I happened to pull up this posting from April 2015 and in re-reading it I thought it important enough to repost here today. With The Aftermath on Netflix, many new people are being exposed to the horrifying truth about scientology for the first time. And many have the same question as those who have been in the know for some time. How is it that scientology can be tax exempt? This is a pretty good essay that explains in some detail why it should NOT. And it addresses a bit why it hasn’t changed. Unfortunately, with a conservative majority now firmly entrenched in the US Supreme Court, … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2020
Regraded Being
Happy Thanksgiving
It's Thanksgiving today in the United States. It is traditionally a day to spend with family (though in these Covid times everything is disrupted) and appreciate the good in your life. For many who read this they are reminded of the family and friends they are not sharing today with for another reason than Covid -- scientology's inhumane practice of disconnection. But even if you miss a loved one today because of disconnection, you can be thankful that you are not in the bubble, but have the freedom to think for yourself. Those who have disconnected themselves from you do not have that … [Read more...]
Foundation for a Drug Free World — Scientology Front Group
One of scientology's most successful front groups has roped in another beauty contest winner, and hit upon a new way of gaining apparent credibility. Foundation for a Drug Free World has had some success in infiltrating a number of organizations, particularly through the work of Meghan Fialkoff. She has been covered a number of times at Tony Ortega's blog -- one article here. She is a star in the world of scientology. She was awarded an IAS Freedom medal. She is featured on scientology tv and in Freedom magazine. Many of the people she gets on board have no idea their participation … [Read more...]
Episode 18: Mary Kahn from The Aftermath
Leah and I were very happy to welcome Mary Kahn to the podcast this week. Hers was one of the most compelling episodes on The Aftermath - telling the story of her breaking away from scientology after completing OT VIII and the fallout with her family. The airing on Netflix has put her in the spotlight once again. We went into further detail about her story and covered some other topics I am sure everyone will find fascinating. I will include a link to the episode as soon as it is available. We mention a few items I am including here. First, the reporting about Hy … [Read more...]
Close Down Scientology TV — L. Ron Hubbard Says So
This is an email sent around to scientologists recently by one of the bubble zealots. The words of LRH are sacred. I don’t think they even read them before they pass them on half the time. They know they will look smart and get agreement if they quote LRH. So they send out anything and everything. And include the exact source reference -- something from the 50's is valid today simply because it's "important data by LRH." Everything LRH ever said is "important data." Now, the truth of what he says about being bombarded by “heavy particles,” by even a cathode ray tube TV is debatable. I am … [Read more...]
A Primer on Brainwashing
If you have watched either The Vow on HBO, or Seduced on Starz about NXIVM, or The Aftermath or Going Clear about scientology, this article will ring a lot of bells. Many of the specific control mechanisms Dr. Burkley cites about NXIVM have direct parallels in scientology. As she says, "the psychological tricks Raniere used are not particularly special. In face, his ability to ensnare so many victims is rooted in his reliance on several core psychological principles -- principles to which each of us is vulnerable." One of the great accomplishments of The Vow was how … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Clearing The Planet
It's a catchphrase in scientology. "We are clearing the planet." "We are making planetary clearing a reality." There are a dozen different variations. It's a time-honored hot button that is used to get people to hand over money and "progress up the Bridge." One of our readers sent this new promo piece to me recently, with some comments that made me think we should address this topic again. In part, this is what the contributor said: When I looked at this promo piece, it reminded me of the jarring, shocking and unpleasant experience of finally, after clawing my way up into the … [Read more...]
Golden Era Brings Back the Running Program….
I have written a few pieces here about the Running Program -- now titled "Cause Resurgence Rundown" in order to sell it to people as an "OT miracle rundown." It literally consists of running around in a circle to the point of exhaustion and then running some more. That is ALL it is. The Running Program What IS "Cause Resurgence?" Running in Circles Again The "Running Program" began as a means to "crack" David Mayo. Hubbard sent down orders that Mayo (who was in trouble based on reports Miscavige had sent about him) was to "run around a tree until he dropped, get up and run … [Read more...]