In lieu of Thursday Funnies, we have a few things that have flopped over the transom that make for entertaining reading in these strange times. If you were wondering what the Sea Org "management" people are doing (in the Continental Liaison Offices and at the Flag Bureau) this gives a clue. The "managers" in EUS are "delivering" extension courses. With the orgs having little or no income, these management units are really struggling to come up with a few dollars for food. Their income, meager as it is, comes from the orgs. When the orgs make 0, the SO Units make 0. The difference is, in … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2020
10,000 On Solo NOTs Rah Rah
I did a posting in February 2014 entitled 10,000 on Solo NOTs Update. At that time, they announced they have 6,433 who were "on or through" Solo NOTs. That is more than 6 years ago. And they were "targeting" to to be at 7000 by the end of 2014... Not even close. In those 6+ years, they have advanced 1317 or a bit over 200 per year. Of course, that is if you take their figures at face value. Which is always a risky proposition when it comes to scientology statistics. They are stat manipulators and fakers par excellence. You know they have not removed the dead or declared from this list. … [Read more...]
“The Hole” – A List of Prisoners
I recently came across this list of people who had been in The Hole at one time or another. (For anyone unfamiliar with The Hole, it has it's own Wiki page) I don't think I ever published it before, and I am not sure anyone has ever made a comprehensive list of people who were prisoners there. Quite a number of the people who were there have left the Sea Org. Some have spoken out about it (they are marked in red) and some remain silent to this day -- either through fear (of retaliation or disconnection) or they have been paid off. They are marked in blue. If you have information … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Flag OT Committee
Some news from the Flag OT Committee. Like to keep up with them every now and then just so there is a record of their zaniness. This first one was obviously from a week or so ago. I found it especially interesting they brought in someone from Italy on the basis they are "booming" and have "highest ever stats going on!" You just cannot get much more out of touch with reality than that. At the peak of the horrific pandemic crisis in Italy they are promoting their highest ever stats... And we also have a list of "BridgeFlow Superstars" that I have put in searchable format for … [Read more...]
Crazy Scientology Letters
We have all seen some crazy "Letter Reg" letters emanating from the bowels of scientology over the years, but I think this one has to take the cake. The foolish letters are based on Hubbard's brilliant administrative "technology" which is laid out in stone. Every executive in scientology knows this quote -- published in ALL CAPS: GROSS INCOME SENIOR DATUM THE SIZE NOT THE QUALITY OF AN ORG'S MAILING LIST AND THE NUMBER OF MAILINGS AND LETTERS TO IT DETERMINES THE GROSS INCOME OF AN ORG. IF THIS IS NOT KNOWN AS A SENIOR DATUM TO EXEC SECS AND KEPT IN BY THEM THEIR CONDITION IS … [Read more...]
The IAS COVID-19 Pitch
I was waiting for the latest IAS chapter of disaster capitalism, and once again they have not disappointed. You can always count on the IAS Regges to use a disaster to try to cash in. Here is IAS Hall of Famer Freddy Hunkeler doing what IAS Regges do best: Highlighting how terrible things are and that if you just hand over your cash to the IAS you will be "making a difference." Actually the ONLY thing you will accomplish is to increase Freddy's stats. Absolutely nothing else. The IAS is doing nothing to "help bring sanity and calm to our environment.” The extent I& their accomplishments … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on Christianity
Had I been thinking straight, I would have posted this yesterday on Easter Sunday. As is often the case, I am a day late and a dollar short. Though I can try to salvage some face by noting Easter Monday is a major holiday in Australia and a lot of other countries... I have done a few earlier posts about Hubbard's view of Christianity, most notably Can Scientologists be Christians or Jews Too? But while looking for some other materials I came across some interesting things I had not seen before. In 1954, looking to increase the revenues of scientology (it is a long sordid tale of … [Read more...]
More from the Scientology Bubble about COVID-19
Here is some more "thinking" from a good scientologist about the "alleged" virus and "alleged" pandemic. Of course, every organization and group has its fringe crazies and it is unfair to paint all scientologists with the same brush... But it is also true by my experience that when it comes to issues relating to the medical/mental health arena, scientologists do tend to be proudly on the fringe. A healthy disbelief, or even contempt, for these professions aligns entirely with Hubbard. He practically mandates it as an article of faith. On the whole, I would say a way higher percentage of … [Read more...]
What Do Scientologists Believe About COVID-19
I received a copy of a promotional piece from the Dror Center. It's one of the few successful "independent" scientology groups. Let me say at the outset that Dani and Tami Lemberger are wonderful people and personal friends and I thoroughly enjoy their company when they come to visit with us. They founded and still run the Dror Center. I do not subscribe to their views concerning scientology, but they try to help people and do no harm. No disconnection. No Fair Game. No hard sell regging. What this promo piece does is give insight into the way scientologists view COVID-19 without the … [Read more...]