This is a recent posting on the Patheos website -- which is really just an outlet for any content the scientology propaganda machine can generate. Some of it offers good insight into the minds of scientology. This article, by T. Riggs Eckleberry (ex-SO -- he was just Riggs back then) is another of them. It starts with a premise that is entirely false. Namely that scientology is "truth" and proceeds to build on that false assumption from there. His first sentence asserts that of course scientology is true: “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. S … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2020
Mark Bunker’s New Scientology Hit Squad
Clearly scientology is worried that Mark Bunker is proving to be a viable candidate for the Clearwater City Council. They are now resorting to one of their tried and true tactics against those who worry them the most (see below in this blogpost for earlier examples of the same playbook). Following is a series of short videos of a recent candidates forum. Scientology sent along a gaggle of hecklers to disrupt Mark's statements -- pursuant to the policies of L. Ron Hubbard. Unfortunately, there is no video showing their faces -- perhaps next time when both Aaron Smith-Levin and I … [Read more...]
An Ideal Scientology Family
A recent Facebook posting, coupled with the blog post about my daughter yesterday, prompted me to write this today. Mirit Hendrickson is a full-on scientologist known for her "VM videos" -- donning a yellow t-shirt and heading out to look for photo-ops during hurricanes that she then posts all over social media to prove the "effectiveness of the tech." Her life is immersed in all things scientology. So it is hardly a surprise that her children are being raised as part of an "ideal" scientology family (which includes joining the Sea Org as soon as possible). As you can … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Latest Lie About Me
While there have been many, many lies propagated by scientology about me, it still surprises me sometimes when they offer up new ones. This appeared a few days ago on my daughter's blog (though she is just the name and face that is used -- this garbage is written by the same people that churn out the drivel that appears on the STAND League and Freedom smear sites). The idea that I committed some grievous bodily harm on my ex-wife when she and 6 others stalked and accosted me in a doctors parking lot in 2010 has been thoroughly debunked on this blog (see Mike Rinder: "Lady Killer") … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
That Cristian Vargas sure gets around... He seems to be the only person organizing events these days? Big news From a "former" investigative reporter and a retired Army officer. I am sure they are experts. Just as sure there will be a lot of correlation without causation involved in this (almost by definition you have to be mentally ill to engage in a mass shooting -- how come scientology hasn't yet "taken over the field" on mental healing and handled this problem? Are they not just as responsible as "the psychs" who they claim know nothing but they have ALL the … [Read more...]
“New” Scientology Churches in the Last Decade — “Expansion” Debunked
This is an article that recently appeared on -- and it proves scientology "expansion" is slower now than it was 10 years ago, even when measured by their ridiculous standard of number of buildings renovated. Here is what is listed in this article of the scientology churches around the world (not the CLO's or AO's): 2010 JAN 23, 2010 -- Brussels JAN 30, 2010 -- Quebec City FEB 6, 2010 -- Las Vegas APR 24, 2010 -- Los Angeles (not even a new building?) JUL 10, 2010 -- Mexico City JUL 18, 2010 -- Pasadena JUL 24, 2010 -- … [Read more...]
“Auditing on The Level”
Another illustration of the crazy that is the scientology bubble. And it gets worse the higher one progresses on "the Bridge." I am not questioning that there is a problem with over-prescription of medication or too much diagnosis of depression or anxiety. I am questioning the bizarre conclusion: "I am auditing on the level, which ultimately will handle the disgusting goals and purposes of that criminal profession." How these deluded OT VII's can possibly believe that getting rid of their body thetans is going to handle psychiatry is something I would love one of them to explain … [Read more...]
More Scientology Speak
This was a comment on the recent post that I felt deserved more attention. It comes from long-time commenter Mockingbird's blog Mockingbird's Nest and was originally published in December 2015. Many of the quotes here are very important. I include the whole post unedited. Not every statement within it is the way I would have phrased it, but nevertheless, overall I find this to be an important addition to the discussion about scientology and how it controls people's thinking/minds. Mockingbird says: I’m not making any claims about being smarter than anybody here, but I … [Read more...]
Scientology Fake News
Scientology is like a Hollywood set. It presents an appearance to the world when depicted on camera, but the reality is something entirely different. This is a recent announcement from the Tampa org: Scientology routinely exposes their blatant lies with its own promotion. Tampa touts itself as the model St Hill Size Ideal Org -- the best Class 5 org on the planet. Yet it doesn't have enough "bodies in the shop" for a photo shoot of people reading LRH books? So they round up anyone from anywhere, sit them in chairs, and pretend they are all just in the org "reading LRH … [Read more...]