Here is a new video from Tampa Org (with 58 likes and 3 comments). They promote themselves as both "Ideal" AND "SH Size" -- in fact they promote themselves as the FIRST ideal and FIRST SH size org. They even start out with the humble assertion "What does every other Org want to be?" Well, let's take a look at what every org on earth aspires to. Because Tampa has given us a wonderful glimpse of just how much they actually accomplish. They kindly provided statistics for the last decade as significant accomplishments that everyone else should be jealous of. It is a good measure of the … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2019
The L. Ron Hubbard Hall Money Making Machine
Scientology is still hard at it, raising money for the completely superfluous auditorium they say they are going to construct next to the Super Power building. And they are sending out new promotional pieces about it at an increasing rate. This is a very recent fundraising letter and there is also a whole magazine devoted to the subject: This is the cover of the mag... It is a strain for them to come up with reasons why anyone should be giving money to such a boondoggle. That this is going to be an event hall "large enough to hold every international … [Read more...]
Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and Scientology
Marlow Stern has written an excellent piece in the Daily Beast concerning the relationship between David Miscavige, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman: How Nicole Kidman Almost Got Tom Cruise to Leave Scientology. It is the 20 year anniversary of Eyes Wide Shut, the Stanley Kubrick film that was the catalyst for them nearly breaking away from scientology. There is little to add to Marlow's excellent reporting other than to reiterate that this piece highlights the inhumane practice of disconnection in scientology. Scientology claims disconnection is a "personal choice" -- but in reality the … [Read more...]
We Did It!
Ah, the pride of a false sense of accomplishment! My daughter and her OSA handlers put out this happy message of Christmas Cheer. "We Did It! I got my father fired." It is pretty incredible how blatantly they follow Hubbard's dictates to cost "enemies" their jobs. Such a cheery "holiday" message from the "church" that believes "there was no Jesus" and that those who believe in him are the victims of psychs who "implanted" them. Scientology claims they cost me my job, and they are proud of this. It's not a true statement, but then again, most public utterances … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
RB is off for XMas. Here is a very appropriate earlier edition... … [Read more...]
Happy Holidays
No matter your religious affiliation or belief, in a large part of the world, including the United States, today is a day of celebration and joy, a time to be with family and friends, to forget the day to day problems of life and enjoy yourself. I hope everyone who comes to this blog does just that. I know I will be. And I'm going to take a day off with the family tomorrow. See you again on Friday. … [Read more...]
Characteristics of Mind Control Cults
Steve Hassan has recently published a new book: The Cult of Trump. I try to keep politics off this blog, and so I request the comments NOT devolve into discussions about Trump, the Democrats, Hillary Clinton or anything else political. It would be unfair to Steve to NOT credit his book, so I have done so. But I would prefer to focus on the aspects of CULT rather than the aspects of Trump. For the record, I found the book both fascinating and enlightening in his analysis of mind control, cultic leaders and how they get people to follow them, regardless of its political implications. Steve … [Read more...]
How Many Churches of Scientology Are There?
Just how many churches of scientology are there? If you ask scientology, they will never tell you. You can look up on and count the number of listed churches of scientology -- but it's tedious and they don't make it easy. But it is around 150, the same as it has been for decades. You can also try to count the number of missions, that is even more difficult. But again, it is around 300 (and many of these are VERY part time affairs, open a day or two a week). The best they will do is offer that there are "10,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups" without … [Read more...]
Orlando — Flag East
They have made a big deal about how Orlando is an “ideal org”, it is also clear that it would not have happened without the Flag OT Committee. They did the fundraising. They did the files. They recruited staff. Orlando would not be ideal were it not subsidized by Flag. But now we find out the org is actually MANNED by Sea Org members from Flag! More of the ruse of "ideal orgs" on display. Scientology pretends they are in response to "public demand" and "curiosity" about scientology, which is "rapidly expanding" in [fill in blank]... The truth is that these orgs don't … [Read more...]
Your Goals and Purposes in Scientology
One of our faithful readers sent me this promo piece with a bit of background that illustrates the inherent dishonesty that is part and parcel of being involved in trying to sell scientology... Hi Mike, Every New Year's our org would promote that they were having a New Year's Admin scale workshop. I dodged it for years and one year I found myself really in need of a new look at my business to just inspire me to start the new year. So I called the person planning and I said if I go to this thing I want to do a admin scale for my business not for the ideal org or whatever. She said oh … [Read more...]