I think scientologists are losing braincells with each WTH booklet they distribute. Lydia Hopwood is announcing "proof" of the effectiveness of handing out WTH booklets and attaches statistics from the LA PD as "evidence".... Unfortunately, what she attaches proves the exact opposite (but is a great illustration of how scientology creates the illusion they are "helping the world" as I describe below). If it were the WTH booklets that caused the reduction in violent crime in the Foothill area, then what is being done in Pacific/Southwest/West LA as that is apparently far more … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2022
Billion Years Media Update
The Guardian Mike Sheridan podcast Grey Matter Podcast Matt Murphy radio show Cultish Podcast California Haunts Podcast … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
We see the start of the Christmas promotion this week. Scientology loves to partake in the psychiatrically implanted ritual surrounding the birth of "the man on the cross"... It's pretty weird. But anything to try to get people to come into their empty buildings. AO Africa hiring staff for Class V orgs? Huh? About as NON-scientology as you can get It's a bunch of dilettantes. Blast from the past... Wow, Bobby Wiggins is still trying to make a living from IAS commissions. It's very gentle and easy... You don't have to mention … [Read more...]
A Billion Years on Amazon’s List of Best Bios & Memoirs 2022
I was thrilled to learn yesterday that A Billion Years was included in Amazon's list of best biographies and memoirs of 2022. The full list is here. It is very gratifying to know the work I put into this book is being so well received. I sincerely hope it brings some insight to help anyone who reads it live a better life. … [Read more...]
The First Clear Country
You heard it here first. The First Clear Country is going to be the United States, according to ASHO. This is the organization that was created SOLELY to deliver the Briefing Course and Power Processing. They haven't had a Briefing Course for 20 years, since Miscavige decided it was "off-Source" (even though the course is almost entirely simply listening to the lectures Hubbard delivered to the Briefing Course students at St Hill in the early 60's) and Power Processing is the MySpace of scientology services. A "thing" in the past, nothing today. So, apparently they have turned their … [Read more...]
Scientology Is Offended
The LA Mayors race really got scientology hot and bothered. When Rick Caruso made it an issue that his opponent, Karen Bass, had attended a scientology ribbon cutting event, it turned scientology into a hot topic. I wrote about this previously: Karen Bass -- L.A. Mayoral Candidate So, the STAND League rallied their troops. To do what? Call and complain about the "bigotry"... The problem they have, is BOTH candidates have taken an anti-scientology stance. With the STAND League letter writing campaign (see: Scientology Massively Unpopular) apparently ineffective, they resorted to … [Read more...]
Scientologists: Republicans or Democrats? Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?
I am often asked this question, and my answer is usually that while there is no hard and fast rule, scientologists tend to lean Republican because of Hubbard's words: He opposed "big government" (pretty much ALL government -- it's "group bank") He opposed welfare -- that is "rewarding downstats." He opposed taxes. He believed homosexuality is an "aberration" He opposed government funded medical programs because "they support psychiatry." These positions pretty much ensure any good scientologist is a Republican voter. We saw in 2016 that the only precinct in LA that voted for Trump for … [Read more...]
Clearwater Development and Scientology
Happily, the referendum passed to allow the City of Clearwater to sell property to developers. Tracey McManus reported on the outcome. The development aims to bring up to 600 apartments, a 158-room hotel and a half dozen restaurants and retail spots along the city’s bluff. Right in front of the Ft Harrison and between it and the Sandcastle. Miscavige and scientology are no doubt very unhappy with this turn of events. I suspect when the information becomes available we will learn that the majority of "No" votes came from scientologist heavy precincts. The measure passed by a 2 to 1 m … [Read more...]