Archives for May 2019
The STAAD League – Champions of Hypocrisy
This is the latest piece of self-praise that appears on the phony "STAND League" website. Everyone knows this is simply a front group run by the Office of Special Affairs International and their Twitterer-in-chief Fast Eddie Parkin. They claim they fight for religious freedom and against bigotry and hate -- but in fact the majority of their efforts go to "dead-agenting" Leah Remini, me and the brave victims of scientology abuse who have been on our show. With no new episodes airing, they have little to write about. So while Fast Eddie keeps tweeting about us, they put up a few things on … [Read more...]
Scientology and Psychiatry
You trace what is wrong with this planet and you trace it straight to psychiatry. L. Ron Hubbard If there is one thing everyone can agree upon about scientology -- ardent fans and ardent critics alike -- scientology HATES psychiatry and all things psychiatric. Why? Hubbard originally sought the blessing of psychiatrists and the American Psychiatric Association for his theories in Dianetics. When they rejected him as a quack and Dianetics as "nothing but the bunk," they instantly became his sworn enemies. Overnight he shifted from seeking their approval and support to proclaiming … [Read more...]
The Real Story of the Freewinds
With the recent outbreak of measles on the Scientology ship, Freewinds, Leah and I thought it important to highlight some points that are the real story about this ship. With the exception of Newsweek, generally the media is missing the boat. Their focus is on a case of measles rather than the bigger picture of the Freewinds. To directly answer the least important question: Do Scientologists believe in vaccinating? Most Scientologists have little faith in “Wog” (non-scientology) medical care. L. Ron Hubbard believed medical doctors wanted to maintain their monopoly on "heal … [Read more...]
L12 Scientology Hype
Here is some extra special hype about the "Flag Only L Rundowns." Hubbard made a LOT of money selling these things, promising "stable exteriorization" -- though not a single person EVER has accomplished this "end phenomena." Not one. Not ever. And what is amazing -- everyone KNOWS this and carries on with the charade. The next person who finishes L12 will come up produce a "glowing" success story about how astonishing this “tech” is and pretend stable exteriorization is something that HAS been accomplished! Their future promotional pieces will continue to make the same false clai … [Read more...]
I wanted my family to be Patrons of the IAS, to support the only religion that is really changing and bettering conditions for mankind planet-wide. I became inspired because it would mean that we would become guardians of our religion and, more broadly, for every being on this planet. Since our original postulate to become Patrons of the IAS, we have been working towards the status by making regular donations and it was a huge win for us when we recently achieved our Patron. Since then, every member of my family has become more active in Scientology. We are all moving on the … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Envoy Extraordinaire This is all they get for a few million? A crappy certificate? No bowling trophy? And "Representing LRH to the world"? With a hall they will never get built? Movies? For free? They must be showing the Way to Happiness movies... Or some other propaganda from scientologyTV... And "pre-mother's day" means what? Joining the Sea Org Don't do it! This car is your best means of escape when you need to.... The end of the mystery Solved! We just need more of your money. Hear from "guest speakers" and "multiple humanitarians" -- … [Read more...]
Front Groups — Narconon Lies
This is a screen shot of a recent discussion with Narconon on their website. The person asks: "I've heard your group is part Scientology, is this true?" The answer: "There is no Scientology related. "We are a non secular program" The first sentence is simply a lie. They are ABSOLUTELY "Scientology related"... The second sentence is either a typo or a terrible misunderstanding of the word "secular" -- I am sure they meant to say they ARE secular. Because if they deny their scientology connection, they are certainly not going agree that they are affiliated with … [Read more...]