Its pretty easy to tell what gets under the very thin skin of David Miscavige. His (violent?) outbursts of frustration are evident in the statements that emanate from the STAAD League. While Miscavige has poured tens of millions into the failed scientologyTV network and shouts loudly about winning “Telly” awards (something nobody has ever heard of and a quick glance shows they hand out hundreds of them for online ads and infomercials), he becomes apoplectic when real awards are presented to Leah Remini and The Aftermath. Funny how scientology always accuses others of doing what they do … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2019
Meet Your IAS Fundraiser
There is really nothing else to say about this other than “Shame on you scientology.” We often mention the concept of big thetans in small bodies, but this is a despicable low. A modern day Oliver Twist with the IAS Reg at Kyalami Castle adopting the role of Fagin. And it seems to be business as usual.... … [Read more...]
The Upside Down World of Scientology
This is a microcosm of so many things inside the shrinking bubble world of scientology. Selling guy is trying to offload his “OT” bracelet (at a loss of course, anything scientology is ALWAYS overpriced) to get money to do the Purif. Probably REDO the Purif. After all he was "going OT" or was already OT back in 2012. But then of course, the first time he did the Purif it was "out tech." I wonder if the "success story" from the first, second and third Purif he did was real? Did he actually have the gains he attested to? If he did, why redo it? Simply because it is a way of soaking money … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Pasadena for Ventura? Why? You need to concentrate on Pasadena because your place is EMPTY. Drove past there the other day and not a soul to be seen anywhere inside... Maybe you could get out of the chicken suit and start doing something to try to make your own org produce anything at all. It's EPIC They're Gods and Goddesss. Pity they are so powerless they havent been able to renovate a building they purchased 15 YEARS ago... St Hill Size Founding Staff By the time they reach St Hill Size the founding staff are all going to be … [Read more...]
Battle Creek BS
The bs just keeps rolling when it comes to the "ideal orgs" campaign. The small, failing org that was originally in Ann Arbor, Michigan has never been more than a tiny mission. This “ideal org” story begins back in 2001, even BEFORE the official launch of the Ideal Org program. They were unable to pay their rent and had to move. A building was on the market in Battle Creek for cheap. This is a small town 50 miles west of Ann Arbor (which is on the outskirts of Detroit metropolitan area and is home to the huge University of Michigan) in the middle of nowhere. Battle Creek only has a pop … [Read more...]
Harlem Ideal Org Massive Fail
Harlem was opened as an "ideal" org on 31 July 2016. That is 3 years ago now. In that time, they have made 40 Clears. Forty. A little over one every 4 weeks. And according to them this is "BIG" news at the #coolestorgontheplanet. Well, hell, if they are doing so well and are so cool, the standards have dropped pretty low in the world of scientology. They're not going to be Clearing NY any time soon. In fact, they are going backwards on achieving that goal. Slightly modifying someone's adroit recent comment: this is like jumping over the sofa and declaring … [Read more...]
Kansas City Corn
It's a Disney dream from the deluded bubble-dwellers in Kansas. This is absolutely bonkers. Walt Disney spent time in Kansas City, so you should join org staff to make an ideal dream come true. What's next -- "the Kansas City Chiefs were good last year, but they need to be pushed over the top to make it all way. So join org staff." Or, "We are famous for our corn here in Kansas, so join the corniest team on earth?" Meanwhile, in Los Angeles the STAAD League are protesting outside Disney HQ because they are such "bigots"... Scientology has a hard time keeping their stories … [Read more...]
Repair of the “Black” Family?
It would appear the NOI ethnic is pervading scientology. Nobody in their right mind would conduct a seminar called "Repair of the White Family." They would of course be labeled as racist. Why wouldn't this simply be "Repairing the Family" (no matter what the skin color?) When the NOI gets involved, apparently norms fly out the window. Because they consider they have to fight for the black man in a white dominated world. They do not allow whites to attend their services. They are militantly pro-"black" and and anti-"white", especially Jews. Remember, this is the organization … [Read more...]
Scientology Celeb Tag Team – Friendship in Scientology
Our old friend Terra Cognita has returned with another thought-provoking commentary. Scientology Celeb Tag Team – Friendship in Scientology Our good friends the Johnson’s (not their real names) show me an example I’ll never forget of more bright ideas in the church. Many years ago Lallie Johnson went to Flag. She said to me before she went, she was afraid that her tiny inheritance from her mom would vaporize. She was worried and looking to me to buck her up. I wondered how to help her and not get written up. I told her, “you’re not required to tell them that you got an inherit … [Read more...]