This is a recent email from Dave Kushin who we have been hearing a lot from recently. For some reason (actually, it's for financial reasons - somehow he is making something out of this) he is promoting a seminar from the Chan Man. According to this promotion, this is about "aging" and how Mr. Chan only sleeps 2 hours a night and never has a bad day even though he is 60. The implication is that he has found, within the "tech" the answers to aging and not sleeping. Nobody else seems to have figured this out, yet they all have the same "tech" as Chan Man does. I guess he is just smarter … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2020
Regraded Being
“Justice 4 Mom” Gone Silent After Masterson Charged
What has happened to the "Justice 4 Mom" OSA campaign? Not a peep from them since May 11th. When my daughter Taryn, my ex-wife Cathy and their sidekick Sea Org minders from Gold, Maureen Labordique and Chris Maifield showed up at the Denim Day event in LA last year, they were confronted by Danny Masterson victims who called them on their fakery. Tony Ortega wrote an excellent piece at his blog about it, including a video of some of the discussion that occurred. Of course, Taryn and Maureen denied knowing anything about Danny Masterson, but had detailed false information about Paul … [Read more...]
IAS Money Grab Going Strong
They say there are two things that are inevitable: death and taxes. I would add a third: IAS demanding money. This is a collection of just a few of the items that have come in during the lockdown. The "Jewish community"? Really? You can bet the "Real, stable data over the environment" didn't come from the Torah... What is really going on? We are trying to get your money. And that's what we are going to do about it. Nothing more, nothing less. The largest virtual "IAS Event" in US history. Wow, that is impressive. We, as a … [Read more...]
“Children’s” Dumbed Down Way to Happiness
You have to wonder "Why?" The Way to Happiness is about as simplistically written as anything could be. It's been dumbed down ever dumber to attract the under 6 year olds? And it has "colorful cartoons" drawn by the same person who draws the anti-psych cartoons for CCHR it seems... So, I tried to go to the website listed on the promo piece and the address does not exist. I check on Amazon and another children's book called Making Good Choices is all that shows up: I did eventually find this version. I checked a few pages. They HAVE dumbed it down, though the concepts are … [Read more...]
Let’s Go Virtual OT!
The question you have to ask after reading this breathless promo -- why would anyone pay to go to the Freewinds when you can apparently "Go OT" virtually? The second question -- is there any difference between an OT and a virtual OT? Aren't all OT's "virtual" anyway as the state is entirely subjective -- nobody has ever objectively proven that an OT exists. Hubbard's explanation for that was "we don't do parlor tricks." The only time anyone supposedly set out to verify any OT abilities was Ingo Swann and Hal Puthoff trying to turn it into an intelligence tool for the CIA. Nothing ever came … [Read more...]
“Other Practices” — The New Normal
What is this? Promoting yoga! Megan Brazil is a prominent Clearwater scientologist who conducts her yoga classes with prominent, scientologist-owned businesses and now with the Way to Happiness. You have to wonder whether the current world of scientology has anything to do with "the tech" at all these days? She (and the other scientologists involved with her) appear not to know that yoga was considered an "other practice" by Hubbard. "Practicing yoga" is right there on Hubbard's Green Form of case remedies alongside "taking drugs" and "seeing a psychiatrist" as things that prevent … [Read more...]
Trolling Online Meet Up Groups
Apparently this is the latest "successful pattern" for finding people who can be lured into scientology. The South Coast Mission -- one of the best missions on earth according to scientology, is apparently trolling on line "Meetup Groups" to find suckers who can have their "ruin" found and then be offered some scientology service to "help with that." This is the modern day version of "Flirty Fishing". Interesting that the person organizing this Zoom meeting is Tom Woodruff, disgraced former International Finance Director of CSI. This guy once controlled the money of scientology (at … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
RB had another commitment this week, but will be back again next Friday. A special treat for today -- the FIRST Regraded Being cartoon from October 2014. At the time, I noted that I hoped it might become a regular feature. Little did I know we would enjoy RB weekly for the next 5+ years, and they are still coming. It is incredible how timeless these cartoons are. Nothing ever really changes in scientology. And note the signs on the buildings in the background. Classic RB.... … [Read more...]
It’s Thursday…
This recent promotional item caught my attention as one of the more ridiculous pieces I have seen in a while. So it seemed perfect for a Thursday Funny. They're holding a "virtual" event (on 5 July) but you are supposed to "serve your favorite Independence Day food." Is this a virtual leftovers event? The poor fools have been working on "building" their "ideal org" to "create Man's true freedom" for more than 15 YEARS and are no closer to having a building now than when they began. And of course, they will only start creating Man's true (?) freedom once they have a building. Because … [Read more...]