42X was not good enough.
Let’s make it 64X in 17 months.
64 is a good number. 8×8. 4 cubed. 2 to the 6th power. It just has a nice ring to it that connotes exponential expansion….
17 months I am not so sure about. 18 would have been better, but someone probably decided 17 sounded less contrived. Like instead of saying there were 12,000 people at the SP building ribbon cutting there were 12,311, because nobody would make up an exact number like that unless it was true. But really it is 19 months since GAG II. I suppose if you are going to just make up numbers it doesn’t matter which ones you use. Near or far, they’re all the same significance. Just numbers.
So, here we have Columbus small and failing org “announcing” 64X international expansion. Wonder what they think about that? How incompetent are they that everyone else has grown by 64X and they have grown not at all? Realize that an org that had 10 staff making 5,000 a week 17 months ago would have more than 640 staff and $320,000 per week GI by this time at that rate…. Yet Columbus has the same 5 part time people and $2,000 GI it has had for 25 years.
And there would be nearly 10,000 orgs by this time too! Instead of 64X expansion, there are less orgs with the closing of LA Fdn and SH Fdn…
How can Columbus promote massive expansion when they have gone nowhere? That’s just how things work in scientology. On the third dynamic you are expected to ignore self-introspection and just repeat the party line to “create enthusiasm” and never “spread entheta.” (It’s different when it comes to auditing and training and virtually everything else — if you don’t get the “expected result” you are required to “find your O/Ws” or PTS situation, or hidden standard, or M/U’s, or evil purposes or, or, or… introspection is the specialty)
The poor fool that wrote this might actually believe it to be true simply and only because someone in a position of authority asserted it and no utterances from on high are inspected in the mind-controlled world of scientology. But surely he or she must have wondered for just a second — “Where is the expansion happening? I ONLY see expansion of negative news coverage of scientology.”
But then relief washed over him like calming oil on a turbulent sea as he quickly realized that the entheta media is the best proof of the expansion — because LRH said that the “squirrels only howl when we are expanding.”
It’s a mind warp being inside that bubble.
The truth is simple: 64X is just a bigger lie than the 42X one. They can’t keep saying 42X so they just bumped it up with a different, bigger arbitrary number.
These figures are just blown out of someone’s butt…
No doubt if you traced it all the way back you would find singe marks on the rear end of Dear Leader DM.
I believe the column inches of negative press and books that expose cob’s criminal organization expanding by that much is a legit #. Then there’s the huge expansion on the intro route with all these new public introduced to scn from the film GOING CLEAR.
So true on the numbers. Odd numbers randomly picked out of the air. Like the recent 287 that attended the OT Convention to learn how to increase fundraising for their very own special Ideal Orgs.
Don’t even bother trying to figure out any of the math because it isn’t math, it’s fantasy. Locked into place with if you do question it, you are a howling at the idea of Scientology expansion. A one-sided, no-win situation.
Now let me see if I have this straight … Scientology says it has expanded SIXTY FOUR TIMES … but the most ideal of ideal orgs … the one that sets the pattern for the world … LA org says it has expanded FIVE TIMES. … uhm … HELOOOOOOOOOO … anybody home? (No need to answer by the way)
“64X more expansion” is like the graphs $cientology throws around with no value scales on them, it’s meaningless. The reality is 64 x 0 = 0, and that’s about how much expansion that’s going to happen.
I’m just wondering if the 64X in 17 months meant that 64 people looked through the windows as they walked past the eyesor…building.
64 people accidentally clicked on a Scientology ad that popped up.
64 times zero is still zero.
The event promises to inform you how many “clears” it will take to reverse the dwindling spiral. Does that mean the planet’s DS or people’s DS? And whose specifically? I’m just kidding. Of course one doesn’t ask such questions as though these promos were actually relating to stuff that makes sense. One looks at these promos and reads code.
Mention of the dwindling spiral is a trigger that reinforces the hypnotic suggestion that you need scientology to keep you from becoming an inert clump of matter for eternity. That is probably the most brilliantly twisted idea since the concept of “eternal hell”. That’s some scary shit, I know because it scared me for years even after leaving the church.
So to keep the spell fresh, mention of “eternity” and “dwindling spiral” regularly reinforce the false assumption that we collect “mass” as we go through time, like a magnet collects metal filings as it passes through them. When the magnet gets saturated it becomes inert. Thusly with beings, we collect mass and at some point become inert without the intervention of the “tech” according to Hubbard. That is another brilliantly twisted idea that forms the foundation of dwindling spiral theory. Now that I’m free from it I have to admire the twisted brilliance when I see what it has done to slowly degenerate the minds of so many otherwise smart and decent people.
Errata: The 64X expansion reported by the Columbus Org was in error. The actual Scientology expansion figure for the past 17 months is 164X.
This massive international highest-ever expansion is accounted for by COB’s brilliant 4D salvage campaigns which have driven 164x new people into the Ideal Orgs for free personality tests in Hollywood.
Having spent a modest $579,000,000 on Ideal Orgs, COB’s unit cost is only $3,530,487 per the 164 free personality tests given.
Our present goal in RTC is to lower our unit cost 90% so that we lose only $350,000 per free personality test given.
Sounds like the burn rate might be up 64x in the last 17 months…
Captain whostolemycog, it’s not that we in the Church of Scientology are losing alarming sums of money on empty Ideal and Non-Ideal organizations.
We prefer to look at it as making an “Investment in Humanity.”
We in Scientology are very much an “Up With People” group. We want beautiful Ideal Orgs that draw people in so we can route them onto and up the Bridge.
Once we get new raw meat publics onto the Bridge, our GAT II auditors can get busy knocking all of that stupid homo sap wog nonsense right out of their skulls.
Miss Pattycake is blown fifty feet out of her head and suddenly she is able. She is able to show up at your front door with a camera strapped on her head screaming at you about your crimes against COB.
That is the kind of commitment we want and need.
At current rates, our cash burn will slow by 2045 when book sales exceed $540 per month in Los Angeles. That is COB’s predict and he is on course.
As for Flag: Given the overall trend, we are busy converting Flag into the world’s first Ideal Convalescent Home for IAS Patrons. Fully luxurious in every way, this new retirement home includes bingo M-F nights and in-house eyeglass and hearing aid centers. Shuffleboard courts out back.
Another telling way of looking at this:
How many members did scn have BEFORE this expansion?
In the early 70s, they apparently claimed 15 million members (see George Malko’s book from that time). More recently, claims have been somewhere between 8 – 12 million (which begs the question: how did that past shrinkage happen to the ever-expanding cherch?).
So let’s split the difference and assume, “conservatively,” that before this most recent great expansion there were 10 million scilons worldwide. That means that over the last 17 months, 630 million new scilons were recruited. By now, the cherch would be more than half the size of the Catholic church and have twice as many adherents than the Buddhists do. In fact, they would have become, virtually overnight, the #4 world religion. How did that happen while NO ONE, say in the press or academia, noticed?
Even more telling: Scn membership would be twice the size of the US population–including every man, woman, child and illegal! Unless there has been a HUGE shift in demographics, cherch membership has always been US-centric. It is safe to assume that AT LEAST half of scilons worldwide reside in the US–always have, do now, always will. Now what that inevitably means is that if these expansion numbers are even nearly correct, the ENTIRE US would have to be scilon by now–not one exception! New scilons would inevitably have to include Alex Gibney, Larry Wright, Tony Ortega, Jamie DeWolf, Paulette Cooper, Jeffrey Augustine and Mark Bunker. Not to mention the “bitter apostates” who would ALL have to return to the cherch to make these numbers!
(In the unlikely event that demographics have shifted THAT MUCH, can you imagine the howling in various European countries where the gov’t deplores cults in general and scn specifically. And yet, not a whimper!)
So if there WERE such a thing as a “tech” and if status upgrades were not more important than “progress up” the bridge, the “clearing” of the US would be imminent. But if nothing else, at least we’d have a completely “religiously” uniform society for the first time ever.
Taking a playbook page from El Con hisself, this is obviously the approach of “if (when) you lie, lie big!” But even in the bubble, these ridiculous extremes of dishonesty leave people with far less excuses not to wake up and walk out!
I would love to know their estimated percentage of the population needed to be Clear to halt the dwindling spiral. Will 50% of a cleared population change the viewpoints of an ISIS member, a poppy field farmer, a Colombian drug lord, Arms dealers, a Russian military general, leaders of China or third world countries let alone the leaders of the free world? I seriously doubt it unless dwindling spiral means more power, more wars and more money. A bunch of clears aren’t going to put a dent in the above mentioned people and groups. It is delusional to think like that and even worse it is as equally delusional to want to attend a meeting to find out what percentage of the population should be clear to halt the dwindling spiral.
Surely there are better things to do than to listen to such drivel.
I can answer their question. Doing a bit of quick-and-dirty math (my favourite kind!):
World (or in Scientologese, “Worldwide Planetary In This Sector”) population is about 7 Billion. Let’s be generous and say none of those 60-something-thousand clears has died or blown. Let’s say 65,000 living, breathing, flavour-aid-drinking clears. It doesn’t matter at this minuscule level.
So, that makes the percentage of clears in, ahem, “this sector of the guh-LAX-y” today about 0.0009286%. Less than 1/1,000 of 1%.
So, what percentage of the population would have to be clear in order to reverse the dwindling spiral? (or whatever the question was) Some percentage greater than 1/1000 of 1%, of course!
To put that into perspective and summarize, and to say it another way, it brings us to this: A mere 1% of the population would be 70,000,000 clears, and even Miscavige Himself doesn’t claim that many scientologists of _any_ processing level.
To clarify, recapitulate, and summarily thus: They’re shit outta luck. (clapping, standing O’s, Hip-Hip-Hoorays! Three or four times or else!!!)
Sorry, I’m just in one o’ those ol’ Dan Sherman moods this evening. I better go pour a drink.
On a related note, before “Ideal Orgs” there was a drive to make every org the size of “old Saint Hill” which I presumed referred to the size of Saint Hill when LRH lived there. But what did “size” refer to? Square footage? Number of staff? Onlines students? Gross income adjusted for inflation & exchange rate? I suppose DM kept in vague intentionally so that he could declare a org successful or not successful at achieving “Saint Hill size” according to what his needs were at the moment. And is looks the same with orgs being “Ideal.”
The size of old St. Hill was supposed to equate to staff earning a wage that was a bit above what they would earn in a similar position in the “wog” world. There was a bunch of research done and numbers figured out and the arbitrary was that there were 200 studnets in the Academy and 1000 Well Done Auditing Hours weekly
An FSM came to visit me recently and announced this 64X. I asked what had increased by 64X? I was told Clears and OTs being made. I said where? In the Org? No, at Flag. I said 64X doesn’t make sense – maybe it’s 64%. He admitted that yes, maybe it was. They don’t even understand these messages they’ve been given to deliver.
They can get away with these lies because nobody sees the whole truth, people in the Orgs can be told of “amazing” achievements at Flag, people at Flag can hear bullshit stats about huge achievements at the various Orgs, the only ones who know the whole truth are the ones pushing the lies to begin with…to keep it going, keep the money coming in…
They don’t give a date….dang…I was going to drive by and take a few pics. There should be 64x more cars in the lot than there were 17 months ago, right?
One thing is for sure, there will be no BR from the new CMH Idle Org. It’s out in a former TV station building with no sidewalks or pedestrians.
Not “less orgs.” Not “less than 30,000 people.”
FEWER. Stannis Baratheon says so. (And if you saw last night’s episode, you know he’s ALL IN)
Also, Pete2, I bet many of those 63,000 “Clears” are the same people, forced to redo and redo and redo their levels because GAT II has FEWER semicolons so of course they re-attested Clear.
If everyones org had expanded 6400% they wouldn’t have to go to a closed door, OSAI screened event to find out about it. They’d run right into it, as they even drove past their place…
Yes, its so ridiculous. “Shhh! Come to our closed door briefing to hear all about our incredible expansion!”.
Yes, Sheeple, “Listen, don’t look!”.
Please don’t look, guys. Its too dangerous for you.
To paraphrase Inigo Montoya in Princess Bride, “I do not think you know what those words mean’? The clampire again proves that they have problems with all numbers. But at least we aren’t being snowed by zig zagging graphs that have no meaning. Maybe next time. So worldwide, 64 ‘services’ were delivered in 17 months. Hell, I’ve had more bowel movements. This all begs the question, how bad were things 18 months ago?
The Potemkin Village the dwarfenführer seeks to create can never come to be. Clams have to live with at least one foot in the real world. How else can they earn the money to keep Tom Cruise in burlwood. That one foot is all it takes to keep tugging on the blinders that Lron imposed. Tug long enough and the blinders fall off. The Duggans and Cruises and Travoltas can last a long time, they have enough ‘handlers’ to keep the real world at bay for a long time.
Staff and Sea bOrg are a different matter, but even they get to see the real world as their bus passes it on the way to Flag, or the LA complexes. Soon, layoffs of staff and bOrg will show them the money, I mean light. Even the whales will eventually see the futility of throwing money into a losing proposition.
” if you don’t get the “expected result”
From the horses mouth no doubt.
Hopefully the whales will soon wake up and save themslves, but they will probably go broke also, I hope that this new math is never taught in US schools.
Blubber from the Baby Boomer whales (the ones who haven’t already died of cancer) will be a restricted fuel after the end of 2015. The whales will have seen through the lies about expansion. They will all know that new raw-meat wogs are not coming in and starting services. This is when they hold back their money, get angry, and look to use their money to hurt DM. The solution to that is to harvest all their blubber before the end of 2015 and use it all up.
64x in 17 months is fantasmagorical straight-up-and-vertical mega-expansion. No question about it — World Clearing is happening for REAL.
Next big task is to somehow get one or two new public in and starting services.
Really! The singe marks would be on COB’s butt.
I also notice that the promo piece includes a picture of the American flag. They position themselves with something many people like. I myself like the American flag. It represents freedom from oppression with the 13 stripes representing the 13 colonies that broke free from Britain. Yeah for freedom! Thus it shouldn’t be the church using the flag for positioning. The church should use in their promo the picture Mike used of it all being blown out of the butt.
30 N. High St was for sale a few years back. I looked on the Franklin County property records and they still own it (I also couldn’t find it listed for sale anywhere now). In 2014 their tax bill was a whopping $418.34. They bought it in 1997 for $727,000. The only permits listed was one in 2006 for ‘electrical’. What’s sort of? Interesting for this address is that it’s listed as owned by Church of Scientology of Central Ohio BUT it’s listed as a ‘commercial property’. Now, onto 1266 Dublin….
1266 Dublin is, of course, owned by Church of Scientology of Central Ohio but THIS ONE is listed exempt property owned by churches. Mailing addy is 30 N. High Street. They bought it in April 2008 for $2,850,000.
In 2011 they had a permit for $930,000 of interior alterations.
WHY do they need 2 properties in Columbus? (oh yeah that 64X expansion). It seems 30 N. High St, the first floor ALONE, would serve their needs and they could rent out the above floors for profit.
Info found from this website via the addresses. http://property.franklincountyauditor.com/_web/search/commonsearch.aspx?mode=address
Again,the wasted space can be turned over
to Mormons for Court ordered Driver Ed ,
12 step programs like AA,GA,etc. night school GED.
Any organisation which genuinely expanded by 64x in 17 months would be in crisis. No way could it cope with such an overwhelming increase in such a small time without something somewhere within the organisation bucking under the strain.
for ‘bucking’ please read ‘buckling’.
64X is the amount of “mentions” of Scn in the news. 98% bad news. 2% is their self-promotion. That seems to add up. DLHDM doesn’t much care what kind of news he gets as long as Scn is mentioned.
As someone heavily educated in the natural sciences, the importance of numbers was drilled into me repeatedly. Numbers don’t lie. Respect your data. If the numbers don’t correspond to the expected, check to see what you might have done wrong first. They occupy an almost sacred position with me.
That’s one big reason why the cult pisses me off when they outright lie through the use of numbers like this. It’s not only disrespect, it’s the closest thing in my life to sacrilege or heresy. The culties should be really happy that we’re not in the pre-Reformation days. Those old-school Catholics knew how to handle heretics.
One more thing: do they realize that for many, if not most, people, an Ideal Civilization would be one without Scientology?
Scientology, despite its historically reputed hatred of communism from LRH, is an excellent example of how the old USSR (and current communist dictatorships) work:
1. You report only good news. If the real news is not good, you make up good news. Crop yields are up!
2. You suppress bad news. Yankee capitalists are to blame for rumors of mass starvation!
3. You manage by statistics and central control. Yes, we are meeting our production quotas! We are 64X exceeding our 5-year plan goals!
4. You name your major publication “Truth” (Pravda) and use it to tell all the lies you want.
5. You destroy anyone who questions or contradicts your version of reality.
Remember: the whole agonized future of every man, woman, and child on Earth — now and forever — depends on what we do right now and right here in Scientology. It is a perfect, flawless technology that delivers 100% results when applied standardly. Therefore, it cannot fail. Therefore, any report of failure must be a lie. And any source of a lie must be an SP.
Just like people in North Korea are told they are living in a workers’ paradise and the rest of the world is a horrific mess. Just like people in the USSR were told central economic planning was a huge success when the failure of agricultural collectives resulted in the starvation of millions.
Like the former USSR, Scientology has not only created a Potemkin Village of false statistics, it has moved into that fantasy village lock, stock, and barrel. I once heard someone say that neurotic people imagine castles in the sky, but psychotics go a step further and move right in. Now _that’s_ clearing on an imaginary scale!
Great comment
Agree with Mike. Great Comment! Add to that those of us still Under the Radar. Looking around at “who might be here” while talking about the Church in restaurants. “Taking risks” by meeting our friends who are declared in public places. Carefully, as I did yesterday, bringing up the Church in conversation to feel out whether your friend is still in or out. So many not being able to talk about what they know about the church to their own children or risk losing them. Children reporting on parents, parents reporting on their children. I said this many times. It’s like (in heavy Russian accent) Soviet Union.
YOur comment brought up a memory, One of Those Who See. About a year ago I was in a restaurant with another declared OT Indie. We were discussing the church and DM etc. Another couple stopped by our table as they were leaving and said they had overheard us and that they agree with all we said and that they also hate what DM is doing to our church. Turns out they are still in Scns who decided to be UTR for business reasons. I am convinced there are so many UTR’s that most Scns you see are not the rabid KA drinkers at all, but those biding their time under the radar.
Excellent comment, FOT.
Nailed it, FOTF2012. 180 degrees opposite of what they say they stand for. At least with the USSR you knew what you were getting, not so with Scn. RCS is a malevolent, fascist dictatorship.
FOTF2012, totally agree, CoS tactics are remarkably like the USSR, I’d add one more, those who publicly challenge or protest tend to DISAPPEAR!!
I’d love to go. To bad it doesn’t say the date. (Or was it just cut off the bottom?)
But the math still checks. 64×0=0=47×0
The only way they can make scientology real to them is with nice solid shinny mest. Anything to do with spirituality was forbidden decades ago along with any and all honesty, only a fool would tell the truth in the RCS.
But to keep the show going and make it even more real – more lies and then expand the lies.
The quickest way to being declared in the RCS is tell the truth or speak your mind, one of the same breed of cat. The sheeple in the RCS are truly scared of their own and everyone else’s mind unless it aligns with daves. What a sorry state of affairs.
Hi I Yawnalot,Yes I spoke my mind in the SO & told the truth so yes I was a fool.But a fool who was kept around because I had something that still was needed & wanted until the real heavies stepped in.XO Ann B.
Yeah I hear you, how the RCS values people is an extremely unpleasant study unfortunately. But I was more referring to those who are card carrying members still in and giving.
I don’t mind a number of aspects of the so called ‘tech’ but the conspiracy against well intentioned people generated and nurtured within that organisation has to rate high on the list as one of the most pure forms of religious betrayal this planet has ever seen. To promise freedom and deliver slavery – incredible!
I do believe however, the convoluted mess of how to get rid of it has degenerated into even more confusion as the courts seem just as susceptible to money as the RCS. PR wise the RCS is fucked but fools still remain attached with much fervour because their “solution” is being attacked and continue to give it money for its survival. Plus dm has stacked huge amounts of it away for rainy days. Strategically, I think it is an error to attack the religious angle of scientology with an expectation it is going to get rid of it. Much experience in the legal and political system has been in place for many years giving tolerance of radical religious views. Even recent court decisions confirm this, especially regarding scientology. The best and only defence the RCS has is its perceived religious status with backup of lots of cash, the courts recognise this, no matter how distasteful. Better to concentrate on the criminal abuses in my opinion and start putting their members behind bars for criminal misconduct, France has developed a common sense approach to the menace of organised scientology. The masses of the world have plenty of problems of their own, motivating them to get rid of an obscure religious bigot which exists only because some people freely give it money is more of a dream of how they wish they could organise something like that too.
Anyone that walks away from that cult cannot be regarded as a fool, they are the upper tenth. Nothing wrong with passion and a desire to help, it’s just been bobby trapped by the unscrupulous that’s all. Spiritually, I personally don’t want to head down the path of no solution at all, anywhere. It’s there all right but it isn’t easy separating the shit from the shineola.
Hi I Yawnalot, Thank you for the post.I learn a lot from you.XO AnnB.
Hmmmmm…64X expansion, huh? Holy stats, Batman, I can beat that!
My stats paddling into waves (production) is now 635X! Encounters with our pod of dolphins (spreading the word) that come by frequently, is 721X! Hot babes on the beach that are checking me (good PR) out is absolutely through the roof: 1,566X!!! But my biggest stat (negative) comes from sting rays. You see, I’ve been hit 3 times in the past decade. And if you’ve ever been stung by a ray, you know how painful it is. Well, I guess the rays now realize how UP STAT I am they they now revere me as one of their own. I’ve now achieved 4,851X of rays leaving me alone out of respect! I believe I’ve hit Ocean Meritorious Flatulence Supreme in status. And the greatest thing about hitting this status is I DIDN’T HAVE TO FUCKING PAY FOR IT!
I’d like to thank all of you posters for supporting me in my stat push! I really couldn’t have done it without you. I’d also like to thank Alex Gibney for inspiring me to create stats that for centuries have been unattainable.
Congrats OSD. Your New Cert will be in the mail:
To the ‘Ideal Surfer Dude’ for a job well done, having spent more time on the water than on a Cult Course each day for 12,045x days. You my friend are of course ……..in power!
Hang loose OSD!
Flaming farts are enough said.
Wonder how many people show up? If the expansion is real, it should standing room only in the Org.
Great news – the more Scientology LIES – the more it suppresses Scientology.
David Miscavige – do please continue. No one, but YOU, can destroy the Church of Scientology FASTER and more thoroughly!
All of their LIES are getting exposed. Thank GOD for the internet.
I think you meant to say: “thank XENU for the Internet”.
I noticed they are tempting them with entertainment and delicious food. I agree those numbers do sound the best, if your making it up you might as well select something that sounds good. More proof that all is not better in scientology, continued lying, continued set up to get more money without the substance to provide the services. Maybe they measured the square footage of the buildings to get the expansion number, so perhaps I am being unfair here.
“Maybe they measured the square footage of the building to get the expansion number…” LOL!
If the church were to extend air hoses into the bellies of a few remaining members and blow them up like balloons they could boast about their expanding membership. Technically true but equally misleading!
Square feet per paying victim.. That “stat” is going through the roof
Yes, here is OSA in 2010? in there own words talking about the expansion! Never do they mention more people getting on lines!
The first the flier says: “How Scientology has expanded 64x in the past 17 months”
Then in the very next sentence says: “What percentage of the population would need to be Clear in order to start reversing the dwindling spiral”
More nonsensical bubble babble. The clown car is running low on gas.
Oh my! “Bubble Babble!!!” I love it, NOLAGirl! And, if I’m not mistaken, it’s incomprehensible too.
Incomprehensible Bubble Babble. Yep, sounds about right OSD. 🙂
Reminds me of this quote: “It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Speaking of Clown Cars… from the archives of best postings about $cientology in 1997:
“A walk down the path of history is crunchy with the crispy corpses of
those who pooh-poohed or ignored the clown car of ridicule when it
pulled-up to the curb.” more like this here http://suburbia.net/~fun/scn/fun/970509-snjones.txt
64X more theta!
Scientology is a mosquito on the bum of an elephant exclaiming “Look at all this territory! We’ve expanded 64X!!!”
“a mosquito on the bum of an elephant….” That reminds me of a date I once had.
What exactly is an Ideal Org?!! What makes it “ideal?!?”
A scientology church that has a new building, replete with over-the-top renovations, custom furniture and carpets, marble floors etc etc, but is devoid of people.
one that delivers happy PC’s and trained auditors actually
I know you know this, but making happy PCs and trained auditors is too much work for the cherch of Scientology because if you can get money for nothing then a happy IAS donator that is increasing his/her/their status is where it’s at! Not PCs and auditors. Forget them.
Miscavige has declared the cherch is exempt from the laws of exchange!
The top echelon of the cherch are being fitted with orange jump suits in the minds of more than one Federal agency…
What makes it “ideal.”!?” Well, Ideally, they’ve taken every dollar you have.
Hi OSD,What a joy you always are with my AM coffee.When I was in Hilo & Honolulu I had a giant boxer called JoeJoe like my late Dad’s coffee,a beautiful kitty called Po Eli Eli correct my spelling if wrong meant dark as night & a myna bird that had a huge cage & would fly outside on a light long chain.I cried for weeks when @ 5 we went back to the states & they were all left on a lovely estate whose family was called Peacock.Could not take them because of quarantine rules then.Have a great day in Parardise Always Ann B.XO.
Hi OSD, Meant Paradise & the bird’s name was Mica.XO Ann B.
A place Tom cruise can show his friends. .. If he has any
Its ideal for plaintiffs’ lawyers to attach because it is worth a lot of money, but has no evidence of any services provided or religious activity, and is run exclusively by David Miscavige.
The only way that Scientology is still in existence is because of a few wealthy donors from around the world. Why bother trying to “grow” Scientology with the unwashed masses? These cheerleading ads for Scientology’s “growth” are comical.
Perhaps the ideal org campaign is only about making money and keeping Co$ members busy so they can’t think too much. Naaaaa…just being cynical.
Lori S, what you’ve stated, that Scientology still exists because of a few wealthy donors from around the world, is correct. The reason why Scientology has to “grow” is for the benefit of these donors, to reassure them that the money they donate is “making a difference”, so that they’ll KEEP donating.
In fact, on a smaller scale, these preposterous expansion lies are for the benefit of EVERYONE who has been donating, so that, soothed with lies, they’ll stay on board, and keep donating.
Anyone who has the nerve, the temerity, however innocently, to speak up and say, “Hey, wait a minute! I don’t see any expansion going on! How can this be?”, is quickly shunted to Ethics to be “handled”.
If Ethics fails to assist them in believing that Scientology is expanding, if various handlings don’t somehow convince them that their religion is mushrooming like the floor of a forest after a spring rain, then OSA brings out the heavy artillery and orders that they be shunned, or that family and friends disconnect from them.
In the Auditor’s magazine received today No 63,163 clear was shown. Given that probably 60% of the people have passed on or left, and several are in jail, hard to believe you can clear the planet with less than 30,000 people. There were also only two births announced for the last 8 months.
“If Ethics fails to assist them in believing that Scientology is expanding, if various handlings don’t somehow convince them that their religion is mushrooming like the floor of a forest after a spring rain, then OSA brings out the heavy artillery and orders that they be shunned, or that family and friends disconnect from them.” Well said, Aquamarine! I tried to answer you but there was no reply button on your comment.