See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. Marty has been doing a good job of exposing the unalterable policies of the church concerning dealing with perceived enemies. One aspect not much discussed is who are the "outside professionals" hired to do the dirty work. And while there is a lot that is done by Sea Org OSA staff, Class V (local DSAs like Mark Warburg and John Carmichael) and public Scientologists (John Allender, Ed Bryan and Co) there is work that requires specific skills, including licenses to … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2020
Shelly Miscavige Guarded By Armed PI’s first published Feb 7 2014
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. Vanity Fair just published an article about Shelly Miscavige. It presents part of the story of the Miscavige's to a wider audience -- both David's violence and ruthlessness and Shelly's efforts to curtail him only to ultimately become another of his victims. Of course, it cannot cover everything and there are some details omitted or confused. But there is a fascinating piece of the story Vanity Fair did NOT tell. And it confirms a great deal of what WAS wr … [Read more...]
Proof of Expansion (Where’s Shelly?) first published Nov 29, 2013
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This one is near and dear to my heart -- the day we flew the banner over the assembled sheeple waiting to be allowed in to the "Big Tent" set up in Clearwater for the IAS event. Believe it or not, this is the best proof Miscavige has of His "expansion." Everyone knows the stable datum that "the squirrels go crazy when we are expanding" so they MUST be going totally crazy: q.e.d. we ARE expanding. This afternoon, the barricades went up and the armed … [Read more...]
Disconnection — Scientology’s Nasty Secret
While Scientology spokespeople have routinely denied that “enforced disconnection exists”, anyone who is familiar with the Corporate Church of Scientology knows only too well about disconnection. Like so much else in the Corporate Scientology empire, its an ugly truth to be hidden from the “wog” world through a game of carefully worded deception of the same order as Bill Clinton’s infamous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” When you see a church spokespeople emphatically state “there is no policy of enforced disconnection” in Scientology, the language is carefully chosen. (Yo … [Read more...]
The IAS — The Black Heart of the Scientology Vulture Culture first published May 13, 2013
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This is some interesting history and background on the IAS. The history of the International Association of Scientologists is worth knowing. Its initial value (in 1984) as a repository of funds outside the reach of the IRS in 1984 may be debated. It seemed like a good way of protecting money. The IAS had nothing to do with the “Portland Crusade” though David Miscavige has made it part of his history now. (As a note, the "winning tradition" born in Por … [Read more...]
Johannesburg “Ideal” Org — Truth Revealed first published 2 April 2013
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This details the reality of an ideal org from an insider at the time. Things have only gone downhill since.... I have written a number of articles concerning the Miscavige “Ideal Orgs” scam. I have compared it to policy and shown it is squirrel. I have pointed out how it has destroyed the LRH Birthday Game and the idea of staff moving up to OT. But this write up puts everything into perspective. Strip away the hype and hoopla, the lies and false pro … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to My Family first published on 25 May 2010
See my announcement on Friday -- I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. While I might write this a bit differently today it still overall delivers the same message... Dear Andrew, Taryn & Cathy, You made a big issue out of my failure to respond to your letters, so I am responding herewith to the letters each of you sent. I note that Jude sent me a letter when I was living in Denver – but didn’t send another in the second round after I moved near where she lives, and Benjamin didn’t send me a letter at all. I guess the Church is wor … [Read more...]
Family Vacation
We are taking a one week vacation with the family and friends. During this time, it will be difficult to do new postings. I have selected a number of earlier favorite and most popular posts to republish. I have opted primarily for older ones, things that current readers may never have read before -- mostly from more than 5 years ago. There is nothing scientific about the selection. Just what I came across that took my fancy. Things will return to normal on the 15th of March. Some of these postings are worth a new read or reread in light of events that have transpired since they … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
They were the heros of the Big Balloon Bust of Ventura Why aren't they doing something about Ventura instead of giving money to the non-existent org in Albuquerque? Just who is this guy? And why would anyone want to give him money? Another week gone... Still the same number of man hours needed as last week? Any excuse to try to attract some wogs... Hopefully. Maybe they think there is no Spanish-speaking Google so they can get some suckers? Oh, what a thrill... Would not want to miss out on a live-streaming … [Read more...]