Archives for January 2022
Thursday Funnies
Phoenix Rising in Albuquerque They should probably pay more attention to the dead phoenix in Phoenix where the ideal org is a morgue. The Chan Man is going to make their postulates stick -- just watch, Phoenix and Albuquerque will be booming soon. Your Defining Moment? Another one of these seminars that every org needs. Funny how they offer up advice to everyone on how to expand, but can't seem to do so themselves.... Again with the advice... If he was so good making his postulates stick don't you think CC would have at least one new major celebrity in the … [Read more...]
Reduce Crime and Homelessness
The big hype about "getting WTH into the hands of everyone in Sunland" is apparently not exactly that. Rather, it is sending out a "promo mailing" to addresses in Sunland. The percentage of people that throw this sort of thing straight into the garbage is very high. I never open 99% of these sort of generic mailings and I am sure I am not in the minority. But for the few who do -- can you imagine the disappointment of finding out that the pitch for reducing homelessness and crime is to buy copies of the Hubbard WTH booklet? Set aside the fact that the booklet is a childish rendition … [Read more...]
Episode 71: Listener Questions #10
We start 2022 with one of our favorites -- a Listener Question episode. As always, we cover a wide scope of topics, from Fair Game campaign tactics to preserving Hubbard's "legacy" on stainless steel plates in titanium capsules in nuclear-bomb-proof vaults and the embarrassing "We Stand Tall" song... It's a lot of fun and hopefully includes new information for our listeners. Here are some of the things we mentioned: The activities of Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) to preserve the tech. Scientology is so proud of this, and treat it with such earnestness they have a fully … [Read more...]
Happy New Year
Enjoying a wonderful New Year with friends... I hope you are too. I believe 2022 is going to be a watershed year in the world of scientology for two main reasons. The pandemic has taken its toll on an organization that relies on keeping people inside an information bubble that needs personal contact and briefings. Emerging from the pandemic, assuming this happens in 2022, when so many have been distanced from the controlling influences of the organization is going to be revelatory. It will expose the truth about the real state of scientology — which is a shell of its former s … [Read more...]