Sadly, too many people pass away without the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones. Those who die in tragic accidents or without warning. Others in other cities or countries that make it logistically impossible for a final face-to-face meeting. Some are estranged for whatever reason and don’t reach out to them, even when they often regret it as they take their final breaths and it has become too late. Then there are those who have had their familial relationships sundered by their beliefs -- that it will be spiritually harmful to associate with “non-believers” or those who have bee … [Read more...]
Archives for September 30, 2019
More Words of Wisdom from Ron
It is quite remarkable the level of foolishness a devoted scientologist is willing to accept if it is the words of “Ron.” As I have mentioned often, all that is required for any scientologist to buy into the most incredible statements is to attach the letters LRH to the end of the sentence. It is so absurd that it is seen as especially “impinging” if the statement is nonsense on its face. This seems to be proof that the “LRH quote” is profound — something us mere mortals perhaps don’t have the capacity to comprehend. The condescending “good scientologist” will assume the knowing look of “how … [Read more...]