Just a bit of silly entertainment before addressing a serious subject in my next posting.
Order now and they will be delivered by horse and buggy…
This illustrates how absurd Pubs Orgs pricing policies are. Anyone in their right mind would not even TRY to sell these, but if they did they would be 10 CENTS. Like the rest of the vulture culture their motto is “Money for nothing.”
From: Kolja Hinrichsen – NEW ERA Publications <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, May 29, 2013 at 4:16 AM
Subject: Ron’s Journals
To:Hi ,
Thanks to my friend KK (who wrote me an email about it), I found the following in our stock:
Ron’s Journal 67, 36 and 39 on cassette!
I thought they were long sold out, but actually we still have a few of those in stock.
Earlier this little package was sold at $70. As cassettes are already a bit old-fashioned, I am able to offer them for you at $42 only!
Order the package of 3 Ron’s Journals here <— (40% off)
Let me give you an overview about what you are getting:
Ron’s Journal 67 (20 September 1967)
– LRH announces the formation of the Sea Organization
– Who are the main SPs on the planet? –> revealed by Ron
– What is the role of the Sea Org related to you?“From here on, the world will change; but if it changes at all and if it recovers, it will be because of the Scientologists. It will be because of the auditor and his technical skill. It will be because of the organization and the organization staff member and his dedication. In all the broad universe there is no other hope for man that ourselves.” – LRH
Ron’s Journal 36 – “Your New Year”
– Date: 31 December 1982
– Ron announces the completion of NEW OT VIII“The sun is in the sky
The stars are in the heavens
Life lives.
And I am here to wish you a happy holiday season.
With inexorable promptitude 1983 is upon us!” – LRHRon’s Journal 39
– Undated“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all you wonderful beings for holding the forts like you have been doing for so many years while I get on with my own job.
Ah…. I had better make that a half acknowledgement as we still have a ways to go.” – LRHOrder Information
Ron’s Journal 67, 36 and 39 come to you on cassette in very good condition. At 40% discount, the set costs just $42instead of $70.
There are limited copies in stock so be sure to order one ASAP.
Order the package of 3 Ron’s Journals here <— (40% off)
Or call me directly: (45) 3373-6666.
Freakin’ hilarious. Who own a cassette player these days?
—Actually I do. I got one myself when I found out that the Church of Scientology had removed LRH paragraphs in the new edition/release of PDC (Philadelphia Doctorate Course) lectures. An org staff had donated her old PDC cassettes to me, so I happened to have both the old cassettes and the new PDC CD edition. Then I compared the two and saw for myself that things were deleted. Odd result of their vast Tech restoration project to remove something from the original recordings. What else Tech are they purposely omitting?
This just in. We found some gramaphone lectures that just happened to be laying around the atrium at AOLA and not only
do they have some amazing new “lost tech” (we’ll turn that into a newer version of the bridge later) but we have decided that you can now have these at a special rate of only $100,000 each and in turn you will become a gramophonus patronus ashholus meritoruis ideal humanitarian sucker
You can buy the entire set of Basic Books for $50 on E Bay – but if you offered ten dollars – they would probably take it….the Co$ has rendered all books and materials totally worthless! A staffer told me they had hundreds and hundreds of sets sitting in storage and they could not GIVE THEM AWAY!
$40 for an obsolete and edited, clipped and mcsavaged tape? WTF?
Heh guys…..what is a cassette player?
If I remember right, well I can’t even remember now, but I paid some ridiculous amount for a Sony “Golden Era” certified walk-about cassette player and bag that I may even still have in a storage box somewhere. Used it once or twice but preferred the player in my cars. I also somehow bought a half dozen Nakamichi cassette players, replete with the foot pedals at about a grand each as I recall and ended up giving most of those to the Anchorage Mission for some amends project. They likely still have them. Bigger point though is I used to think it was only me that couldn’t stay out of trouble, but you all have thoroughly disabused me of that idea….. :–)
Umm, those tapes weren’t sold as I recall, they were handed out for Xmas or something. I was sent them a number of times instead of other promo.
Quite. An amusing interlude, Mr Rinder. Now, what was it you were saying about your next posting…?
It just so happens that I have four cassette players in my house. Can we move on now.
Mike, I have no doubt one of the reasons the COS doesn’t have Kindle editions of its books is the fear of piracy. But I suspect there is another, perhaps bigger, reason. It is the fear of having its few remaining parishioners going to the Amazon Kindle store and discovering all of the critical books and now Independent Scientology books. The last thing the COS wants is its parishioners discovering, buying and downloading critical books and Independent Scientology books.
Yes, that would be a real threat. Too risky for the church and too tempting for the member buying.
Wow! This is great news. We’ve got about four hundred old tapes from various sets. On sale today for only $9.95 per tape. Step right up…place your orders…limitied supply…
Note: We also have a strange contraption called a “cassett player.” Antique I believe. We’ll throw it in for only $40,000. Such a deal…such a deal.
Young Chuck in Montana bought a horse from a farmer for $100.
The farmer agreed to deliver the horse the next day.
The next day the farmer drove up and said, “Sorry son, but I have some bad news… the horse died.”
Chuck replied, “Well, then just give me my money back.”
The farmer said, “Can’t do that. I went and spent it already.”
Chuck said, “Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse.”
The farmer asked, “What ya gonna do with him?”
Chuck said, “I’m going to raffle him off.”
The farmer said, “You can’t raffle off a dead horse!”
Chuck said, “Sure I can, Watch me. I just won’t tell anybody he’s dead.”
A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked, “What happened with that dead horse?”
Chuck said, “I raffled him off.”
I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a piece and made a profit of $998.”
The farmer said, “Didn’t anyone complain?”
Chuck said, “Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back.”
Remind you of anyone?
Problem is who even owns a cassette player these days. I think we are going to see something major some time in the near future. To all intents and purposes it looks like DM is grabbing at every straw to get cash he possibly can. Why is that? Every nook and cranny to get an extra bit of cash. I mean for gods sakes these tapes were given away were they not?
Please end this madness.
There is a typo on the RJ67 quote. It ought to read, “…there is no other hope for man than ourselves,” and not “that” ourselves. These people, sigh.
Oops! A mistake!! And it went out on public lines! The whole Issue Authority line missed it! They must all be PTS! RPF the lot of them!
“The wall? The wall? What wall?” Who knew LRH would be making fun of the members of his own organization.
Both BPI and NEPI are regularly, almost daily sending out these types of emails, offering various scraps “found” in their warehouses – old cassettes, various old publications (like the pack of references on all the Grades Processes), jewelry, whatever. For those interested some of the offerings are potentially of use, such as OEC Volumes, Management Volumes, Tech Volumes. Neither Tech or Policy Volumes are offered for sale on their websites, and these are of value to various people for various reasons.
Yeah I got an email a few weeks ago trying to push a green Scientology Necktie…yeah, no shit. What were they thinking? Hey, maybe they have some of those cool leisure suits from the 70s for sale?
Of course any price over 50 cents for a cassette tape (that is probably 30 years old) is idiocy. But I will mention one significant value of those cassettes — they have not been re-edited by an SP. The old reel-to-reel tapes would have the same value, or even more. I remember one lecture on the Level 0 course that I listened to on reel-to-reel when I did Level 0 in 1982. LRH was talking about what constitutes a withhold and he said we are not interested in what is merely the seamy side of life, i.e. masturbation, sexual escapades, etc. And LRH said, “If a reporter ever climbed into my bedroom window in the middle of the night I’m sure I’d get short shrift.” It was pretty funny and the audience laughed because LRH was letting everyone know that he’s human just like everyone else. But I believe DM had this remark edited out of the lecture because I looked for it later and could no longer find it. In fact, I searched for the phrase on SIR (the Source Information Retrieval system was a computerized indexing of everything LRH ever wrote which only Sea Org staff had access to. One could search for any phrase LRH ever uttered and it would show you every book, every HCO PL, every lecture — every place that phrase occurred — unless it was edited out). I remember it clearly because I had to look up “short shrift” which means “rapid and unsympathetic dismissal; curt treatment” because I’d never seen that phrase used before. This reference could have been used to keep people out of trouble when DM started having OTs sec checked on this stuff mid OT VII — which is a gross violation (out-tech) of HCOB “Mixing Rundowns and Repairs” and it is also a violation of that sec check tech which is supposed to concern itself with actual overt acts done to someone else; not merely the seamy side of life.
It’s too bad some of these things were edited out and may never be recovered.
Look at RJ 68
If Miscavige would publish it unedited, his whole Ideal Orgs Campaign would look like a Kindergarten compared to the Missions, Orgs and SHs established in this one year of 1968. (+ 1000 Clears! No, not – 1000, that’s a trick only Miscavige can manage).
Wow – just wow! When I worked at Gold we were under the gun to produce at least 50,000 cassettes EVERY SINGLE WEEK of the year no matter what! Even as a teenager I could do the math on the 3-4,000 being sold each week back in the 1990’s. We created HUGE overstocks of every single title that existed. I remember cranking out 20-30,000 copies of singles like “We Stand Tall”, or “Sun Never Sets” and thinking that there was no way they would even sell 1,000 of them.
There were weeks when we had people from CMO Gold down in Tapes demanding to know what we had on our line-up and double checking that we had figured out which titles were not up to “minimum stocks” etc.
At 50,000 per week, we were probably making over 2 million cassettes per year! Bottom line is that when I left in 2005, there were millions in overstocks and dead stocks of cassettes and even more on CD. The cost of the tape alone was about $1 each!
Makes sense that David MIscavige just spent millions and millions on setting up a paper printing facility as the primary method for buying and selling books these days is digital downloads. My one single book has has outsold Scientology on digital downloads every single week since November 2009. My secret, they don’t have one single book available as a digital download! They have every single book as a digital file as they are using digital presses to make the paperback formats. It would be a 5 minute process to create digital versions of their books. This is ALL David Miscavige. He thinks that if they go digital people will pirate them.
This is why the DVDs of his events are so guarded. This is why the Tech FIlms are super encrypted. Too bad Dave does not know about the back doors built into that system!
Anyway, great story and the Fastest Shrinking Cult in the World is still expanding so much that they are selling cassette tapes!
Thanks Marc. I remember those days well.
Comment of the day: the Fastest Shrinking Cult in the World is still expanding so much that they are selling cassette tapes!: 🙂
Mike, “Comment of the day: the Fastest Shrinking Cult in the World is still expanding so much that they are selling cassette tapes!:” thank you Marc! – that’s classic!
All this stuff is so over-the-top rejectionable that ALL YOU CAN DO IS LAUGH!
Classic! Your comments are such refreshing read, Marc. (Your book as well!) Skillful & talented. Keep on. 🙂
Guys ease up on Kolja. He is one of 800 eastern bloc immigrants that the Church of Sciendollargy has brought in on religious visas to fill the ranks of the departed. There have been so many blows and defections that pretty much every desk at Int, HGB and Bridge is empty. David Miscavige ordered an eastern bloc recruitment mission where 5 recruiters just stand in the main street of a deprived country handing out visas. These people are perfect for sales positions and for MAA positions because they can speak with complete sincerity that they have never seen any wrongdoing inside the Church of Scientology- for the simple reason that they have never been inside a church before. They are also super expendable. If they don’t toe the line perfectly, their visa does not get extended and they get dropped off in Dominican Republic with 12 dollars and sheet of goldenrod. Welcome to the new Sea Organization – not as sophisticated as the old one, but VERY motivated.
All joking aside Roy, I have seen a sharp increase in Eastern Bloc Sea Org members. It makes sense if you think about, growing up in a former Communist country, these new staff members probably feel right at home in the SO. I would bet a good number of them see the SO as their ticket out of their current hell-hole.
wow…now they selling cassettes…this people are really fuck in the head…they just want to get more money from any where!
They have a great deal on the Academy levels on eight track tapes for only $2500. and they will thorw in a free eight track tape player too!
Here is some mass for you.
Will they throw in a rusted-out 1973 Plymouth Duster to hold the 8-track player as well?
Maybe John. What is your IAS status? If you are a Patron or above we can get you a Duster that is gold plated and has ILVCOB license plates If you increase your status to the next level and become a Humanitarian for the Ideal Org and buy a mission starter package and then join the Sea Org.
I hope the cassette player comes for free.
What a bargain; $42 for 3 cassettes plus who knows what for the actual cassette player you’ll have to buy! Cassettes, really?
I’m so tempted to call Kolja, troll him mercilessly and record it for posterity. Poor kid, I bet that smiling picture was taken before he joined the Sea Org.
These are wonderful products that dedicated Sea Org members slaved day and night to produce. With no coffee breaks I might proudly add, since I am in charge of making sure that dedicated Sea Org members do to get involved in off-purpose distractions like drinking coffee when our great leader and superhero David Miscagive is working 36 hour days to clean up after you morons! You laugh at his expensive vacations and caribbean getaways, but he deserves them more than anyone! Especially Mike Rinder who should report to The Hole forthwith! These cassettes are valuable and worth every penny of the $42 each asking price. Not only do you get to hear L Ron Hubbards voice, but all the tricky stuff has been edited out! Do you know how long it took our great leader to edit out all the hard to understand and inappropriate stuff from these lectures? Of course you dont! You have no concept of how hard He works to maintain the purity of his Source flow. Just knock of the Counter Intention and buy three sets!