Hall of Fame? An an "extraordinary" briefing on GAK Extension courses. Nothing about actual graduates. Woohoo! Our files are current. Or they were last week. They're probably backlogged again already. The most sophisticated administrative system in the universe.... Get Virtually Briefed... By a registrar! Haha LRH Birthday Celebrated at graduation? Oh dear. What a downgrade. A Must See Event! Your money will magically disappear.... All Ideal USA Can you imagine how incredible it will be?\ The USA will be … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2022
Making Clearwater A Scientology “Ideal City”
If anyone in the Clearwater community does not believe scientology is determined to own their city, let this be another warning. This woman apparently doesn't have enough to do in Venezuela (everything is going along so well there) so she is in Clearwater delivering seminars (in Spanish ?) "in alignment with our purpose of making Clearwater an ideal city." For those who don't know, "ideal" in scientology means "fully in accordance with the dictates of L. Ron Hubbard." Scientologists are learning and "drilling" to infiltrate the community. They are proud of this effort and want every s … [Read more...]
Episode 80: Tony Ortega Inside the Scientology Bubble
We welcome our old friend Tony Ortega back to the Fair Game podcast to talk about the current state of scientology, their ongoing financial crimes and the devastation COVID 19 has wrought on their information control. Tony is a gold mine of information about the cult, and our chat was no exception. He documents the world of scientology on his daily blog: The Underground Bunker. Tony's two books on scientology: Battlefield Scientology Unbreakable Miss Lovely We talk about Miscavige's Pandemic bulletin of March 2020: … [Read more...]
Through the Bubble – Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland Part 4
This is the fourth installment of the account of a journey into and out of scientology -- written by one of our long-term readers. I hope you enjoy her insights, humor and style. Lili also provided a glossary of terms. Through the Bubble - Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on the first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure. Part Four It Girl, the Motorcycle and White Granny Underpants I was encouraged, we … [Read more...]
John Mappin: Russian Propagandist? Nazi? Fool? Scientologist.
It's hard to fathom the insanity of Mappin that is apparent in his social media posts (see earlier post about him here). Is there anyone other than a died-in-the-wool Nazi who would put this on social media? Purebloods???? WTF? And now he is raving about the fools who have "bought the war narrative lock stock and three smoking brain cells." I wonder if he is using the "False Flag Operation" explanation like Alex Jones trotted out after Sandy Hook to explain the video footage that is undeniable of the war being raged in Ukraine? And another one … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
What Could Be Better? I wonder if ANYONE actually attended this? Kiddie Corner Sad as always... The Chan Man I would love to ask him about being in Power on the 8th Dynamic and what this looks like? Would he say he is God like Nancy Cartwright infamously did?\ Also, I wonder if him being in Power on all dynamics has anything to do with the fact that he is apparently doing "In Org Live Event" in 3 cities at the same time (everyone else has to Zoom In)??? Love that tag line "We audit kids" Still only … [Read more...]
Is Leigh Dundas Pulling a Scam for Scientology?
After the revelation that 2 OT 7 scientologists were arrested for their participation in the June 6 insurrection, we were sent a video clip reportedly taken (and narrated) by wackjob "human rights attorney" Leigh Dundas (who seems to have returned from hiding out in Mexico following her participation in the January 6th insurrection). She was apparently helping to organize the "People's Convoy" in Adelanto California (not a very glamorous spot for a sendoff I must say). For some reason, a bunch of the people in this video are wearing yellow t-shirts... A coincidence? I doubt it. I suspect t … [Read more...]