Please watch this short, self-explanatory video. It is important for Clearwater citizens to know that one candidate for the City Council is on the ballot and he is not afraid of scientology. Mark Bunker will represent the interests of the citizens of Clearwater. He is a smart, kind man with a backbone of steel. He will not be intimidated or cowed by bullies of any sort. Please take a moment to do what you can to support him. You don't need to be a citizen of Clearwater. Scientology wants to make Clearwater the first scientology city. Note, they say "First". If they are not stopped in … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2020
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Interesting questions... How do you create your own universe? Just close your eyes and pretend. It's easy. And what about guaranteeing your OTness in the future? Just give money. In fact, the answers to ALL questions: Give us your money and we will promise anything. Clean Body Clean Mind A new take on the Purif? You can do it in the shower? Anything to try to attract some warm bodies Wonder if the Jive Asses are going to make an appearance? Is Swing a thing? They put out a promo piece for this? They are so short of completions … [Read more...]
The Ever Evolving Smear Campaign on Me
The latest from my daughter Taryn Teutsch... Much of the same old stuff, but here is a new addition. The rendition of this story has evolved over the years, despite the fact the clear evidence contained in the Pinellas County Sheriff and EMT reports has not changed. It began with claims that I "attacked" my ex-wife (when she and 6 others and 2 PI's) had followed me and approached me screaming obscenities, all the way to "permanent neuorological damage" to "I could hear the bones breaking" and now "gouged flesh pouring with blood". None of these things are reflected in the … [Read more...]
Cults Explained
I watched an interesting show on Netflix last night -- the episode of the "Explained" series entitled "Cults." Each of these shows addresses a different topic and tries to give an objective view to explain it to people who are curious or just don't know. It's only 25 minutes, and it is by no means comprehensive. It does not mention scientology and includes cult apologist Reza Aslan (among others) but nevertheless, anyone who has been involved with scientology will find plenty here that parallels our experiences. And it gives some perspective that there are lots of cults and they each … [Read more...]
Elect Mark Bunker
A very simple message for Monday morning. If you live in the local area, these yard signs are now available. I put this one in front of our house yesterday even though we don't live in Clearwater. Perhaps someone who does live there and can vote will see it. If you want one, or you want to help get Mark Bunker elected to the Clearwater City Council, contact him at his website Mark Bunker for Clearwater City Council. Stand up to bullies. Support Mark Bunker. … [Read more...]
Scientology Juvenile Pranks
Scientology continues to carry out its juvenile attempted annoyances. We get strange magazine subscriptions. Anonymous "hate" emails. The guy who walks past and checks out our house a few times a day and shows up when we have visitors (he lives in a rented house around the corner -- there aren't too many available in our neighborhood). Now they kindly made an application for Christie to get a job at Circle K.... Not to make light in general of the Fair Game practices of scientology, they are grotesque. I just find their juvenile behavior to be ridiculous and have to comment … [Read more...]