Surely they are joking... People often ask "what do Sea Org/staff members do all day?" Well, this. For years after Hubbard died -- nearly 40 years ago now -- Sea Org members were dispatched all over the world to find everything Hubbard had ever written or said. This was the primary function of Church of Spiritual Technology which was created to "preserve the legacy" of Hubbard's rambling for all eternity. And the first step was to ensure they had everything. This went on for many, many years. Now, 30 years later someone is trying again? Why? Maybe … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2021
“Ideal Org” (In)Activity
We always say these so-called "ideal orgs" are merely empty buildings masquerading as viable scientology organizations. Perth keeps putting out "briefings" that prove this in their own words. Just think, Hubbard said the MIMINUM to be "viable" and "above the make-break point" was for an org to achieve the size of Old St Hill. Not a single Class V org has stably achieved that status. Just as an idea of what this means, it requires at least 100 auditors in training in the Academy and 1000 auditing hours a week. This would translate, conservatively, into 25 … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Study in Scientology
Recently, some have expressed the view that Leah is incorrect in stating that a minimum of 2.5 hours per day of study is mandated of you in scientology. There have been various people who have commented on this "this is not my experience" and "there is no Hubbard writing that states this." Most of this is missing the point: whether you agree with the mandated 2.5 hours statement, scientology places enormous demands on its membership, far more than mainstream religions. It is the only organization calling itself a religion where there are services that you are expected to show up for on an … [Read more...]
ONLY on the Freewinds…
It is pretty remarkable that the "OT Ship" is now specializing as the place to go to do the Purif. The ONLY place in the world? What about the Narconons? They are advertising that they are open? But they don't count? Actually, I bet there are plenty of places you can in fact do the Purif -- New Zealand and Australia come to mind. They are conducting sporting events with capacity crowds.... In fact, there are probably places in the US where they are delivering the Purif. Maybe not in California, but Texas is ignoring recommendations on Covid protocols... Seems this is most likely a lie -- … [Read more...]
Episode 36: Critical Thinker Chris Shelton Part 2
This week's episode is a continuation from last week with Chris Shelton. We take a deep dive into the the "Truth Rundown" and Rehabilitation Project Force, but of course touch upon other things in doing so. If you want to hear more of Chris' insights, you can tune into his Sensibly Speaking Podcast. There is a wealth of material there. The "Truth Rundown" is one of the most remarkable things Hubbard developed. It is the most direct and unvarnished brainwashing technique in scientology. It is intended for use on Sea Org members, though some others have unfortunately been … [Read more...]
The Scientology Business Pirates
Could there be anything more appropriate than adopting the name "Pirates" for scientology businesses? With the recent spate of bad news about sleazy scientology businessmen being prosecuted -- from David Gentile and the GBP Capital gang to Dennis Nobbe, Jay Spina, Robert Lotter and Brent Jones — the most "ethical group on earth" has a pretty poor track record of actually BEING ethical. And of course, let’s not forget the grandaddy of them all, Reed Slatkin. I now wonder if he might end up being overshadowed by Gentile... And who knows where Grant Cardone is headed? Scientology loves to tr … [Read more...]
The Year of Target Attainment
This event today is another "milestone" -- celebrating the idea that they will attain their target of 10,000 started on Solo NOTs (not completed...) They have been postulating this for a very long time now. In fact, just this week I came across this issue, from April 2002 -- 19 years ago now: This is so long ago, that they are talking about 10,000 people ON Solo NOTs at one time, all going in session 6 times a day (they revised that target ten or more years ago to being "on or through" as they knew they would never get at the same time even if people were on the … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Scientology vs God
When we were talking to Chris Shelton on the Fair Game podcast, we covered some ground concerning the belief in God in Scientology. And recently I saw Jim Meskimen spouting off on the STAAD League and realized it was important to lay out what L. Ron Hubbard said about the subject. Meskimen of course omits all of what is below, but plucks a single Hubbard quote about the fate of societies that do not believe in God to "prove" that scientologists really do believe in God. The quote itself proves nothing. In fact, maybe it was one of Hubbard's cruel jokes on his followers that he … [Read more...]