RB is taking a summer vacation spell with family. So for the next few weeks we will have some oldies but goodies. … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2022
Thursday Funnies
Be kind, be decent... Yeah, the guiding principles of scientology. Not AOSH Africa taking over the world One country that is actually their zone, everywhere else they are poaching other AO's territory! And who the hell is this guy -- he is from Albania? Why is he promoting AOSH Africa and not AOSHEU? Oh boy... Columbus is almost the BEST org in all of EUS? And the real scoop on this Sea Org manned org is that it is a complete morgue -- listen to the podcast Chris Shelton did recently with the SO member who The Aftermath Foundation helped … [Read more...]
What is a “Wog” in Scientology?
The term "wog" is commonly used by scientologists. It is derisive. It is scientologese for the non-scientology world or the non-scientologist -- and they are considered ignorant (not having been enlightened by the wisdom of Hubbard), second-class citizens and lower order beings. Scientology views the world in us vs. them terms. Them are the wogs. There is debate about the derivation of the term, but there is no doubt it's an insult. Here is the definition from Merriam Webster and also the Urban Dictionary: This is a golliwog doll... Here is the definition in the … [Read more...]
The 2009/2010 FBI Scientology Investigation: New Details
More documents from the 2010 FBI investigation have become available through an FOIA request made many years ago. While there is a great deal of redacted information and many documents withheld in their entirety, there is a lot of information contained in this disclosure that I had not been previously aware of. The full documents can be found here. There were a lot of documents released by the FBI back in 2017 which Tony O covered on his blog. Those docs (many of them witness interviews) are included in this new release -- though the redactions are very different. This is common with … [Read more...]
Want to be a Sea Org Parent?
Thanks to Christi Gordon for uncovering some new documents that have not seen the light of day before. This one is a fascinating glimpse into the mindset of the Sea Org with respect to children. The basic gist of this issue from 1982 is this. Sea Org members are supposed to produce 5X what it costs to retain them Babies produce no monetary exchange to the Sea Org Babies cost the Sea Org at least $3000 a year To be able to keep a child in the Sea Org you have to prove that you are providing more than adequate exchange for yourself AND for your child(ren) otherwise you are not … [Read more...]
Through the Bubble – Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland Part 17
This is the seventeenth installment of the account of a journey into and out of scientology -- written by one of our long-term readers. I hope you enjoy her insights, humor and style. Lili also provided a glossary of terms. Through the Bubble - Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on the first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure. Part 17 Going Clear, Humor in Scientology, and Pushing Buttons to Control Peo … [Read more...]
What Is An OT? Hubbard’s “OT Maxims”
I was recently reminded of this piece of Hubbard nuttiness. By the time the 80's rolled around, the new "tech" from Source became patently ridiculous. "Pain and Sex" and other strange rants would appear sporadically, the one here is one of the kookiest. Though of course the story of OT III is hard to top for wackiness, what with the "spaceships" that looked just like DC-8's, volcanos that didn't exist and thetans somehow "frozen" in glycol, at least there was a sort of running space opera theme and he still had enough sense to not make it public. This "OT Maxims" is pure rambling nonsense … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Did they actually have 2 completions in one week? They never show shots of the actual graduation... More "Advanced Org" services What are these people doing? They're so desperate they are trying to attract raw public? Monumental Achievements They got some people to play at Graduation! The bar is pretty low these days... It's International(r) you know... Here's one of their events Same few people -- doesn't really look too international What I Fear Most Taking financial advice from an old guy trying to look cool and … [Read more...]
Hubbard on Doctors — Not a Fan
L. Ron Hubbard had a disdain for doctors. He believed the medical profession was in league with psychiatry and drug companies, and they feared dianetics and scientology because it would take away their income stream. If, as he claimed, the vast majority of illness and disability was psychosomatic, then the vast majority of doctors would not be needed. I have covered some of his crazier statements about what dianetics and NOTs can cure -- from eyesight to cancer and everything in between. But I have not previously covered his disdain for doctors as a profession. There are plenty of … [Read more...]