I have had a rather hectic week, and just don’t have anything prepared for today.
I VERY much appreciate all the kind comments about the book. I try to read them all, though I certainly cannot respond individually. I am so happy the book delivers the message I wanted it to deliver.
Of course, scientology continues to lose their shit. They are devoted a LOT of time and resources and money to their futile efforts to stop the book. Not really what tax exempt religious organizations are supposed to spend their money on….
The book is wonderful, I left a review on Amazon.
By far my favorite of those I read on the subject
My biggest regret I never told them to go fuck themselves…
Thank you Mike for doing this!
I bought this book and read it in 2 days, didn’t want to put it down. Keep fighting the good fight!
So proud of you! Just finished the book? So well done Mike!
Just pulled the trigger and bought your audio book on Amazon today. Listening to it now.
So I can already tell that I’m going to have to listen to it more than once to digest it all.
Blessings on you and your family.
excellent book. just finished it. i thought you did a great job of describing what it is to be trapped in a prison of belief.
I just finished reading your book, A Billion Years, Congratulations on a great book! I was in the Sea Org and at Gold Base in Hemet in the early ’80s and reading your book brought back memories and also filled in gaps of stories I had heard about but didn’t know all the details of. I know from personal experience that the things you write about the Sea Org and Dave Miscavige are true. Thank you for your courage in standing up to the evil cult and revealing its dirty secrets. I hope your ex-wife and two older children will reconcile with you someday soon. Wishing you all the best!
Ordered my copy today!
I’ll get it tomorrow (Amazon Prime totally worth it!)
Credit to A-Aron for reminding me the book was out
The total denigration of . . . well, everyone who has spoken out about how the organization REALLY works and what it TRULY does, all by itself, without any help from Scientology’s critics, raises much suspicion about this organization. I may not believe everything a particular author writes or says about his/her subject, even if I want to know their perspective and hear their experience. However, Scientology tells EVERYONE not to believe ANYTHING its critics say and then proceeds to total character annihilation. This type of ad hominem attack is classic bullying. And that is the mildest thing you can call what they do.
Add to that David Miscavige’s own website has nothing but gushing, breathless praise for him. It’s not real. The “fair game” policy with the vast $$$ resources to deploy it make this organization a criminal organization like Cosa Nostra. They have their own code, which they call “ethics”. “Out ethics” is anything which does not further the party line.
David Miscavige, I hope that one day, like Keith Raniere of Nxivm, you will be in prison for the lives you have gleefully and deliberately ruined with your expansive and extensive use of religion to engage in gross human rights violations worldwide.
Well now, what else do you expect them to spend their millions on, REAL humanitarian relief for victims of hurricane Ian which devastated thousands of lives right on their front door step – don’t be silly 😉
BTW the book is FAB! what a read, good for you
Your book is outstanding! It is articulate, raw, honest (even when it shows you in a less than flattering light) in-depth and very well presented. You and Leah are fearless and I admire that so much. I have watched all episodes of the Aftermath and was a loyal listener to your podcast. I still want to hear more about your fascinating experiences. I hope you would consider a speaking tour someday and/or authoring additional books. I still have so many questions about your time in Scientology and your brave escape. I could not put this book down. Thank you for writing your book and not being intimidated by Scientology.
That’s okay, Mike, you just do what you need to do. We’ll be here waiting and just savoring your book and cheering you on.
I got my hard copy the 27th and speed read it that day. I posted on amazon my review (JRFool): ‘An incredible autobiography of a life through scientology and out into the light. I was a student for some years and am thankful that I never was drawn into the Sea Org. I shrugged off the zealots of the org staff as people who just needed a crutch in life and were harmless. I could have not been more wrong.
Mike Rinder lays out his trip through the Inferno, with such detail that I felt astonished that such illegal and degrading **** went on and continues to go on to this day. The truly dark side of Ron Hubbard and of David Miscavige are hard to stomach.’
Saturday, I took the time to read it slowly and grasped the enormity of Mike’s journey through Hell. Mike’s ups-and-downs in scientology were of far greater magnitude/amplitude than my experiences as a paying public. The auditor training was most helpful to me, and Power through OT2 were great; BUT the quicky grades era, the postulate checks era, the drug rundown required instantly regardless of what else you were on, the 5% per week rate increases, and the ‘endless this-is-the-breakthrough’ (all from Ron’s two main faces) wore me down until a basic computation of existence kicked in: TIME TO GO
It looks to me that you have run out the incident, let the negative go, and have moved on to a newer life and better purpose. May all of the good things in life come to you, who were denied them in your first half of this life. I recommend one of John Rafanillo’s quotes: “Stay at Action (tone 22) and you will blow through the negativity without missing a step.’
I’ve been reading about Scientology for a while including Mike’s show and podcast with Leah Remini. So I bought the book and didn’t think it would make me understand more. I was wrong. Great book. Got the audible version. Very well read by Mike. Great work!
My wife and I just finished listening to the Audible version. So well written and it’s like having Mike as a much-appreciated house guest.
I love that description.
100% we ll said
Meanwhile the Standleague is thanking their good friend the Queen for all she did for them as Defender of the Faith. I hope that doesn’t mean Shelly Miscavige is being held in the Tower of London.
I know there is a way we can track the success of your book by seeing how many copies have been sold so far. But I’m not sure if this applies only to the books sold on the Amazon site or if there is some way to see how many have been sold in total. I know that I once saw instructions on how to do this. But I cannot find that now.
Would it be possible for you (or anyone else) to please post instructions how we can see how many books have been purchased to date?
You won’t be able to see how many books are sold everywhere – that’s information the publisher has.
You ROCKED IT with this book. Thank You Mike. Your willingness to be open, honest and vulnerable are priceless. You are an example of courage in the most difficult of life challenges. Especially with your older kids. Thank you. You have helped me and countless others you don’t even know about. Thank you. Thank you. Thank YOU.
That is very kind of you to say…
I’ve been hanging on to your words and those of some of your pals for over five years now. I’ve reached out to some of your authors and they were happy to help me. My 33 year old daughter is in a similar sitiuation, although not scientology. I haven’t spoken to my much loved child in 10 years. It’s impossible for anyone to understand unless they have ‘been there’. You are gifted, Mike. Your passion, courage and strength have kept me going. Thank You
Re: “… nothing comes before their [Sea Org members] obligations to do their job, including their own spiritual progress, relationships with their family, or physical well-being.” — A BILLION YEARS, page 80.
After 37 years in scientology, I left in 2014. As a scientologist, I learned to keep to myself. In the scientology bubble, I shared only “good roads, good weather” with my fellow scientologists. I never talked to anyone about anything serious, not unless I did so with an Ethics Officer or an Auditor. It made for a lonely existence (considering the fact there is so much about scientology that is incomprehensible).
I served in the Sea Org for two years (1977-78 and 1979-1980). I worked for countless scientology front groups from 1981 to 2001. Whether in or out of the Sea Org, I did not care very much my physical well-being. That’s just something you learn not to do.
After I left the Sea Org, a dentist advised me to see her on a regular basis for an exam and cleaning, but I never did it. I’m doing it now and am reaping the benefits. It’s very easy to do. Yet almost any visit to the dentist during my years in scientology occurred on an emergency basis only.
I woke up at 3:00 AM on The Freewinds in the late 1980s and in complete pain. I had been working on a Div 3 audits project, and we were sailing from Aruba to Curacao. After we docked, I went to a dentist, who had been trained in Amsterdam, for a root canal. He said that I would need to get a cap for the tooth and replace the temporary filling once I returned to the United States. That never happened, and years later, I lost the tooth.
I’m seeing a counselor once a month. Our current discussion is how does scientology deal (or not deal) with medical problems. I will be also be discussing “A Billion Years” with her during our next session.
I am sorry to hear that, Fred.
They really care about the physical well being of their staff.
They had a dentist come out from Houston who gave me a root canal and a bridge.
Of course the Captain Freewinds: the self proclaimed (at the top of his lungs) that he was the Only Right Arm Captain in the S.O. screamed at my then wife and myself that ” I don’t give a Fuck about family”. This was already obvious; as his family was toast. I just happened to be dying of AIDS at the time having gotten HIV from blood products either given me by the MLO or at the hospital where they took me after I was bleeding out from a bleeding ulcer.
I have never had any real problem with that; you know; shit happens and we were fighting a war and some have to die in a war and LRH never said that we would all make it.
It is only because he told my then wife that I was going to die and that nothing could be done about it an ordered her to
End Cycle on me that I have any BPC.
Had she complied with his order my odds of survival would have been Zero as she got me to a real doctor only a few weeks before I would have been dead anyway.
One night she asked me to give her a little advance warning before I died so that she could be there as she was afraid to go to the store as she thought that I would be dead when she got back.
Dear Bill (Dead Man Talking Bill Straass),
Thank you for your response. As I don’t recall seeing your posts before, I searched online and have read your posts at the Scientology Cult website.
I’m so sorry to hear that you contracted HIV during a blood transfusion that you received in 1989 at Curacao.
I arrived at The Freewinds in that city, a year after their initial voyage. After flying from Los Angeles, ship security refused to let me board because I had not yet purchased an IAS membership. I didn’t have any money, and either the MCL or FSSO had provided the one-way ticket I had arrived on. As an independent contractor, I had been hired to replace a seasick pregnant woman in their Div 3 audits project. She loaned me the money to buy that membership (thanks, Mary Beth).
I’m sorry to read about Jose Arroyo, a cabin mate of yours, who took his own live on that ship.
I became acquainted with various people on the ship, including the Cruise Director, the Super Cargo, and the guy who served my meals. While I don’t remember their names, I acknowledge their professionalism and dedication to making my life onboard more than just pleasant.
Because of your post below decks and my height (six-foot-four-inches), I don’t think we would’ve crossed paths. I did work (and sleep) in a public cabin on the “C” or “D” deck.
I worked many hours on the ship, but also found the opportunity to snorkel every time we arrived in Bonaire. I’ll never forget the “Dive In” shop across from the pier, and the precious moments I had in the ocean every Tuesday before lunch. It’s hard to grasp, however, the behind-the-scenes suffering of the Sea Org crew who did everything possible to make my trip a pleasant memory. Your post as Mechanics Chief provided distraction-free excursions among the ABC Islands. Thank you, Bill.
My copy arrives today! Can’t wait to read it.
It must be a remarkable thing to create something beneficial out of so such turmoil and watch it grow into having a life of its own as it spreads its wings. Your book is such a thing, which in essence is “putting the truth out there.” It is actually being taking notice of! Whether intended or not, your timing is impeccable. The icing on the cake so to speak for all those brave souls who have stood up against the abuses and voiced their displeasure and the suffered the subsequent retaliation; and for those who have been at the receiving end of the misery Scientology has thrust upon them with their lies and deceit but couldn’t fight back.
I have already made good use of reference to it to handle certain queries by those seeking explanation as to my association and subsequent behavior concerning the Church of Scientology. Hubbard was right about altitude. It’s a cleansing agent in it’s own right.
Time for the Church to truly begin to make its messy exit out of existence.
I don’t know if they have always done this, but a Google search of your name is topped by a sponsored ad of the whoismikerinder page. That smells of fear. Best of luck to you in your mission.
They’re spending tax exempt money to buy those…
Great writing Mike. Your phrasing and summarizing capture really well the nuttiness.
I’m taking your book slow, to savor, and try not kill myself remembering those years when I came along, first seeing you when you were Kerry’s communicator. (I was the unnoticable sidekick Assistant Course Supervisor under Al Baker in the Flag Bureaux Executive College, under the FB even). (Kerry Gleason who deserves a book himself, he far far far more had LRH ties and reliance by Hubbard on him, and Hubbard then turned on Kerry off and on, than LRH ever gained real trust in Miscavige, frankly, and this will be born out when and if the full Hubbard final decades of private orders ever get into the public, like Prof Cowen said Scientology just isn’t releasing the stuff that normal historians get from groups like Scientology wishing to honestly be graded and studied by outsiders).
Whirlwind of craziness being in the cult bureaucracy cutting edge world, doing LRH’s orders of that era.
It’s difficult to get outsiders to understand how intense life is within the Hubbard evolving cult bureaucracy.
Hubbard the prolific pulp writer, he could just mammothly dish out micromanaging prolific amounts of orders, getting the Apollo era and the Clearwater beginning years “top managers” to get going on their LRH ordered sub themed coordinated bureaucracy jobs/efforts.
Being Kerry’s communicator, with the amount of LRH traffic that came Kerry’s way, I by comparison when I finally read the ASI traffic, and the specific sub set of ASI traffic which Miscavige called the “COB advices” it is just NO comparison Mike.
LRH wrote just orders of magnitude more important management traffic to Kerry than Miscavige as COB ASI ever received.
Only those who’ve read it all both, as I did, can say this.
The LRH “top management” micromanaging years was just a whole level more important compared to the LRH traffic to the WDC/Exec Strata/ASI years, and we need to lay out the traffic, to see this.
No one will ever go into the details, never will that be done, there’s no one even interested.
And then, it’s futile to get into such weeds splitting of hairs of the output of Hubbard’s.
I wish to heck we had the “….management has failed for the millionth time…..” Hubbard writing. That one is pivotal to the INCOMM computer hair brained goals to computerize management, which INCOMM to this day, has as their continuing LRH orders, to carry out for the long universe salvaging goals of Scientology’s, that are hidden, mostly, from the average Scientologists, other than in the broad general writings that are public, which haven’t been brought into the discussion.
Anyways, Mike, you write so well, I’m savoring your book.
Chuck Beatty
Thanks so much Chuck
Hello Chuck; long time since I have seen you: early to mid 80s I imagine; I worked with Anne a few years when she was D of P AO,-1 I don’t know if you are still with her; I consider it unlikely as any family relationship is viewed unfavorably by the cult,; they want and need unconditional obedience to them into death. I came close to delivering that; 6 doctors and the only Right Arm Captain in the S.O. told my last wife that I would be dead soon (that was 20 years ago) but it is solely because she refused to comply that I happen to still be alive.
Of course I like you I assume have been declared SP ( I have never seen the issue) I hope that you are doing well an Mike. I will get your book and read it this week.
The organization can’t handle the truth. (I had to get that one in there:)