This piece appeared recently, and though not widely picked up, I thought it worthy of noting: In fact, we just recorded a short trailer. Stay tuned, regular Fair Game podcasts will resume later this month, now twice weekly.... … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2022
Scientology: the Child Friendly Religion
From the recent FBI release, a letter sent to the St Petersburg Times in 2010. This may have been put on the SP Times website back then, and may not be something new, but I had not seen it before. It's a doozie. It is a compilation of lies, nestled in the usual "other religions have practices like ours" and repeated "anyone who tells you something different than what we say is a liar." The numerous, heartbreaking, independent yet similar stories of Sea Org members being coerced/forced to have abortions is addressed with the flimsiest response "we don't advocate abortion" and anyone … [Read more...]
House of Horrors
This is an excellent piece in the Daily Beast from Kate Briquelet and old friend Marlow Stern. It's a story that needs far more coverage. And as this case progresses, I hope that will be the case. The Amended Complaint details the Fair Game tactics being employed against the plaintiffs, as well as the strenuous efforts by Miscavige to evade service. Nothing unexpected, but it is good to see it detailed in a legal filing. Media feel protected when they report on documents filed in court. Since the days when Hubbard was trying to avoid being served in lawsuits, there have been strict … [Read more...]
Correct Estimation of Effort
This is one of the things scientology is absolutely insane about. They convince themselves they are "clearing the planet," "changing the civilization" and "salvaging earth" because they tell themselves it is so. Yet the truth is they have no measurable impact on anything except the lives of those they come in direct contact with. This "briefing" will of course be a complete joke. Their special message about "International Dissemination" is not going to be anything remotely close to covering what the "correct estimation of effort" is because that would be so unreal and uncomfortable that … [Read more...]
Through the Bubble – Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland Part 25
This is the twenty-fifth installment of the account of a journey into and out of scientology -- written by one of our long-term readers. I hope you enjoy her insights, humor and style. Lili also provided a glossary of terms. Through the Bubble - Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on the first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure. Part 25 The Economic Downturn and Catching Up on Bright … [Read more...]
More Hubbard on CANCER
I wrote an earlier article: L. Ron Hubbard on Cancer It is hard to fathom that this subject does not get more attention. It is a well-known fact in scientology that the answer to any condition or disease is to get a PTS handling and auditing to solve the problem. Unfortunately, because of this, many scientologists only resort to doctors when it is too late. In order to stave off claims of practicing medicine without a license, Hubbard penned a few policies for PR purposes that say "we are not treating or healing diseases or illnesses," but those few statements are understood to be for … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Back after our Alaska vacation -- which was wonderful. It's a breathtaking experience, unfortunately no photos do justice to its sheer scope and grandeur. There are a few more funnies than usual as it's 2 weeks worth, so some are a little dated: Unimpressive Numbers They really think that 10 OT levels completed in a week is going to accomplish anything? I see only two OTV's and most are OT IV (which along with OT 1 are the fastest levels). One NOT's completion per week is not going to get the 10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs for a LOOOONG … [Read more...]
Mike Rinder: “Lady Killer”
This is a republication of an earlier post. While the "church" of scientology has kindly nicknamed me "Lady Killer," the strange reason for this deserves some context. (This subject has also been extensively addressed by both Stefani Hutchinson and Jeffrey Augustine at their blogs. The original post and comments are here.) This post also serves to demonstrate the twisted and false nature of the statements, videos, tweets, ads and emails that scientology is sending out to try and "dead agent" everyone involved in the Going Clear film. I am no special case -- all participants are … [Read more...]
Can Scientologists be Christians or Jews Too?
This is the eighth "vacation" post, revisiting some of the more important articles to have appeared on my blog over the years. The original post and comments is here. Scientology likes to tell the world that you can be a scientologist and also be a Christian, Jew, Buddhist or anything else. This is an "acceptable truth" (defined by Hubbard this way: Handling truth is a touchy business also. You don't have to tell everything you know-that would jam the comm line too. Tell an acceptable truth. Agreement with one's message is what PR is seeking to achieve. Thus the message m … [Read more...]