This is a VERY good question….
They just throw out the horrendous reality that they have to get 327 million people to Clear.
Even though the vast majority of ideal orgs are in the US, those ideal orgs combined do not produce 10 Clears a week. Even if they produced 100, or even 1,000 a week (they would be going psycho if that ever happened) that is still only 50,000 in a year. The population of the US is increasing by 3 million per year.
They are falling behind by 3 million every year, even though they keep opening “ideal orgs”. The fact is these orgs are NOT increasing the number of people moving up the Bridge. There is no increase in the number of missions. The last new org opened in the US was Harlem. But there have been 5 orgs closed (combining CC’s and orgs).
I wonder if any of the people that hand over their hard earned cash EVER think about this? At all. Even when they announce it on their promotional items apparently this does not register? They live in a delusory world. They are like a flea on the leg of an elephant convinced they are going to bring it to ground if they can just raise enough flea-money to buy some new flea-guns. Except that would be more like scientology Clearing a single city. The flea analogy would be more correct if the flea believed he was going to bring every elephant on earth to its knees with flea-guns all he needed was a flea with a flea-gun for each elephant and they were feverishly recruiting new fleas for the cause. And even that isn’t the correct “orders of magnitude” comparison to the absurdity of Clearing the Planet.
I would also be very curious of how many fell off “the bridge” and have been declared SP,PTS or have no involvement any more as they became “woke”? Have anyone ever reviewed the list of Clears and Its to figure this out?
Scientology can’t even clear Clearwater. Do scientologists in Clearwater notice that, I wonder?
Hell, they can’t even clear the sea org!
They probably could clear the Sea Org but they are not even trying to do that. The SO is their slave force and were they to make them all self-determimed they would lose all of their slaves.
In fact it is quite good news! Could you imagine the world if Scientology “clears” the Planet? A world under the totalitarian orders of sir Miscavige and ruled by the tech. of sir Ron Hubbard!!! Please God helps us to be liberated from this evil madness!!
Um…how can you cross a bridge that is not finished yet? Still waiting for those higher OT levels.
Also, haven’t seen anything very spectacular from the ones who already have gone “Clear”. All that combined doesn’t really lend itself to much motivation.
Scientology’s delusion grows in proportion to the impossibility of its achieving its purported goal of a cleared planet. Since they can’t fathom the futility of their undertaking (no pun intended) they merely get more fixed in their views and appear insane to the most casual observer. Given the enormity of opposition, they keep themselves busy with meaningless tasks like call-in and central files. You’ve got to give Ron credit. He certainly knew how to hypnotize people.
MJ, its true that they can’t fathom the futility of their undertaking, but the reason they keep at it, is not, I think, due to being hypnotized, not in this instance.
I think they instruct themselves, and are instructed by others, to focus only on what THEY each can accomplish.
In this way, they can feel good that THEY are doing something. They, in some way, are contributing, helping. Do you see?
They purposefully DON’T think of the ENORMITY of the opposition OR of the enormity of the goal itself.
.Instead, they instruct themselves and one another to focus ONLY on what each of them, individually and/or in small groups, can and will do.
Now, this focusing on their own individual and small group gains without being overwhelmed by the enormity of the overall job to be done is NOT AT ALL a bad mindset for achieving worthwhile goals, In fact its a very GOOD mindset when one has to accomplish huge projects.
The PROBLEM these people face is not their mindset about how to go about it. The problem is that they are doing it BLIND.
In other words, they don’t really KNOW what the obstacles are to their goal.
Forbidden as they are to reading the internet, forbidden as they are to even QUESTION the viability of ANY order that is “Command Intention”, they are focusing (correctly) on what they each can do BUT WITHOUT KNOWING OR EVEN BEING AWARE OF THE TRUE OBSTACLES THEY NEED TO OVERCOME.
In fact, even GLIMPSING the true obstacles to the achievement of their planetary clearing goal would get them in trouble! It would mean that they are reading the internet! It would mean they were watching Aftermath!
If they KNEW the REAL roadblocks to the completion of their goal they would be declared Suppressive and kicked out of Scientology!
Mind blowing, when you think of it.
Thanks for your comment Aqua. I think they instruct themselves, and are instructed by others, to focus only on what they each can accomplish because they’ve been programmed to think that way with a one way flow from their operator (senior), their unquestioning acceptance of ‘command intention’ and no possibility of an opposing point of view. That sure seems like hypnotism to me.
Point well taken, MJ. While its true that I believe this piecemeal strategy in accomplishing large projects is a workable one, i.e., I try not to think about EVERYTHING in front of me that I have to do, because if its a large project I can feel overwhelmed by thinking about it ALL…while this is what I do, I can see that I do it this way causitively. In other words, I can see that there could be those thinking that they MUST unquestioningly accept what they have to do because it is “command intention” so just do what’s in front of you and shut up and don’t ask questions and so forth…yes, I get it, I see what you mean now. Thanks for expanding on it
To my mind they are a Sisyphus, eternally pushing the rock up the hill only to have it fall back down and then they push the rock………. forever.
Well the USA built that road to nowhere for crap ;pads of our Tax dollars & I’m sure ppl do wonder wth is going on,being done w there money & unless there blind they can or Not seeing things done & from what I’ve heard about Scientology they Can’t ask or get in trouble for daring to ask,I’m thinking many ppl know how much they’ve spent & gotten what back and that’s gotta Hurt plus loose them friends,family + the money lil wonder why some cont taking that beating there typical Abuse Victims and I’d like to see a rehab Org to help these ppl get the heck away and safe.
Hope U are well Mike & Family…
Are Scientologists not adept enough at fifth-grade mathematics to calculate that they will never clear the planet?
I can only speak from experience, Scott M. When I was in I was told not to look at the big picture “so as not to be overwhelmed”, but to instead just do my own part, to take responsibility as best as I could, to do everything possible that I could do. I suspect that “doing the math” would – and here’s some more Scientologese – “cave them in” – so they don’t! Do the math, that is. They just work and sacrifice and grovel for approval from Miscavige and “Ron”.
People still in get this avalanche of promos , they don’t even see them anymore , throw them in the trash without thinking .
Or if they can think a bit , they blame middle management , whatever that means , gossip a little about the absurdity , but seem unable to carry a thought to completion….too dangerous.
I used to throw them in a box in one of my closets. When the box filled up I’c take it down to the storage bin and get another empty box for the back of the closet. After 11 years in this place I had several VERY large boxes full of promo, mags, leaflets, etc. What a wealth of cult promo, from ’91 thru 2001. Wish I’d kept it.
Let’s approach these calculations from a different angle, since nobody in the cult seems to do it.
Let’s make a few assumptions first: 1. Clear exists (this is the big one, there is no Clear) 2. An idle morgue has 25 auditing rooms 3. Each auditing room operates 12 hours a day, 7 days a week (absolutely impossible) 4. 12 intensives (or expensives as I like to call them) is all it takes to make 1 Clear (it is more) 5. world population is 7.5 billion and there is no population growth (yeah right)
Here we go:
1 auditing room, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week: 12 x 7 = 84 hours
25 auditing rooms: 25 * 84 = 2100 hours / week
2100 / 150 hours (12 expensives) = 14 Clears per week
52 weeks a years: 52 * 14 = 728 Clears a year 1 average idle morgue at full capacity can produce each year
So for 7.5 billion people to be cleared in a year: 7,500,000,000 / 728 = 10,302,198 idle morgues are needed. They are nowhere close to that. Even if the want to clear the planet in a 1000 years, the still need 10,303 idle morgues. Topkek!
To get 327 million across the bridge, they first hzve to get ONE person across it one REAL clear, ONE REAL OT.
As has been mentioned, Scientology works as INTENDED, NOT as advertized.
It seems to me that this represents a trend we’re seeing, to throw out big numbers of the people Scientology implicitly might “reach” – and avoid reference to the dwindling “stats” of remaining members they are actually serving. It’s almost even further removed from reality than “build it and they will come” thinking.
In Chicago, Boston, and Philadelphia – cities with metro area populations of around 10 million each, or approximately 10% of that big national population number they cite – they have just single old orgs (and no missions) which haven’t even been able to raise the money to renovate “ideal” bought and which have sat empty and deteriorating for a decade or more. I’ve visited two of them, and they are indeed so dreary and uninviting as to put people off – Miscavige didn’t need to build palaces, but he could at least have put all the orgs in the sort of modern establishments that yuppies were expecting in the 1980s (as the successful mission holders did), by sometime in the 1990s.
I gotta say I more disturbed by the stat that the US will increase in population by 3 million a year. Really THAT is what is causing all the ills of the world. Overpopulation. There is already not enough jobs, housing, SPACE, on the planet. When is the world going to start having THAT conversation. Sorry, off topic.
And it is around 80,000,000 worldwide. So that is 80,000,000 new houses, cars and jobs that need to be created each year. It is also necessary for everyone to eat so that adds another 29,200,000,000 meals that have to be extracted from the earth each year ….. if everyone eats one meal a day …. See Ogre style!
Yo Dave,
We know you are no math whiz but how can you make any dent at all if you can’t get Clive (the vibe) Rabey to crank out a few more clear Bee Tees so some of these new kids don’t require yer services.
More to the above point …………..that’s a lot of frickin rice and beans to feed all the new mouths. It’s gonna cut into yer reserves good buddy!
Well, the native population increase is only ~1.5M/year. The other 1.5M comes from immigration. We’ve been hearing about the evils of population growth for decades. Twenty years ago, academics were predicting that we’d be out of natural resources, food, etc. within ten years. The free market finds a way – productivity increases, new fuel sources are developed, etc.. We’ll be fine – we’ll find a way.
Back in the ’80s, while taking a university geography course, I learned that the only increase in US population was immigration. In addition, there was a time when more people worldwide first were in urban populations rather than rural. Significance of that is that they uniformly, automatically stopped having large (>2 kids) families, which tends to limit population growth. Industrialization also tends to shrink families. as does improved literacy. Once women remember what childbirth is like, second children are less likely, I suppose. As Bill Cosby put it nearly 50 years ago, there comes a point in labor when the mother says to Poppa,”Don’t you EVER touch me again!”
It’s a world wide overpopulation problem….immigrants come here because they are starving elsewhere….I would do the same thing if my children were starving. I hope the new Pope steps up and condones birth control. He seems like a reasonable guy…and worldwide education on birth control needs to happen…… In the poorest and worst countries, they have little form of recreation….and the most births….it’s the only fun they have…..ok, I’ll shut up now. Back to crazy CoS.
Last point(s), I swear! We’ve had increasing “maximums” for Earth’s population for hundreds, if not thousands of years. I’ve seen anywhere from 100 million to 10 billion. The experts continue to increase their estimates as we adapt and invent. I’m a firm believer in the brilliance of the collective – we’ll find a way. The best way to decrease population growth is to spread our ideals and our economic system. We have very low birth rates in the U.S. – the more “American” or “European” the world is, the less you have to be concerned about overpopulation.
Yes, its very interesting that the people getting bent out of shape about overpopulation and immigration and the dark-skinned peoples having too many kids are themselves not propagating all that much. You’d think that with this mindset they’d get on it. They’re in a panic because at this rate their white “culture” will be in the minority. Well, who is preventing them from having kids? No law I know of. So, white people, if you’re so scared of your “race” dying out, do what the Bible says (I think its the Bible, anyway) : “Be fruitful and multiply”. START.
“The best way to decrease population growth is to spread our ideals and economic system.”
Bingo! Education is the key. Lifting people UP. Uneducated, ignorant, desperately poor people – the true “have nots” of the world – ALWAYS have many children.
Two hundred years ago the Irish started coming to this country.. They were reviled by Wasp Americans. Considered dirty, dangerous, depraved. Everyone knew how stupid they were. Drunken, brawling. The Irish were scum back in the day. Good for nothing except the dirtiest and most backbreaking jobs. Or more often than not, a prison cell. Only the LOWEST Irish came to America, it was said. They had natively criminal minds and had to be tightly controlled or they’d corrupt the decent American Wasp population. Any GOOD Irish didn’t come here, they stayed in Ireland. They had a LOT of kids and were naturally dirty and didn’t mind living in squalor because they were degenerate by nature. Read your history; about what was believed, spoken and practiced as regards the Irish in America. They had so many kids it was feared they would “take over”. This went on for a long time until finally George M. Cohan made is respectable to be Irish in America.
And, too, by that time, there were the Chinese and the Italians to worry about, to be feared and despised. Goodness, do we want a pizza parlor on every corner? A chop suey joint? Look at all the kids they have!
Today, the educated, middle class, the grandchildren and great grandchildren of these desperate immigrants are saying the same things about the new wave of people risking life and limb to America.
God bless America, you know? .
OK, end of rant, as this unexpectedly turned out to be.
Yes sister!!!!!
Thanks, Ann, for acknowledging this soap box rant 🙂
According to Wikipedia the world population in 1800 was 1 billion, in 1960 3 billion, and today approaching 8 billion. A fertility rate of 2.1 children per female results in a stable population according to an article in the Scientific American magazine.
At least the mainstream media now consistently mentions overpopulation or at least rising population along with other factors in global warming, probably to the displeasure of the Roman Catholic Church and others in the be fruitful and multiply crowd which continue to actively work to impede birth control and family planning being delivered to underdeveloped nations.
If climate scientists mention overpopulation or, god forbid, population control, they risk getting their funding yanked. Maybe zero population growth or population stabilization is more acceptable terminology.
Educated people with decent jobs who see a future for themselves and their children do their own population control, often in defiance of their religion. Such people limit their child bearing on their own – nobody needs to tell them not to have a child they can’t afford! They have jobs, money, interests, hobbies. Sex has its place as a pleasure and they KNOW its not just for procreation. They control sex, for the most part. It doesn’t control them.
On the other hand, the desperately poor, the ignorant, the future-less of the world, the Third World, and to some extent, the poor and ignorant in Western countries have only sex. Its their ONLY real pleasure. And the kid will probably die anyway, and even if it doesn’t and they can’t feed it, so what? Its this the way they grew up?
Apathy, Richard!
The key is education. Lifting these people UP. Really, there is no other way. China tried legislating how many kids a family could have; one, I think. So what did the Chinese do when they wanted another child? They came here! In droves!
Hi Aqua – This could be a lengthy discussion on a daily blog. It will probably come up again. I had a strange thought this morning – God wants more people on earth so more people can experience life in a body which goes along with some Christian and Eastern religious beliefs.
I only took one biology course in college. The professor described humans, in a strictly biological sense, as “large dirty mammals”. He also said the only difference between man and the apes was a larger brain to body mass ratio. He had his thoughts and opinions on things.
Earth is an 8,000 miles in diameter rock hurtling through space with 3 miles of breathable atmosphere. The carrying capacity of earth is indeterminate so there needs to be a balance between spiritual and religious belief and factual reality.
For now I’ll go with low cost or free worldwide birth control and the empowerment of women which gives them choice in the matter of child bearing.
Like I said, this could be a lengthy discussion. That said, The Chinese one child only policy wasn’t draconian by most accounts. It was accomplished to whatever extent it succeeded by family planning, medical services and an acceptance of it as a social norm. They’ve now changed it to a “two child only” policy, maybe because an increasing populace keeps the economy moving along. Oh well.
End of itsa (it is a . . . )
You’re right on everything, Richard. World over-population is too complex and weighty an off – topic subject for this blog. I like your idea about free birth control for the 3rd World poor. Ultimately, I don’t think its a good OVERALL solution but it would certainly help in the short term. Again this subject touches on many other vital problems. For our purposes now, I’ll summarize with this: I’m not theoretically a Christian, because I don’t and have never believed in the Virgin Birth. That said, I think Christian principles are beautiful, helpful and inspiring. One of them is “You are your brother’s keeper”. Ok. Well if that’s true, WHO is “my brother”? My interpretation of this is that it really IS a very small world and that we really ARE all brothers and sisters under the skin and that our policies as individuals, groups and nations, should keep this principle as a rudder. Of course, there will always be those who take what they can and don’t give back, who just sit back and get worse, and that’s not fair to the givers or to themselves. But there are so many wretched people out there whose lives could and would change ENORMOUSLY with the right kind of help – people who would take this help and use it and get better! So maybe, one’s “brother” is just the person in front of you, who needs help? And if one CAN help in some way, well, go ahead and don’t worry, just do it. There’s some beggar on the street in front of you asking for money. Well, maybe he’s just going to drink and drug some more with your money, your hard earned money OR if you do what Pope Francis says (and believe me, I’m no Catholic, but I like Francis) you LOOK at this person, you get it across to this person that you KNOW that he or she is SOMEBODY, and then, you give what money you want to. Francis says its not the money you give, its the acknowledgement that communicates to such people, however fleetingly, that you know that they are human, like you, and that this helps them MORE than the dollar or so you put in their cup.
OMG here I am on another tangent. I’d better stop 🙂
lynda, immigrants come “HERE” because WE went “THERE”
Tiny countries like England, France, Portugal, and Spain were overpoplulated and went to India, China., Australia and the continents of Africa and Asia, North America and South America.
And that was OK, right?
Well, NOW, with the exceptions of North America and South America, and Australia, Europe is over-run with immigrants from these countries and continents.
And that’s NOT OK, correct?
Because, who wants those people? Who needs them?
Well, guess what – they’re not flooding into Europe and North America because they need LAND.
There’s PLENTY of land where they come from!
What they’re escaping is SUPPRESSION in their own country, suppressive governments which won’t PERMIT them to live decently. What they’re desperate for is a chance to rise above abject poverty – something they CANNOT do in their own countries because in those countries ALL OF THE WEALTH is in the hands of a few whose entire purpose is to HOLD ONTO THAT WEALTH by ensuring that there ALWAYS exists a huge supply of cheap labor. In order for these oligarchs to STAY WEALTHY they MUST keep the general population in the position of being desperately needy for a job – ANY job, under ANY conditions.
That’s why these people do anything to come here to America, or to Europe.
For a CHANCE. Because they KNOW that in their OWN countries they have NO chance and never will have a chance.
For them, its NOT about land, Its about being worth something, its about HAVING something IF they work their asses off.
Because, what they KNOW is, they can and WILL work their asses off in their OWN countries and STILL have nothing. Its set up that way.
We in America and Europe ask:
Why don’t they fix up their own countries and stay there?
Good luck with that!
Talk to the oligarchs and dictators who RUN those countries, who control EVERYTHING in those countries, and see how far you get!
These flooding in immigrants could well ask the Europeans:
Why did you have to come to our countries? Why didn’t you practice birth control, and why didn’t you train your poor people to be usefully employed, instead of emptying your jails and sending them to our countries?
Good questions.
Aqua! Thank you for that great post!
Also off topic but I absolutely agree with you. That caught my attention, too. Very scary.
Oh goodie! A flea circus skit. Wonder if the elephants are on the take or are being taken? You never know, they all look & smell so similar. Well… that makes a hell of a lot more sense than what Scientology is trying to do.
Scientology is one big circus and should join up with Barnum and Bailey as an extra added attraction to be called “The Greatest Scam On Earth.”
“I wonder if any of the people that hand over their hard earned cash EVER think about this? At all.”
That question should read “I wonder if any of the people … EVER think?”
Which would then be the answer, too.
They’re not allowed to think. It’s like they take their brains out at the start of the day and get them back at the end of the day.
No…they only get their brains back after they leave, and it sometimes takes years to recover them fully.
I stand corrected.
I don’t know for sure if I got all of my brains back. When I was in the hospital in Jan 03 for AIDS dementia , they did a CAT Scan of my head and the neurologist wrote on the image ” Marked brain volume loss and deep white matter disease from immune deficency”.
I may or may not have gotten it all back but at least what is left is mine and not the owned property of the org.
And, all along I thought it was Scientology, the chronic mental wasting disease. Glad you overcame both diseases!
They’re giving them back at the end of the day??? Wow, that’s living on the edge. Who knows what the sheeple might read on the net at home! If Ron was still here, I’m sure he’d write a policy forbidding that.
BTW, I was talking with someone who apparently got his brains back for the holiday weekend. Guy’s OT-something, and knows I haven’t been in an org in many years – we have a casual don’t ask – don’t tell relationship – who actually said to me that they stopped going to events because of the aggressive sea org recruitment of their kids. Even with the die-hard Kool-Aid drinkers, there’s grumbling dissension in the ranks.
Not even then, or they wouldn’t come back. Maybe they are subconsciously searching for their stolen brains…
Uh, you forgot, they do not get them back at the end of the day.
Thinking is out PR.
More correctly, thinking is out tech. Violates KSW, would allow for reasoning, and they can’t have THAT.
Scientology tech is out tech.
The main point, which so many others have made, is that there are no Clears. It is a proposed new state which only exists in theory.
I live in Africa and have traveled through most of Southern Africa which is a far cry from America.
If a modern first world USA cannot be cleared, forget about clearing Africa.
I’ve been fortunate to travel to East Asia and SE Asia too on extended holidays. This area has poverty, not on the scale of Africa but accounts for roughly one third of the world’s population yet has only a handful of Scientology Orgs.
If you can’t Clear Clearwater, which has the highest concentration of Scientologists in the world, how are you going to clear SE Asia?
Am I being “reasonable” by pointing all this out?
No. You’re just telling the truth.
Telling the truth! That is suppressive!
You betta start your A-E today!
I was declared for simply stating what happened and what I and many others saw with my own eyes.
I am also a last lifetime Clear attested at FSO after
a CCRD by one of their auditors; I did not claim to be Clear; it came up as a read on a correction list and was confirmed by a CCRD approved by the SNR C\S FSO.
It is a HIGH CRIME to denigrate the State of Clear.
I GOT IT; since Clears cannot really be SPs, (because SPs do not make Case Gain) I must not really be Clear. It is more convenient to say that since I am an SP, I somehow hoodwinked the auditors and the meters to get declared Clear. Maybe one of my fellow SPs can explain how to do that; I have no fucking idea.
All I can say is that if I have suppressed David Miscaviage (whom I have met) I am prouder of my contribution of suppressing him than of being declared Clear. All I had to do to be declared Clear was to answer the reading questions as laid out by LRH (who I have also met; though not in this life).
Now, it seems that my contribution is not fully recognized by the Church as I have seen no SP declare issue nor even been told verbally by any Church staff member that I have been declared. Either they are cowards or I have just not delivered enough suppression
Well, I already know they are cowards. They did not tell me that I had tested HIV positive before I left the ship; they left it to Dr Denk to tell me.
His disgust at the fact that they did not tell me was no doubt greatly increased by the lies they told about the death of LRH, after Dr Denk told them that LRH had died of a stroke.(continued)
Oldtimer Axiom1:
An SP is senior to the state of Operating Thetan
Now Dr Denk was a real doctor and a pretty good one. He told me that he used to treat patients with AIDS but as the knowledge advanced he started sending them to specialists as he did not feel right about treating them if he was not caught up with the latest tech. So he had his Secretary get me an appointment at the AIDS clinic in Los Angeles. It was for 5 weeks away. It seemed like a long time to wait to be seen by a doctor for a disease that had killed 25 million people and I had serious symptoms.
His nurse drew some more blood so that they could do the 2 tests to determine how bad it was, I.E. Did I just get infected or was I terminal? You see, HIV takes years usually to destroy the immune system and even with no treatment one can live for years. I never saw the test results then but I have them now. They are off of the range of the tests, meaning that they could not find ANY T-cells in my blood and they could not determine how much virus there was in my blood because there was more virus in my blood than the test could measure.
It is clear that I got the virus 13 years earlier, in 1989 when I almost bled to death in Curacao, th3 ships home port. They “saved” me so that I could work another 13 years and get married twice; the first time to Sharron (now Weber) the current COFSSO. Until I found out that I was HIV positive I had never used a condom in my life but I did not infect my wives.
Instead of going to the AIDS clinic, the ship sent me to James M Keppler a chiro in Sacramento who was not a licenced doctor and who told me that I was his first person with AIDS he had ever treated.
Now, I was technically still in the SO and so I had to go where I was sent by ship execs. In this case I was body routed to Sacramento by another staff member. (Continued)
And what’s more, that “largest concentration” in Clearwater – it’s not like a booming org made such inroads and cleared a big part of the population. That “largest concentration” MOVED there from somewhere else.
Largest concentration camp in Clearwater sounds more like it.
Gorillavee, your observation is spot on . I have said this for years when I was actually in the cult. I noticed that ALL of the Clearwater Scientologist moved here from elsewhere. I would say show me one Scn that is a Clearwater native.
Hell, they can’t even clear the Sea Org. If you can’t clear your own clergy, how are you going to clear the Costa Rican Army*.
* Population: zero
KSW, having outlawed reasonableness, has been extended into unreasoning-ness. Whether or not they have their minds at the end of the day, they’re not alowed to USE them
Oldtimer, of course you’re being reasonable. DM says so. Go to the RPF and don’t come back until you’re unreasonable.
Miscavige has long since discarded clearing the planet or even helping people. That is not his agenda. His wallet and Real State Investments is his only concern.
Ideal = money. Now, this is the word that Miscabage loves: Money, Money. Money.
The rest is just a facade.
He emulates Hubbard. Hubbard sold “religion” and “spiritual freedom”. Miscavige sells “status”.
Money, Money, Money!
The fleas can’t see the elephant in the room, which unintentionally proves the brain challenged cobster’s GAT gobbledygook: the blind are indeed leading the blind.
I led the blind once. But, I lost them in a snow storm.
It’s easy to get snowed when you’re blind.
But were you blinded by the light?
Yes, when I was in the cult, as well as uptight. Eventually I was outta sight!
Apparently nowadays planetary clearing begins with a fancy new building. So wrong. It’s LRH wrong. I daresay that I’m better schooled in COS policy than any Scio in current good standing, and I haven’t studied any green-on-white for years. The pathetically incompetent Scio of today should know that the answer to that brochure’s question should be “What do your materials state?” How about the Dissemination Drill for starters? How about a functioning Div 6, building be damned? What kind of screwy cult has Scn become when its own members don’t know how to apply their own technology? I’m thoroughly disenchanted.
Chris, I just finished your book and it was excellent! Big kudos to you for writing it. It was a real eye opener to me to get the picture from someone who was more a public scn’st for all those years. Yes, they do not even follow their own policies whatsoever. This whole IAS and Ideal Org fundraising is absolutely nuts and not even close to LRH. When I had to get back onlines to save my family this was the most shocking thing to me…now I am even disillusioned about the “tech” in itself, BUT the fact that current scn’ers do not even see how “out-tech” everything has become is crazy. I am now a believer of nothing………at least in the old, old days one paid for something in return……blows my mind. But again, you wrote a great book and everyone should read it.
Thank you, Lois, for your kind words. I must confess that I take pleasure in the delicious irony of using their tech to point out how far off the rails they’ve gone. At least I could give them some begrudging respect if they were making an honest attempt at applying Scn. But they’re not worthy of an ounce of respect. All talk and no action. For me, the only thing that’s left is laughing at them.
There might be and was some logical debate about possible benefits from the subject itself back in the “old days” as it existed before Elron ramped up the sea org and put an iron grip on the organization but now it’s history.
Scientology has not ever gotten 1 person up the Bridge because there is NO Bridge to go up – it is all smoke and mirrors and a con of epicness.
Spoken like a pro! I always call Scientology, make believe! And that’s exactly what it is.
Yet, they still pay $2,500 to run in a circle. If that’s not brainwashing, I don’t know what is.
Scientology hasn’t even cleared Clearwater yet (and never will). What possible hope do they have to clear the USA or the World?
Forget ‘clearing’ the planet, or the USA, or Florida, or even Clearwater. The even more cutting question would be: How far along are they in clearing all Sea Org and org staff? Those people are already inside the door, captive to ron’s liturgy, and ready to be commanded.
To answer my own question: (Alex, I’ll take ‘none’ for $4000.) /s
Clearing staff? Are you kidding me?
However on the Freewinds just before the original Maiden Voltage we all received sea chests with plaques with our names on them. They all had new uniforms in them.
We were told to take the uniforms but leave the chests on the dock, as they would take up too much space on the ship. They were supposedly sent back to CW.
I think that it would have been more useful to have hundreds of coffins lined up on the dock with each staff members name on each one.
I knew that I would never make it off the ship alive; and, even though I was wrong about that; I was not wrong by much; Six doctors and the Captain Freewinds told my then wife that I was going to die and I was finally forced to admit to my wife that it was over; That I would be dead in 3 weeks.
Although I was still alive 3 weeks later, I no longer recognized my wife as I had AIDS dementia. That must have been pretty hard on her.
Orders of Magnitude: WTF does that mean? How about: Magnitude of Orders? Nothing makes sense in Scientology. Absolutely nothing.
Oh my gosh! It’s not just me then. I try and try but just can’t make any sense for it any which way other than it’s a big huge ginormous money, soul,energy sucking vampire.
“…soul, energy sucking vampire.”
Sounds like a dwarf I know.
Orders of magnitude is an actual science/math term. It means times a certain number, usually a power of 10 so 10 vs 100. Hubbard knew just enough science terms to use them to sound sciency.
I was sciency once. But, it gave me a headache.
I believe the correct term here is orders of servitude.
100 is an order of magnitude greater than 10.
Wow, but the easier math would be how long would it take to bring down this cult, hmm, let’s see. Get the attorney general in CA to get on board prosecuting the LAPD enablers on the cult payroll. Then, get the IRS to get on board prosecuting the tax dodger doctors who are cheating the US citizens out of billions. Then go after DM with his embezzling all the members of the cult. Should take, maybe, a couple years, then prosecute the cult attorneys. Five years? Even if it’s 10 it would be a win win. Or is that, in culteze winning?
Peggy makes a great point that is overlooked too often: the sleazebag cult lawyers deserve punishment too. Yingling is a true sleaze of a lawyer. Moxon? He oozes sleaziness. How many lives have they helped to destroy? How much money has Yingling helped into offshore accounts? Epic sleaziness. The P.I.s deserve a special place in hell too as far as I am concerned.
Oh my gosh OTD-OUTTHEDOOR I so agree. That Yingling creature makes my skin crawl, and that “interview” she gave, on, I think 20/20 or something like that and her absolutely lame reasoning about child abuse. That woman has absolutely no conscience, morals, scruples. She’s despicable – there’s a list too long for what she is, or isn’t I guess.
She sure isn’t representative of someone who gives a crap about children. She defends a despicable cult and justifies defending a child abusing cult. No amount of money should be able to buy that. No way she doesn’t know exactly what their “crimes” are. Both she and the rest of that bunch ozze noxious slime. I would include the LAPD in that bunch too but I am sure there are far more really good people there than the few who can put their conscience in their back pocket along with some cash and free meals.
Yep, the PIs can be put in that bucket too. Bunch of has-been wannabees.
Oh, God! Don’t mention her name. Soul sucking is her game.
I thought that was Beetlejuice’s name you didn’t dare say! Thank goodness I didn’t say “her” name three times. I would have had to call for backup.
My take on Blinky Yingling is that she is an ‘inferi’. *
* Inferi: In the Harry Potter franchise, Magizoology … Inferi are neither beasts nor beings, but merely animated corpses with no will of their own.
I have to confess I haven’t read any of the Harry Potter books. Time to get to it.
“That woman has absolutely no conscience, morals, scruples. She’s despicable – there’s a list too long for what she is, or isn’t I guess.”
She’s a lawyer. They’re trained to be professional liersThey’re paid to argue any side of any case, doing whatever it takes to win their case. They have their own version of ‘make it go right.’
I’ve had fun debating the above with lawyer acquaintances. The honest ones will admit that that view is basically right, though it IS possible for them to refuse a case that violates their personal beliefs too badly. If they can twist the logic enough to create an ‘acceptable truth’, they’ll live with it. AFTER the case is decided.
I know Jere, and a defense attorney is supposed to make sure that the sate can prove its case. I get that and absolutely respect that, and sure would want that if I was the defendant. All that being said I also agree that depending on their own moral compass, as you said, making it go right is a slippery slope between doing the right thing and just doing something because you can.
I did get in touch with an attorney by email, a woman I met through one of the crime forums I followed, to get her take on scientology. She was familiar with this cult and others. It was about the same as it was with your lawyer conversation. I would love to see her in court though taking on cases against this cult 🙂
Yes, however morally bankrupt these Scientology lawyers are, they’re not doing anything illegal.
That’s a great point. The amount of damage they have done is huge! Totally agree with you.
Oh Ann. The damage done to a child, to the children, it just goes against the laws of nature. What was stolen from them, no value can be put on stolen innocence. Innocence is so brief and precious. As for the damage done to the families, the individuals, who have lost so much, they deserve justice, if nothing more than to watch the cult crumble and everyone who sat back and watched to be held accountable. I wish that for all of them, all of amazing people here.
Maybe if their had enough little tiny airplanes they could make an entire flea-ger corps?
The fleas just want to set up house (or Ideal Orgs :)) on the leg of the elephant and scream about how they’re saving it from extinction but in fact, are oblivious not only the existence of the whole elephant but the parasitic nature of themselves.
Great analogy Mary!
Many could find”total freedom” by walking out!
The image tells the truth for a change. The way…across the street. As in cross the street, get out of the area get away from this cult.
Floyd, No truer words! So simple yet so true.
ALL people could find “Total Freedom” if they just use there Super Powers. And it’s very simple: As Floyd says, just walk the fuck away. Never to return.
The central problem with getting 327 million Americans across ‘The Bridge to Total Freedom’ is getting 327 million Americans to attain the state of ‘clear’. This is a huge problem because the state of ‘clear’ does not exist. It doesn’t exist by any definition that Hubbard tossed out. You can ‘word clear’ all of those definitions till the cows come home but there are still no ‘clears’ to be found in or out of the cult. Of course there are plenty of ‘clear’ certificates and folks running around with their ‘clear’ bracelets but I have yet to see a single clear.
I have had the good fortune to meet the Dali Lama who has supposedly attained the level of buddhahood or at least a high level bodhisattva. He is no doubt a great and inspiring human being, but he is no ‘clear’ either.
It would be nice if those of us who got into scientology were able to reap even a fraction of the promised abilities, but it just isn’t so. All we got were empty promises and empty bank accounts. Scientology is nothing more than a very successful con. All talk and no action or results. To paraphrase Jason Beghe, “show me one mother fucking clear”. Just one folks, just one. And I’m not going to hold my breath until some Fool comes along blathering about this and that but STILL unable to produce evidence of a single ‘clear’.
Makes me think of that poor girl with the clear certificate from the bunker a day or so ago. Killed her self a few days after going clear when reality and depression set in.
That was absolutely heartbreaking.
Nothing could have been worse. What a loss for the parents. And people pay for this.
Her story is an example of the appalling cruelty of that sinister criminal organization. All current scientologists, from management to public, anyone who aids and abets scientology, has to answer for this young woman’s life.
Hey, Rinder. Methinks they’re losing more than 3 Million a year in the USA. In order to produce that many Clears @ year, I think it’s clear, that that many at least have to be walking through the Ideal Orgs front doors and that surely ain’t happening. The Orgs would have crowds of “parishoners” on their lines. Hardly the case.
Then, one has to consider each Org costs “X” amount of dollars overhead and then wonder how much VSD (Value of Service Delivered) has to be made to keep the doors open. That ain’t happening either. It’s only a matter of time before the doors close all around, unless donations or IAS bail them out. That’s unreal to me as well.
Oh well…
Clearing the world? Miscavige on the world stage??? This is like a flea with a bouffant hairdo crawling up the leg of a elephant with rape on his mind!!! What a loser…The recent Colombia fiasco was CREATED by Miscavige’s psycho ego that required he have an online photo of retired Colombia police pinning a medal on him proving he is A GREAT WORLD LEADER!! Hahahaha… what a joke.
I would say to Miscavige, “the world will only remember you as the person most responsible for taking down Scientology, not you becoming a world leader because of Scientology.”
The last interview Miscavige gave was with Ted Koppel trying to get onto the world stage. Big fail. If the IRS ever comes to their senses and sees all these empty, but expensive, church buildings as nothing more than a tax dodge, then we will get some closure on this subject.
You are right Mike. I believe this is referred to in Hubbardese as out-reality. I think a couple thousand Who Am I? QA sessions will produce the realization of the dreaded hyper-i flation towards absolute insignificance. One can hope.
Perhaps they discovery they were orders of magnitude too small to comprehend the elephant. Now that’s too similar to a Dr Seuss movie, elephants and all, so this analogy is growing peygs and getting too creepy now.
..the shiny glossy screaming promo paints a picture of power, movement and influence – as if SCN is this unstoppable juggernaut holding the planet in its hands…
yet it is the flea on the sea of elephants indeed – one of my first “free” thoughts was this analogy – except I had it as a flea on a dog’s back. I think your choice of animal is more apropos.
and…you’ve inspired an interesting line of “sly comment” that could be dropped – trying to sow the seeds of awakening – – – – something along the lines of:
(small sigh) “gosh, sometimes you wonder how OTHER ideal orgs are doing, you just never hear about ANY of them after opening…” (tilts head)… “but you know, I haven’t heard anything at all about new missions…after 15 years of ideal orgs opening…shouldn’t we be hearing at events all about tons of new missions opening in the cities of all our established Ideal Orgs?… ”
“oh well, maybe there’s just so much good news that there’s no time to talk about the hundreds of new missions springing up in those cities”
(smiles brightly)
DM decided that orgs do not need no stinking missions to support them.
When are they going to realize that having big buildings does not make ‘Clears’. I thought ‘ Having to have before you can do’ was a big no-no in scientological circles??
That’s the question I ask myself all the time, White Light.
I try to think of them as I do people who are caught in the vise of drug or alcohol addiction, or of those living with severe mental illness.
I’m not being funny or sarcastic. I have compassion for people dealing with these issues.
Most of the time I don’t have compassion for the still ins, because I think of them as rational people…who somehow are also…completely nuts.
You see? I can’t think with it. WHY…HOW…can rational people be so nuts?
So instead I think of them as impaired.
If I think of the deluded still ins with the mindset of one who is observing people suffering from some impairment and therefore largely incapable of rational thought – if I consider them from the viewpoint of being impaired in some way and as such incapable of sanity and truthfulness and rational productive decisions, it helps me to have compassion and patience for them.
Aqua, I love how you think! Definitely clear and not impaired. Good comment
Thanks for your comment Aqua – it’s far more complicated than simply being ‘deluded’ or ‘impaired’ for those still in the trap. It is a trap after all, a very sticky and insidious web, and not simple to get out of it.
But that’s a whole other topic. My point was that those in management are violating a basic policy of Hubbard’s which is you should not have to have things (eg. large expensive buildings) in order to do (ie making more ‘Clears’). Just an observation of the ironic double standards of scn management.
Totally got your point, WL. Totally agree with you too. 100%!
As for Hubbard’s policy being UTTERLY violated, i.e., the “having to have before you can do” policy, or maxim or whatever, not only is it Hubbard policy it happens to be utterly 100@ true!
Nothing, but nothing gets created that way; nothing in the entire universe grows and expands by having to have before doing. NOTHING!
And NOT because Hubbard said it was so, btw, but because its just true, whether Hubbard thought it up or stole it from someone else is not the issue right now – its just true!
Having do have before you can do is NOT a “start”, its a very effective “stop”. Anyway, my attempts to communicate this to the staff of my org – highly trained people, WL! People who taught ME and drilled ME and thereby showed ME the workability of “Be, Do Have” – these people, each of them, handled my comm in 3 basic ways: 1) Non answers that sounded like answers, 2) No response at all and 3) Evaluation that the problem was MINE because of misunderstood words and/or O/Ws.
Thanks for reading this rant. I’m still kind of broken-recordish about this. How can they, how could they, NOT see that this policy was being utterly violated, this workable policy trash-canned and replaced with “having to have before we can do” Miscavige policy and its accompanying Ideal M’Org Program, a doomed course of action in every way, not the least of which being the total absorption of staff”s energies and publics’ resources?
Hey, I thought the funnies were supposed to be on Thursdays.
It’s Tuesday. It just seems like Thursday.
Everyday’s like the funnies for Scientology. Too bad a sense of humor is frowned on in the cult. ?
It’s not only frowned upon, you could get a one way ticket to the RPF.
Gotta handle those pesky Sea Org members who persist in having their own opinion. Just another way to Keep Scientology Wanking.
ROTFLMFA! Now that’s some funny shit!
I hereby define the RPF as Religious Police Force.
Since the religious police force is really RTC, a more appropriate definition for the RPF would be religious persuasion facility.
I remember thinking essentially those thoughts, without the pithy prose, and flea analogy (LOL) How could one little org with 35 staff “clear the planet.” And back then we often had 25-50 people every night on their academy levels and producing 250-500 hrs a week of auditing. When I compare those stats to today’s stats and even those stats are worthy of the flea analogy, they are making money for a promise that makes fleas look good. Donate today! No exchange. ugh.
I love that analogy. Of course each flea would have to constantly give every flea dollar it earned to the IFS, so no flea would ever have the money to buy a single flea gun.
The elephwogs will never be defeated.