This is a photo taken last night of the New York "ideal org." While it is understandable in light of the nightly rioting in many US cities, including New York, it highlights a point that I often make here. Scientology routinely makes grandiose claims of their accomplishments that are disproven by the reality of the world around them. In this case, it's their own front door. They say Way to Happiness is bringing peace and calm to neighborhoods, societies and nations. You just need to get it into the hands of the people and they suddenly realize the errors of their ways and peace is … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2020
L. Ron Hubbard — The Answer to Everything
It takes time to unravel the scientology mindset. Perhaps it never happens, especially for those raised in it. I know I am still working to untangle my thoughts from those inculcated in me from a young age. And when one of the first ideas hammered home is that Ron has provided the answers to all of life’s problems and that all you need is to “do what Ron says,” it sets you on a path to formulating a world-view that is shaped in every way by “Ron.” There is a defining characteristic of scientologists. Certainty. Certainty that they alone know the path to happiness and spiritual enlighten … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Valley Vultures Circling Again
These Valley vultures just never stop. For some reason Valley is promoting the 100,000 chillies "game" That's another thing? Why are they always using euphemisms for money? It's "steps" or "miles" or "chillies" but never dollars? By the way, are chillies supposed to be chilis? Or is this some "gangsta" term they are using? Like "when they gave us the check we got the chillies up and down our spine"? I wonder if they think it sounds too crass to say dollars? Or are they worried about sounding too commercial? Do they think this is fooling anyone? Why would they WANT to fool … [Read more...]
Scientology’s White Savior Complex
Karen De La Carriere alerted me to this video that was posted on YouTube on 18 May by SkepticShe. I was not familiar with Lauren before seeing this. Obviously she has done previous videos of interest that I will catch up with. Her irreverent honesty reminds me of one of my favorites -- Carrie Poppy of Oh No! Ross and Carrie fame -- though Lauren is much snarkier. Anyone who reads this blog knows I have a snarky streak and I enjoy her mastery of the snarky burn. Lauren analyzes the "Decade in Review" International Scientology News that is a rehash of the "big" New Years event. Her take … [Read more...]
WISE Advice for Scientology
Here is some expert advice from WISE that scientology could use. The first line is an eye-opener. Just think of this. Scientology CLAIMS they have a product NOBODY can do without. And they have an absolute monopoly on it. Everything in the business is copyrighted and trademarked to be sure there is no competition. It is not just the cure for all illness, mental AND physical, it is the answer to all problems on earth and in the universe and has the ability to restore you to native state as an "Operating Thetan" capable of creating the entire universe, being in complete control of all matter, … [Read more...]
It’s “Virtual OT”
Truth in advertising? From scientology? Must be inadvertent. There is plenty of evidence that there is no such thing as an "OT" despite what Hubbard claimed. But now, it seems we are getting closer to the truth in the scientology claims about this. Now we are seeing "virtual OT's".. I wonder if there is really any difference between a "virtual" OT and a fake OT? Or one that is a "mental image picture" or even just pure imagination? These virtual OT "NCB's" (New Civilization Builders - they actually use this term with a straight face) don't seem to be able to get their act … [Read more...]
UK “Pub Quiz”
This is a really weird one. Surely it is some form of fundraising -- but with a 25 pound "entrance fee" and "top prizes" being awarded, even if they got 20 people to sign up (doubtful) they're not making much money... Or maybe the quiz is "How much money do you have available?" "Can you apply for a loan?" "Have you taken out a second mortgage on your house?" "Do you really need a second car?" But you have to wonder: Why aren't they doing their extension courses? And how is this better than bowling or other dilettante activities Hubbard was so derisive of? A Pub Quiz? Seems … [Read more...]
Some PR Advice from L. Ron Hubbard
I came across this the other day. It is relevant to nothing current, it just encapsulated so much of Hubbard's approach. His overriding concern with "bad publicity.” His remedy was not auditing -- which he claimed was the only cure to "aberration" and bad behavior -- but to "beat their teeth in personally." I assume this piece is from an OOD's item on the Apollo, he was a little more careful in his broad public statements. Though "I would have taken such a screwball out of the running so fast he would have thought he had been hit by a Mack truck, and I don't mean thought-wise" in o … [Read more...]