Bargain Basement I thought interns were supposed to audit staff? Austin is on Fire Competing with Kansas City for the greatest city on earth... I have included one full poster and then excerpted a string of the "Why Austin" reasons to save space... This is apparently why you should move to Austin to join staff there. Not that ANY of this has any impact on your life as a staff member. And this is what you get... Emptiness. Stay Classy ACT My 7 year old could put together something more aesthetic than … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2019
The “Model” Ideal Org
4 years ago, David Miscavige turned LA Org into the "model" ideal org by importing 200 Sea Org Members and turning it into a "Sea Org" org (specifically not the model for orgs around the world...) This is supposed to be the shining example of what a Class V organization could be (if manned with 200 SO members)... They have just sent out an announcement celebrating 4 years of model idealiness. The idealiest org of all has 200 staff working a Sea Org schedule, 9am - 11pm 7 days a week and produces 665 "Clears and NED Case Completions" in 4 years.. Let's just call this 600 Clears … [Read more...]
Scientology is NOT a Business… Wink, Wink
Scientology repeatedly claims: "We are a religion engaged in matters of the spiritual plane, not the worldly." They managed to convince strong arm the IRS into granting them tax exempt status as an exempt "religious" organization on this basis. Their words AND actions (believe what you hear AND what you see) prove that is just a facade. Normally this promotional piece would be another one of the Thursday Funnies -- there are literally HUNDREDS of similar items from scientology organizations all over the world claiming that scientology can make you "flourish and prosper" and give you the … [Read more...]
Occupy Territory
Scientology likes to say they are not trying to compete with psychiatry. But the reality is that despite Hubbard saying he had developed the Introspection Rundown and thus gotten rid of the last reason for psychiatry to exist, Hubbard's policy remains that no "institutional" cases or people with "psych histories" are allowed in scientology orgs. In 1972 Hubbard was intent upon using "Big League Sales" to get governments to offload psychiatry and take on scientology. No explanation though about what to do with those in institutions or needing treatment for severe mental … [Read more...]
A “Fact” to Wonder About
A new trend in scientology "promotion" is for orgs trying to "go ideal" to promote the virtues of their cities. They seek to recruit people to man these "ideal orgs" from other areas of the country and presumably other nations. There has recently been a competition of sorts between Columbus, Austin and Kansas City over the virtues of their respective cities, ranging from the number of fountains ("more than Rome") to proximity to vast numbers of people ("within 600 miles of 50% of the population of the US) and of course "best BBQ" or "live music capital" or "lots of universities"... It's a … [Read more...]
Newsflash: JLo & Kathy Griffin Conspiring to Destroy Scientology for Money
The crazy keeps getting crazier. The unhinged Minions of Miscavige spew increasingly insane rantings as the walls close in on their bubble of belief. Anyone suffering under the illusion that "author" of this latest conspiracy theory, Ryan Prescott, is some wayward "lone-wolf" scientologist acting on his own, please know this is NOT the case. Nobody, especially not a scientology org staff member, takes OSA Matters into their own hands. They ONLY act in concert with and as fronts for OSA or they are shut down instantly. He might as well announce himself officially as a member of the STAAD … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
RB is taking a well deserved long weekend for July 4th, so we have an oldie-but-goodie. When I look back on all these masterpieces from RB, I realize how timeless they are. They truly capture the insanity of scientology, and as that insanity will never change, at least not until Ron returns from Target 2 (havent heard of "Target 3" so once he is done with 2 he can come back and straighten out the mess he left on Target 1). … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
It's the 4th of July. Happy Independence Day to all the US citizens that come here. Come celebrate with us Scientology style Of course, scientology uses the 4th (and any other holiday they can latch onto) as a fundraising excuse. Bring people in for bouncy houses, $1 hot dogs and face painting and unleash the regges... Surely there isn't anyone left that doesnt know what this is all about? The other big news this week... Shermanspeak extravaganza in all orgs as the silver mullet rolls out some more fantastical stories about the incredible … [Read more...]
We ARE Going St Hill Size in 3 Weeks For SURE
I just happened across a copy of this letter from February 2015. This was the big push to try to get a St Hill Size org for March 13th. There hadn't been one for more than a decade (and there still isn't one today -- importing Sea Org members to man LA Org doesnt count, nor does sending Sea Org members to Africa to man a new "AO") and this was becoming embarrassing. So a "12 man Sea Org, Saint Hill Size Mission" was sent in to ensure it happened. They failed. Obviously. It didn't get announced as SH Size in 2015, nor in any year since. And anyone who has been by the Pasadena … [Read more...]
Atlanta Is Going to Die Trying
Remember these posters above featuring Atlanta as the exemplary "ideal org" that had expanded by 10X upon having its ribbon yanked? Well, here is the REALITY ... We have seen a few of the "Letter Reg" letters from Atlanta over the years. This is just the latest. It comes with a bit of back story that indicates the desperation level of this empty org. The recipient of this letter, Doug, was only at Atlanta once in his life for about 3 days. They have been chasing him for YEARS, trying to “recover” him. They don't even know his LAST NAME! Yet, still they pursue him all … [Read more...]