Scientology always wants to have its cake and eat it too. And they want you to buy the cake. And they want you to give them money so they can buy a cake. The never ending demand for money is one defining feature of scientology (along with lies, serial abuses and familial destruction). It’s the same story with ideal orgs - give us your money to buy and renovate buildings that we will own, then give the IAS money so they can buy and renovate the same buildings because this is what they do with your money. ”But I already gave to CCHR/ideal orgs/WTH campaign/planetary dissemination etc etc … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2019
Sailing into the Sunset Part 2
A continuation of the post from Wednesday "Sailing into the Sunset." They kindly include a sort of "Summary" for each continental area and their progress towards "ideal" status. It is quite revealing. They also have a key that details the different "milestones" along the way to actually getting a new building. Woohoo -- what used to be a single "accomplishment" of moving into a new building (this happens all the time in the "wog" world, in scientology it is some major accomplishment) they have now broken down into 8 separate "accomplishments" so they can pat themselves … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
RB has a week off -- summer time... This one reflects on a Maiden Voyage of earlier years. Nothing has changed, except they're shrinking. … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
An Ideal Continent... Yeah, they cover all of Asia and if they can just get those last two orgs in Adelaide and Canberra done they will be ideal... No org in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam or Mainland China AT ALL. But hell, who cares when the ones they have are "all ideal"... Gathering in the back alley... Arms crossed. Sunglasses on. What could be cooler. Make $400,000 a year selling OCA's... Hahahaha It's a "special" briefing Another code word for fundraising Go for the kids... Their parents … [Read more...]
Sailing into the Sunset
The Annual "Maiden Voyage" celebration aboard the Freewinds was as underwhelming as it was overhyped. I have finally found a few minutes to review the International Scientology News edition reporting on the "week of events"... A few things of note. Of course, the feature of the magazine was Captain Miscavige, Chairman of the Bored, Ecclesiastical Leader of the Scientology Religion for Tax Purposes Only and leading candidate for the role of Uncle Martin in the Netflix remake of My Favorite Martian... He still proudly (and cynically) wears his "wedding band" so nobody asks him … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Clearwater “Interfaith” Pitch
Hubbard policy (HCOPL 3 Feb 1969 PUBLIC IMAGE) states: " have to go civic, go outside Scientology, get support, organize committees, plot out campaigns, work for outside finance, etc. "In handling the above public image policy, you don't announce the policy. "You can and must ally with real humanitarian and civil-rights groups (getting press coverage for every such contact." The question to be asked is, why would ANYONE wish to attend an event like this and be used by scientology in their attempt to gain credibility? Are the people who might participate in this … [Read more...]
More Words of Wisdom
Something called the EUS Leadership Project is selecting L. Ron Hubbard quotes they think sound profound. This first one is simply bizarre. And here is another in a similar vein: But this third one is the charm. It takes the "Superior Being" concept to a whole new level: Who do they think this appeals to? Leftovers from the Third Reich? And what is the EUS Leadership Project? I can only guess that EUS still has a bunch of orgs that must have a ribbon yanking ceremony. Most of them already have buildings - some for decades. That’s the e … [Read more...]
The Brainwashing Is Strong
Not much need be said about this, it really does speak for itself. She no doubt believes they are "Clearing Los Angeles" and it is a sad reflection of the mindless belief that is the hallmark of scientologists. And, on top of that, she has the inculcated "tech" of Tone 40 that she has been told is her right as a member of the Sea Organization. Thus, she can order lesser beings about, and use exclamation points as if they were cracks of the whip compelling compliance. Her "OT Universe" is the fantasy land of Alice in Wonderland -- or perhaps more accurately the dystopian world of … [Read more...]
The Briefing Course
Look what St. Hill is promoting... The wonders of the (empty) Briefing Course -- the greatest course ever taught by L. Ron Hubbard. In the halcyon years of scientology in the early 60's he delivered more than 400 lectures to students who had come from around the world to learn at the feet of the master. It has been promoted since that time as the most complete and comprehensive study of scientology that made the best auditors. You truly were not a professional auditor of any stature unless you had done the "BC" and became one of "The Dukes of the Auditor Elite." Yet, since GAT II there … [Read more...]