One of our commenters (ISNOINews) forward me a link to a wonderful piece by Taylor Holley, a Juris Doctorate candidate at Texas Tech University Law School written for the Law Review. It is titled Auditing Scientology: Reexamining the Church's 501(c)3 Tax Exemption Eligibility. If you click on the link above, you can download the full paper -- it is 27 pages long and summarizes all the facts and legal arguments as to why scientology should NOT enjoy tax exempt status. Below I include her abstract summarizing the paper: Abstract The Church of Scientology is one of the most discussed … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2021
Episode 28: Cultbusting Attorney Ford Greene
Leah and I talk with attorney Ford Greene this week. Both fun and informative. Ford appeared on one of the Aftermath Specials with 9 or 10 other people and unfortunately didn’t get much airtime… I will add the link to the podcast when it becomes available: Ford has fascinating insight into litigating with cults, and especially scientology. He went into the Moonies in 1974 to rescue his sister, but ended up brainwashed himself, staying for 8 months before walking out. He said it took a year after walking out to deprogram himself at which point he resolved he had a personal resp … [Read more...]
First 5,000 OT VIII’s
OK, so they have not been able to get 10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs in 40 years, so they have come up with a new plan. Half as many through OT VIII. The 10,000 is derived from some obscure Hubbard statement about 10,000 people being able to control the destiny of earth. Here is how Clive Rabey put it back in 2014: ORIGIN OF THE 10,000 TARGETThis campaign was primarily based on the following LRH quote:"At any one time on Earth there were not more than about 10,000 people of a caliber that was sufficient to do a little steering or leading. There's only about 10,000 of them, really." - … [Read more...]
Another Ideal Org Fail
So much to unpack here. This is an "Ideal Org" -- Miscavige flew in and yanked his ribbon in January 2017. An "ideal org" that in 4 years, like all the rest of them, has gone nowhere, let alone St. Hill Size. According to Hubbard, they should have attained St. Hill Size in a "matter of weeks" and there should be a Universe Corps team there getting all the staff through their OT levels. Instead, the ED and OES have just now completed their Objectives! Yes, the course that comes right after the introductory TR's course and before any metered auditing takes place. And they are … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Another oldie but goodie this week as RB had a personal matter to attend to. … [Read more...]
House Judiciary Committee Submission of Chrissie Carnell-Bixler and Valerie Haney
These are submissions to the House Judiciary Committee from rape victim Chrissie Carnell-Bixler and abuse victim Valeria Haney. As any readers of this blog know, the fight for justice for the victims of Danny Masterson has been long and painful. He finally confronts the criminal justice system, but the victims also filed civil suits before the criminal charges were finally brought. Scientology has managed to convince judge Steven Kleifield in this case (and Judge Burdge in the Valerie Haney case) that the victims are forbidden to have their day in court, but instead must undergo a … [Read more...]
Sign Up For The Sea Org
This "briefing" is clearly a recruitment event (and of course, if they cannot get you to sign up for the SO or staff they will definitely take your money). How can you tell? You don't have Senior HCO there for a straight fundraiser. They are only there to try to get new staff. I suspect this is connected to the post of yesterday where they announced a "big thing coming" -- the orgs will be expected to send staff for OEC training at Flag. Many orgs don't have anyone to send, so they need to recruit someone. They will use this as a recruitment gimmick. Promising … [Read more...]
The Next Big Thing — The Miscavige OEC
Apparently, the launch of the new Miscavige Organization Executive Course (OEC) is just around the corner. You know the old "green volumes" that contain Hubbard's policy letters on how to run a scientology organization? In fact ANY organization. In fact, the "technology" of how to run galactic civilizations because the system failed after a few million years, so Hubbard improved on it. At least, that was his story. These volumes you see below in a historical photo. Well, since the early 2000's, Miscavige has been claiming they are useless. And has been threatening to put … [Read more...]
Episode 27: Jon Atack — OG Scientology Whistleblower
This week Leah and I welcome the insightful and wonderfully well-informed Jon Atack. (If anyone doesn't know the term OG, it comes from "Original Gangster" and means "someone who's incredibly exceptional, authentic, or “old-school”" and Jon certainly fills the bill). Way back in the 1980's, Jon was a pioneer whistleblower about scientology abuses. He wrote a seminal book "Let's Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky" which was first published in 1990. He has since written two other books on the subject of scientology. Jon was a "public" Scientologist for nine years, until 1983, when he … [Read more...]
Big News: We Nearly Got Someone to Come In
Scientology: the blind leading the blind... Can you imagine any scientology organization being so starved for anyone coming in to take a service that they produce a promo piece about someone who announces a "big win" that someone is GOING TO come in at some unnamed time in the future? This is the true state of scientology today, small and miserably failing organizations. The only thing keeping the place afloat are the whales who continue to hand over cash for "planetary campaigns" and "ideal orgs." They have a single location where they are funneling the few people on service -- … [Read more...]