Hurricane Debby reminded me of the original Hurricane Debbie -- Debbie Cook's email that rocked the scientology world on 1 January 2012. In addition to other points she laid out, Debbie highlighted Hubbard's insistence that scientology NOT engage in "fundraising" but sell and deliver Dianetics and Scientology as the only way to success. Here are some Hubbard quotes Debbie cited: From HCO PL Org Ethics and Tech: “GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS FROM SCIENTOLOGY in your org. Baby-sitting or raffle tickets and such nonsense.” From HCO PL Org Programming: “If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fu … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2024
They’ve Dropped the Pretense
This address -- 8039 S Vermont -- is the Church of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard Community Center. They don't even identify it in this latest promotional piece (now known within the NOI as "Mosque 27") and IAS Freedom Medal Winner and proud (?) scientologist Tony Muhammad is preaching squirrel non-scientology stuff in this scientology building. You can read the earlier piece I did on this NOI is Winning the War with Scientology Clearly, the NOI is rolling forward, taking advantage of the gullible fools at Inglewood org who are so desperate for "acceptance" and have nothing … [Read more...]
About “Clearing Earth”
Came across this promotional item from 2020 It contains a quote from Hubbard that is not dated. Probably from the 50's or 60's, but let's assume for argument's sake these were his last words in 1986. That's almost 40 years ago now -- and I guess the passage of time has proven that in fact we CAN'T clear Earth. Things have in fact gone backwards. Even counting all the "Dianetic" and "Natural" Clears -- there were no more than 75,000 cumulative by 1986. The population of earth in 1986 was 5 billion. Today it is 8 billion. Today, according to scientology's latest Clear … [Read more...]
Training Under LRH — The Legacy of David Miscavige
Well, this should be interesting. A talk, at St Hill, about what it was like training under Ron. Do you think the "legendary" John Parselle (interesting side note -- he signed me up for the Sea Org when he had been sent to Australia as a Tours Reg in 1973, he was never a posted auditor again) will mention the elephant in the room? The "training under Ron" that John participated in was perhaps the Briefing Course and definitely the Class VIII course on board the Apollo. NEITHER OF THESE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN SCIENTOLOGY TODAY. The two auditor courses that Hubbard declared … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Seems sort of impressive... Until you realize it includes the people with the small certs -- they completed the Solo Course Part1 or Part 2 or any of the "theory" sections of any of the "OT Levels" rather than the auditing level itself. And until you realize that even if this were 19 Clears in one week it would take 6700 YEARS to Clear Great Britain’s current population. That's some bad news.... Apparently the social media brouhaha around scientology in LA has resulted in "fake bad reviews dominating the top"... So, everyone leave reviews "but don't do it all the … [Read more...]