Hot off the press... This is a new level of desperate. Announcing to the world that they got a single person to buy a book -- some person looking for a romantic partner who is apparently a nerd got caught on a phishing expedition by a reg at LA Org. Take note of the defensive attitude in this "promotion" piece: "anything new or different gets rejected by those who don't understand it and haven't taken the time to understand it - thus through mental laziness find it easier to reject and discard it." So much to unpack in that sentence. First, … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2021
Bob Duggan — Still Very Much the Scientologist
The latest edition of the L. Ron Hubbard Hall fundraising propaganda contains a two page spread on Bob Duggan. If you wade your way through the bullshit and spelling and grammar errors, you get to the most incredible statement anyone has ever made about this ridiculous hall. Comparing it to the Taj Mahal and Versailles Palace is the height of foolishness. This theater is planned as a small auditorium (if it ever gets built) -- there are probably 200 of this size around the US, almost every major college and certainly every major city has one. Even Clearwater itself has Ruth … [Read more...]
Episode 48: Listener Questions 6
The next episode of Listener Questions. As always, we cover a lot of ground, though not nearly all the questions you have submitted. This time we try our best to answer questions about how many scientologists are left, why scientology is so "white," should scientology celebrities be boycotted, the front groups of scientology, Applied Scholastics schools, Degraded Beings, Dilettantes and more. It's a lot of stuff! And here are some documents and resources to go alo0ng with the answers. The number of scientologists today -- this is a great visual done by … [Read more...]
The Failed Scientology Mission Network
The Mission network, once the front line of scientology dissemination, is a broken down, tiny shadow of its former self. Back in the bad old days, Missions were large, prosperous and brought in the majority of new people to scientology. In his infinite wisdom (really his growing paranoia), L. Ron Hubbard decided the Missions were seeking to rip off "his" orgs. They were "stealing" public and making too much money, so the infamous Mission Holder Convention of October 1982 in San Francisco was the beginning of the end. Some think this was all the work of Miscavige. They would be incorrect. … [Read more...]
Unable to Confront and Shatter
How is it that Ed Parkin, who writes about me constantly, who organizes protests against me, who gets others to put things on social media about me, is so cowardly that he blocks me? What happened to "confront and shatter"? He is supposed to be the spearhead for scientology dealing with SP's like me. The guy who has the job of "protecting scientology." I don't block him. Or anyone else from scientology. I am not afraid of what they put on social media, disgustingly untrue as it is. I welcome them responding to anything I have to say. Would love to interact with them. Not … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
The Children Sacrificed to Scientology
It is sadly true that many children raised in scientology families, especially those that attend "Study Tech" schools, have a pre-ordained future in the Sea Org. While scientology and Applied Scholastics claim they are NOT scientology, and certainly are NOT Sea Org recruitment pools -- sometimes the truth leaks out. Here they are, thinking they are safe inside a scientologists only FB group, telling it like it is: Their "product" is a graduate who joins the Sea Org. And here is a parent laying out her "win" that she "made the decision that I was raising Sea Org members. … [Read more...]