Some uplifting news in this season of giving. Our wonderful friends and neighbors, Matt and Tiffany McKeown got together with the other families on their cul-de-sac with the idea they could do something to help others. This is a shot of the gang, with Matt and Tiffany front and center. A couple of days later, Matt asked if Christie and I could drop by for a bit. A contingent of the neighbors were there when we walked in. They proceeded to explain the get-together they had had a few days earlier and that they had collected $570 which had been donated to Child USA. They became aware … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2022
Photos and Videos
I have noted many times that the "humanitarian" and "4D campaigns" engaged in by scientology are simply photo and video opportunities that are then used for fundraising pitches. It's a repeated pattern that permeates all aspects of scientology. Staged events for video footage. Even inside the orgs we have routinely seen announcements for people to "come on course because SMP will be here filming," or "we need people to gather on the street in front of the org for an SMP shoot." But the Volunteer Ministers/Drug Free World/Youth For Human Rights/Way to Happiness activities are the ultimate … [Read more...]
Running in Circles Again
The insanity of this is hard to comprehend. Here is an "OT VIII" proudly announcing the miracles of running in circles. For the SECOND time! If the theory of the grade chart is true, one advances step by step from the bottom to the top, each successive step building on the one before. You are NOT allowed to even see the OT materials until you have attained the steps below, and the same goes for each successive OT level after that. OT VIII is confidential until after you have completed OT VII, been declared eligible and paid for OT VIII. The so-called "Cause Resurgence … [Read more...]
“Successful Selling” by L. Ron Hubbard
Hubbard had a lot of his special wisdom to impart about the skills of selling. Scientology objects to the idea that it should be characterized as a business. Not because they are not proud of Hubbard's "administrative technology" which is the ONLY way for any business to succeed (somehow Amazon, Apple and Walmart have muddle their way to success), but because being a business is not compatible with being "religious" and thus the label threatens their tax exempt status. Scientology "administrative technology" is full of Hubbard talking about "prospects," "sales," "commissions" and … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
Wandering Wick Wore out his welcome in Melbourne. Now in his homeland creating big effects... Yawn. I guess he has been officially put out to pasture. He probably has a medical condition the SO doesn't want to pay for so they sent him back to NZ to take advantage of the free healthcare for citizens. What does it take? Just some crazy wigs and an LRH quote it seems. Oh, and your money. Graduation for Human Rights Day? Not enough graduates for a graduation. Not enough dones for an event about Human Rights. I know, let's put them … [Read more...]
David Miscavige — Moment of Reckoning
It would appear a moment of reckoning is upon the COB. For years he has managed to avoid being served in any suit that has named him. Last night, the plaintiff's lawyers in the Baxter/Paris case filed a motion to have the court find that Miscavige has been avoiding service and should be held in default. He has been able to get away with his shenanigans for years, but I suspect the time for playing games with the court system is over (at least in this case). At the hearing last month, Judge Barber was not impressed with even the concept of this circus. When he reads the lengths … [Read more...]
Mad Mappin At It Again
We jump from a prominent scientology con-man (Grant Cardone) yesterday, to a prominent scientology kook (John Mappin) today. Can you imagine having yourself photoshopped to look like a Mission Earth character (Jettero Heller) -- and then actually putting it on social media? This guy is such a loon. My last post about him, links to earlier ones, More Mappin Madness. In that one he was claiming the "surgical strike" on Ukraine by Russia was to "de-nazify" the country whose President (Zelensky) is Jewish... Apparently Mappin has now assumed the Hubbard mantle: "I am not from this … [Read more...]
The Con Man Cometh
The great Grant Cardone is coming to do an event at Flag. Not for free of course, they’re going to use this as a chance to make money. They don't say what the price is, but you can scan the QR code (you might have more luck than I did "the server cannot be found") but if that's not good enough for you, you can "ask your Registrar about VIP options." They're trying to make this like a big celebrity “event,” pay $500 you can stand next to the great man, for $1000 get a photo op, for $10,000 you can shake hands and hang out in the green room sort of thing. For this guy? What is really going … [Read more...]
Scientology’s Delusions of Grandeur
I wonder where this guy "sees" this? Scientology being the talk of the town? The city coming together like never before? The eternal false hope of scientologists. They so desperately WANT to believe this is possible, despite all evidence to the contrary. This guy is not really any more deluded than the average scientologist who actually really believes they are going to Clear the Planet. This is not a pie in the sky idea to them -- just like it's not pie in the sky to this guy that the building they have struggled for decades to buy and renovate, but now cannot man, is going to … [Read more...]