Oh woohoo, they're fundraising in the Valley again! This is what the person who sent this to me commented -- it sums things up perfectly: Oh, joy, these two again. Hi everybody, we really could give two fucks that you're unemployed, on the edge of bankruptcy, 62 with no savings, have a family member struggling with cancer, risk your health by working when you aren't sanctioned to do so, haven't made a house payment in the last month, etc. Planetary bullbait, you're a PTS POS if you don't help the IAS with it's many helpful (BS alert) projects. Which we never disclose in any way to the … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2020
Scientology in Venezuela
Things are in a bad way in the 2 orgs in Venezuela (one in Valencia and one in Caracas). This is a plea from the ED of the Valencia ("Venezuela") org for assistance. It is full of typical scientology hype about how they are saving the world etc etc. and some wonderfully outdated quotes from Source to make things seem better and pretend they are winning. But harsh reality has set in. Venezuela is in economic meltdown. Hyper inflation. Lack of food. Gas shortages (remarkable in a country that exports massive amounts of oil)... She says they no longer have the resources to support … [Read more...]
Fast Eddie Parkin: Scientology Sockpuppet Hypocrite
The sockpuppet who heads the "Stand League", Ed Parkin, is the poster child for scientology crazy. Fast Eddie has been a low-level gofor in the Office of Special Affairs for many years. As I recall, he started out as Heber's administrative assistant sometime in the late 80's or early 90's and has remained a drone since then. He is the "face" of the "Stand League" and he has his "own" Twitter account. Though I have never commented on any of his posts, and he tweets at me often, he has me blocked. So do the Stand League. And like the Stand League and every other OSA twitter account … [Read more...]
Another Story of Financial Crime Targeting the Elderly in Scientology
There have been numerous stories posted on Tony Ortega's blog of elderly people being scammed by scientology registrars (here is the most recent example). One of our commenters recently sent me this, from December 2018. It is a write up that 82 year-old Margaret Williams did to be converted into an affidavit. The commenter does not know what happened to Margaret and if she got her money back as she has not been in touch. Hopefully, she was made whole and is happily getting on with her life. If not, she should probably contact Graham Berry and ask for his help. Just another example of … [Read more...]
Oh Canada
Here's some news from Canada. It's a pretty good snapshot of scientology across the planet. The hype about Extension Courses is going to come back to bite them in the butt once the lockdown is over. "Intensive gains" from reading books. Who needs auditing? If this is so good, why would anyone ever need to go into an org again? It's going to be interesting to watch how many people use this as an excuse to avoid coming into orgs in the future. It is pretty funny that after two months they are still "accelerating towards 10X." With the staff and Sea Org pretty much idle, they are … [Read more...]
“No Reging”
This is a bit old. I had overlooked it and then noticed "No Reging"[sic]. This is a very interesting development. John Alex Wood is still alive and kicking? Who knew? But more importantly, I think this is an indicator the pandemic is going to have a significant long-term effect on scientology. Not only because people are not coming in and paying for services right now and are instead hiding out at home doing a $20 Extension Course, sending in a chapter every few weeks. But because this break is changing the mindset of the sheeple. It's like someone who has had a headache every d … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Hawaii Five-Oh Oh — A Thursday Funny
The "Task Force" to "Save the Islands!" Seriously? Save them from what? They cannot even save themselves. Hawaii has been a small and failing org for decades. And that is being kind. They actually barely exist. That's why all the other orgs have to come to their rescue. I wonder if they realize (probably nobody in Hawaii org is OT III) that this is one of the two most important locations on earth in the Xenu story (along with "Las Palmas" which is a mistake as that is the name of a city, not a volcano or even volcanic island...). According to Hubbard's theories, there … [Read more...]
Taryn Teutsch & Justice4Mom: Theatre of the Absurd
The scientology campaign to paint me as a monster has gone from dishonest, to ridiculous to utterly absurd. I have chronicled the dishonesty and ridiculous claims of "abuse" plenty of times before, ("Justice4Mom" Advertising on Jezebel, Scientology's Latest Lie About Me, We Did It!, and Mike Rinder: "Lady Killer") as have other blogs. This newest entry uses the "crippled for life" tag rather than "I could hear her bones breaking" and her "shoulder snapping" of earlier posts. But now it’s just bizarre. They come up with any excuse to write a blog post in Taryn's name and this one is su … [Read more...]
Stable Data: Keep Flowing to the Org
One thing you can be absolutely certain of. No matter the circumstances, scientology will ALWAYS be asking for money. It is the real Axiom 1 of scientology. Hubbard said it was "Life is basically a static" but that was just an acceptable truth. He really meant to say "Life is basically a source of income." When disaster strikes, it is a reason to give money. When you are unhappy or depressed, it is a reason to give money. When you are doing well it is a reason to give money. When psychiatry is succeeding it is a reason to give money. When psychiatry is failing it is a reason … [Read more...]