. Here you can see this boy and another kid on stage. The “AO L … [Read more...]
Children in Scientology
Some have been incredulous when told that young children participate in scientology auditing and training. And that it is PAID FOR. Well, here is a new promo piece from the "ideal" org in Pasadena, right under the nose of Church of Scientology International. They are promoting to bring in your children 3 MONTHS AND UP for "group processing." Yes, 3 MONTHS. I have never seen this before. It is really desperate when an org is promoting to service 3 month old infants. This is not something sent out on April Fool's Day.... Here are a couple of other … [Read more...]
Nancy Cartwright: Scientology Fundraiser
Nancy Cartwright has long been a prominent "fundraiser" for scientology ideal orgs. Not that she hasn't given plenty of money herself. She was the single reason Valley Org was able to buy and renovate that monstrosity on Burbank Blvd that sits empty as a weekend flea market on Wednesday (every day of the week). For a long time they didn't mention her name at all. Then she was known as "Our Royal Guv, Princess Warrior and official Valley Rockstar Goddess" and various other equally insane "titles." Eventually she just started appearing as Nancy Cartwright, fundraising pitch woman for Ideal … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Come up to present time... You can't even be a cause point to get your derelict building renovated after a decade? So you are going to rely on the fact that some ships sailed from your harbor hundreds of years ago to cross the Atlantic with people fleeing religious oppression to explain how you “are doing it” now? Delusion. And what exactly is all? A bellhop vest? Momentus. Forever marked in Manchester history... Get over yourselves. Anyone can rent a room at the football stadium. BobbleRinder could hold a more significant event the … [Read more...]
Tony Muhammad Searching for a “Good” White Man – “I might have found a half of one”
Tony Muhammad, poster child for the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) -- continues to preach hard and loud about the horrors of the White Man. Apparently he is unaware that the IAS is heavily white. He also hammers away at Jews and the media. Of course, there are a lot of ethnic "Jews" in scientology, some who even loudly proclaim that they ARE Jewish AND a scientologist. But he won't get any argument about the media - Hubbard hated the media and thus scientologists hate the media. But you have to wonder, where is Fast Eddie and his STAAD League? Why are they not taking a s … [Read more...]
What is a “Wog” in Scientology
Hubbard used the word "wog" to describe the world outside of scientology. Non-scientologists are all wogs. Thinking or acting in a way that is not in keeping with what scientologists believe is right is "woggy." Things seen to be irrational in the eyes of scientologists are deemed to be "wog-think." It is a derogatory, condescending and ugly term. Some scientologists have sought to defend its use, claiming "It's not racist". The term (a contraction of golliwog -- an old "blackface" child's doll) was something derogatory and racist. Here is the information from … [Read more...]
How Big is Scientology?
The question as to how big scientology really is comes up often. The organization does not make its membership figures known though they have a good count with the total number of IAS members. Of course even that is inflated as it is notoriously difficult to get OFF a scientology mailing list and as long as they can still send you junk mail you "count" on their statistic. Over the years, spokespeople have variously claimed 4, 6, 8 or 10 million "members" but then refuse to define what a "member" is though a few times they have stated it is "anyone who had bought a book or taken a service … [Read more...]