They’re off and running — already have 8 of the 25,000 they need. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and say it was 8 in one week (if it was, they were the people they had pushed to make the 4 May target and didn’t get through in time, sort of a backlog). 8 per week is 400 per year. To get 15,000 more than will take more than 30 YEARS.
And they are all excited about this new “game” — so excited that they have produced a bunch of merch….
You can bet this stuff is expensive if you want to buy it.
There is something else of note — they have cut back their target to “The First 11,000.” Biting off a MUCH smaller amount so everyone doesn’t take a big loss I suppose. But even then, it is going to take them 2 years to get the first 11,000.
The disadvantage of such a small target is that it will become very apparent when they are still trying to achieve this in 2 years, just how pathetic their numbers are.
Considering that minus those at home on solo nuts there are not 15,000 active scamologists on the ENTIRE planet I say lotsa luck getting 15,000 MORE through solo nuts!
Didn’t it take them about 4 decades to push statistics to that number? With probably around half of the completions in the 1980s, when OTVIII was launched and the largest number of completions of that next level occurred? And still a lot of lying with statistics all along the way?
Unless they count lots of “postulates”to be “on” the level by people just starting out on OT levels who mostly will never make it, I don’t think they’ll make 12,500 by the point in future decades when they shrink into final collapse, and anything more than 15,000 is probably beyond what could ever be achieved with the dwindling membership they have left, unless they resort to making numbers up out of thin air.
Does a target of more than double what they’ve made during 70 years of Scientology indicate that the inner circles are losing touch with reality?
I want to apologize, respectfully, to this poster. Thank you for your post! I intrude.
I have been very disrespectful to Scientology and I haven’t had the time to contact Mike and Christie personally. Sorry dear ones.
Mike, I wrote about cancer on a previous post, and apparently you’re doing well. I posted on Flag’s website. I don’t think they like me. I was quite not nice.
I called them to get some info and they were rude, imagine that. Maybe I shouldn’t say this but I put up a post that.u were a badass. You are.
I said Miscaviage was ruthless, but conquerable.
I often don’t come to these forums, but I wanted you to know I’ve talked about you. You would like it.
Thank you to you and Christi.
I wish Scientology/Hubbard would just simply define “Solo NOTs” as soul-freeing/exorcism.
It is relevant to define Scientology’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps for simply what they are.
They are the soul-freeing/exorcism steps, “freeing” these invisible souls that have infested human beings, and the Scientologists on their OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps are freeing these invisible souls off their human Scientologist body.
It’s the Hubbard version of exorcism, ridding the human body of surplus invisible souls that are leaking the Xenu R6 implant bad soul memories onto a person.
By freeing these invisible souls on “Solo NOTs” the Scientologist is also eliminating any soul debilitating memories which were leaking from those invisible souls onto that Scientologist.
It’s hugely time consuming, it’s not a quick exorcism procedure, it goes on for months and years, a whole lotta exorcism/soul-freeing.
And it’s relevant to put two and two together, that Xenu the ancient space leader, is the culprit for dumping all these messed up, R6 implanted, souls onto earth to infest all humans today, and that’s the main problem with humanity.
“Solo NOTs” is the souls exorcism highest volume countering to the Xenu dumping these nasty souls onto earth which Xenu supposedly did 75 million years ago.
Scientology’s exorcism/soul-freeing steps still today are not simply spelled out more helpfully to people wishing to know “What Is Scientology?”
Hubbard disallowed them explaining even that Xenu mass murdered and mass implanted all those invisible souls with the R6 implants. Hubbard disallowed even letting the Scientologists publicly say that Xenu caused the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram, but that is the secret that is out. Xenu is the culprit and “Solo NOTs” is one of Hubbard’s final exorcism developments, and “Solo NOTs” is the final exorcism step of Scientology. There’s more, Hubbard did have more, it was OT 8, which sadly was a nonsense letdown final step of quackery that the highest Scientologists received.
“Solo NOTs” is frankly the highest volume exorcism step of the Hubbard quackery 5 exorcism steps.
25,000… that’s unlikely to say the least.
Including the Sea Org members and Class V staff, 25K might well be the actual number of Scientologists on the planet right now.
Who in their right mind will use or display these products in public and admit they are scn?
More like SOLO NUTS.
One I don’t think that there are even
20 000 Scientologists in the world right now.
Two they could only get 8 of the Solo NOTs I feel like if their claim was true they would be able to get more than 8 of them for a picture.
I am now intrigued to know the price of the merch. How much money are they wasting on it. I doubt that the merch isn’t good quality either.
Really 25,000? I dont even think there even 25,000 Scientologists.
Exactly. 25,000 total Scns (not just Solo Nots ones, but total number, ) was said back when Marty was writing on his blog and before he turned to the dark side. So since then more people have left the church and many more have died. So now the total number of Scns is much less than 25,000. It just shows how bogus their numbers claimed are.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, now that the 10,000 on Solo Nots has been reached (according to them), what indicators show that the theta to entheta ratio on the planet has shifted? How are things better as a result of all these OT VII’s and VIII’s? We are still heading toward WW III and other bad things. Jason Beghe, we need a quote, “Show me a fing OT VIII.”
Give me a break. If there are even 25,000 public scios eligible for any kind of advanced processing, I’ll drink a quart of cal-mag.
Chris, laughing. It would be more accurate to say ‘if there are 25 thousand scnists worldwide including basic courses and intro services’.
“Solo NOTS.” What a name. Could they have chosen a name with less pizazz, less instant recognition, less appeal to man, woman, or child? How about “Drain Accounts” or maybe “Self Flagellates”?
The name “Solo” indicates it can take place alone, with no instructor looking over your shoulder. But in Scientology, there’s always someone looking over your shoulder, peeking, documenting, criticizing, requiring corrective action, demanding more money. The only thing ever done Solo in Hubbard’s scam was the purchase of Dianetics – soon after there came a blizzard of schoolyard tattletales and bullying, getting worse as the dollars are peeled from one’s oft unwilling hands.
Simply put, ‘NOTS’ is the part of the name “Solo NOTS” that Scientologists should pay close attention to.
First, They should NOT sign anything, which of course would result in not being allowed to participate – a huge WIN if ever there was one. Even if they already got coerced into signing something, they should NOT hand over any money for any reason – Hubbard said “the work was free” didn’t he? Again, by NOT handing over something as simple as money or a signature, the prospect is automatically excluded by cherch rules from any future participation. Yea! Win win win!
Number Two: prospects and members should NOT hand over any personal financial information. The cherch is notorious for dredging up account numbers, Pin numbers, and other channels to your assets. If they are not allowed to have things like your SS number, DL number, correct birth date, family member names, or financial info of any stripe, then it goes a long way to closing their sneaky back door entrances into one’s personal financial assets. Without access to one’s cash or other assets, once again Scientology’s own rules exclude a person from active participation in their expensive services.
So sorry, broke again, NO NO NO you hafta take my word for it, can’t give out account info, not safe, you know?
Therefore and hereby, the NOTS that I mentioned, and others, are the very real road to WINS achieved through Solo NOTS. Soon one can be on the outside enjoying friends, family and freedom again. Yea! Just go with the theme of “NOTS” in response to demands from the cherch; it’s as simple as that.
Hip Hip Hooray!
Everything in Scientology is done alone. With someone looking over your shoulder. Solo NOTs is the perfect name IMO. Not gonna get you anywhere.
Reminds me of something – slightly changed:
How many Scientologists does it take to do Solo NOTs?
Three. One to do the session and two making sure he does not escape.
They should abbreviate it SNOTs.
They’re long overdue for the reverse flow of money moving in the opposite direction, draining their ill begotten billions, and making Hubbard’s theory of the overt motivator sequence a reality.
I thought they were going to take over the world when they hit 10,000.
IIRC, that was the tipping point according to Hubbard “scripture.” Hubbard meant 10,000 living people still in Scientology. When the same 2500 have done solo nots 3x, the rest have blown or died, there aren’t many left so the 10,000 is severely diluted.
Oh and wait! It wasn’t true to start with.
If you doubt what he’s saying you obviously have misunderstood words. Report to ethics immediately to get that handled.
Pass😂. I didn’t care enough to look up the actual reference. The less I touch Scientology the better I feel.
Unfortunately, they don’t care how pathetic their numbers are. Obviously.
I mean right out of the gate on their “logic,” they need to subtract those who were declared that were counted as part of the original 10,000 – like me and so many others.
I wonder what IT’s true numbers are because also, there are those who fell off the level and “disappeared.”
And they count you and my deceased ex mother in law in their stats. That right there just show how illogical their logic is. I like how they say on or through. How many didn’t finish that they count as “on.”
On the Hubbard hamster wheel to eternity. If you can’t find any more BTs or clusters, mock them up — you are anyway!
Surely they will have promoted the target of 10,000 with a myriad of claims of things that would happen since apparently hubbard had said so. Who knows the mountain of nonsense said and repeated.
The fact is that obviously nothing happened at all.
Now certainly no one will dare to ask or talk about where are those much-anticipated results anymore.
Everything has been turned into a game to be played like command intention wishes (another arbitrary one) but it will not last long as they are already depleting the few ‘prospects’ available.
Taken for a ride again and yet happy.