Here is a question that came up in a recent discussion I had.
It is based on two facts that scientology hold as true and indisputable:
- Scientologists believe they are the ONLY ONES who can save the planet — because they are the only ones that have “the technology” to accomplish this objective. Hubbard says that the most important people on earth are auditors and the ONLY WAY to clear the planet is by training auditors (not just by auditing people – because you cannot audit them without auditors).
- Scientology has billions of dollars.
You can walk into ANY scientology organization at this point and it is empty. Literally, any one, anywhere.
If David Miscavige believed his own propaganda, there is a simple, easy to implement solution.
Offer $10,000 to everyone who will train as a Class V auditor and deliver 1000 hours of auditing to help Clear the Planet. (Of course, if this really worked, they would carry on auditing after their 1000 hours).
Think about this. For just one million dollars they could train 100 auditors and have 100,000 hours of auditing delivered (which according to their figures would make more Clears than they have in the last decade combined). For a billion dollars it would mean 100,000 auditors and 100,000,000 hours of auditing. 100,000 auditors each clearing 25 people could at least handle one medium sized city of 2.5 million. Like Tampa.
That would consume about 1/3 of the money they have amassed. But, if their “tech” is correct, it would generate far more income. It would simply be “priming the pump”.
This actually gives an idea of the correct order of magnitude for “making planetary clearing a reality”… It also puts into sharp focus, just how insane the world of scientology is. They preach that “we only have this brief breath in eternity” and “this planet does not have long to live.” Yet instead of investing the money they have amassed in scientology — and truly putting their money where their mouth is — they talk about “saving mankind” and “making a difference.” They register less impact on the world than a fart in a NASA windtunnel.
I’m going to make a video using Marty Rathburn’s own words against himself! kinda bouncing from his latest contradicting lies to his old videos and TV appearances etc that show him telling the truth and completely the opposite to what he’s currently stating now!!!
to do this, i need everyone’s HELP who’s not an undercover $cientologist!!! lol. i need links, or the names of the videos currently on YouTube and what part contradicts his most recent statements about $cientology & the Aftermath and Going Clear.
I’ll put in the effort if you do to
There is a term in spiritual psychology called “spiritual bypass”. It basically means aiming for the stars but can’t tie your shoe laces. Wanting spiritual enlightenment but can’t hold a job. Something in us gets denied, some basic steps gets missed by “out gradient” lofty goals. It makes the ego very happy. And gets us strokes from the group.
Clearing the planet is such a thing. How many Scientologists did you know who were working for a cleared planet but their lives were all messed up?
Add to that that Ron made you feel guilty for only “surviving on the first dynamic”.
Saving the universe is a derangement in the mind. It is a form of self denial and self delusion. It aims for the stars while people are messed up personally.
Either Ron was delusional in wanting to save the universe or it was a way to motivate Scientologists to help fill his suite cases to off shore accounts.
Clearing the planet is delusion. Like the tooth faerie.
Planetary clearing is an assignment of the ego that says “who I am and what I am going is important.”
“Our goals in Scientology, on the 4th dynamic, are bigger and better than wog goals”
“We REALLY care about the planet and you tiny wog thetans do not”
It could be considered that Ron’s goal of planetary clearing is an extension, a projection, a symptom, of his megalomaniacal Narcissism.
The idea of taking over a planet, and worse, THIS SECTOR OF THE UNIVERSE!, is looney tunes on steroids.
It’s Ron’s mental illness made into the Scientologist life purpose.
This saving the world delusion was a hard nut to crack in my mind. I’ve only recently started to unpack, within my subconscious, the personal damage it caused by denying the first dynamic.
Saving the planet could be a form of self denial and self abnegation. Destructive to self while appearing high and mighty.
Just think when Marty was harassed by Jenny at the airport.
There she was, looking like someone who just escaped from a lockdown psych ward admonishing Marty that he wasn’t doing anything to help mankind.
Her face was a study in insanity while she was scolding Marty for not helping mankind to become sane.
Oh no%. Brian is doing an Orical
?a Briacle lol
I don’t think it matters how many auditors they have, because nobody wants to join scientlogy and get audited. Too many people are wising up to the scam, and there is no way they can ever fill their orgs – even on a good day.
They register less impact on the world than a fart in a NASA windtunnel. EPIC!!
Pretty soon they’re going to have to offer coupons, discounts at bargain basement prices,and rent out or sell those empty buildings how much damn money do they need!
Social media has showed the planet what dirty little secrets are being hidden,
Thank you Mike Rinder!
Yep, we’ll be seeing two’fer coupons for BT exorcisms sometime soon!
Mike, of everything written and said about Scn these days, I believe your site is having the greatest impact on those still in. I applaud your efforts and hope you never get too discouraged to keep trying to help those that indeed want out.
Miscavige = “Scientology has billions of dollars.” Remove the word “Scientology” and there’s the answer plain and simple.
What you say makes all the sense in the world. I can nod in agreement and see the validity and scope of your ideas and the ripple effects that would be created.
What is frightening and appalling is how I have to push away and can actually feel – (weight, density, pressure, urgency) – the scn-toe-the-line-tech response to this.
Does this ever go away? Will I ever have my own opinion on anything, and KNOW it’s my own opinion?
“You don’t reward downstats. They have to reach, and reach with some money. We sell pearls for pennies already. Criminal exchange – giving it away. Scn helps the able become more able.” … followed by a zillion other arguments that use the teck – auditors are cause, they won’t make it if it’s all just a handout” “it’s like giving full time training at once upon hiring, violation of HCOPL Vital Necessity of Hatting, it’s folly to do so” “if you don’t pay, you don’t value”
Basically, I have a whole package of viewpoint and certainty of why it wouldn’t work, and why Status Quo LRH is the only way to go. (this is not my certainty, it’s merely a brainwashed part of me that is embedded)
I can agree with you all I want. But at the same time, I just suddenly feel fully schizophrenic – I’ve got this whole way of thinking so deeply embedded that it’s there even if I don’t believe it. Even if I’ve come to see that it’s 100% nonsense, it’s still screaming answers in my head.
I’ve been noticing this more often lately. I’m wondering if this is just another stage of breaking free. Things have been a lot harder lately.
Secret, yes it is normal to feel some cognitive dissonance when you are breaking away from something like Scientology.
The answer for me was just to get more information about it. Jon Atack’s “Open Minds Foundation” is a great resource. Also just reading books like Russell Miller’s “Bare Faced Messiah”. As you learn more about what was really happening behind the scenes, the power of the trap lessens.
But that is just me, others have reported good success with therapy. I can’t suggest anything, not knowing where you are etc. but possibly if you email Mike he could make a suggestion.
But in any case, please be sure to take care of yourself. Breaking free of Scientology is hard. For some it helps to follow the blogs and find out more about what is going on, others just seem to walk away and never look back.
Whatever it takes, your own survival comes first. Then you can help others. I appreciate and enjoy reading your comments here, but if it is better for you to just take a break from it please feel free.
That is the great thing about waking up from Scientology. You are no longer the narcissistic lynch-pin of a vitally important crusade, whose every waking moment has great consequences for the future of mankind etc. etc. etc. You are just you.
Thank you, Bruce and all. This is helpful and good advice. I have read quite a few of the books, I wish I could have all of my friends read Atack’s stuff. It’s so riveting.
I had no in-between indie or doubt phase, it just all happened at once and fully after a fair long struggle and trauma with something. The books and the blog have helped to make me feel less alone, the information just confirms the things I ignored along the way.
david miscavige actually means nothing to me – my shattering had nothing to do with him, or any of his goofy games with the tek. (he’s just a fun easy target for pot shots) (and a bully I’d like to see taken down) Mine was with the tech itself and then the whole concept that it was just a cult just …… happened. The books and you all take away the aloneness.
But after the initial whammy of it all happening, I think I’m now in a drowning phase or something. It’s quite tricky to navigate. It helps to sometimes just pull back and become an observer. “wow, this shit has layers!”.
UTR is a hindrance to various avenues of help I’d be on if I could. So for now it’s muddle muddle.
………’re right. It’s really quite amazing and I try to just remind myself…. that the eternity and fate of every being on planet is not my responsibility. (or fault, since I’m doing such a bang-up job of nothing)
It takes some getting used to.
Bruce, You are no longer the narcissistic lynch-pin of a vitally important crusade, whose every waking moment has great consequences for the future of mankind etc. etc. etc. You are just you.
THAT was tough after being on staff full time for 12 years. Part of letting that go was ridding myself of my know-best attitude (you know, I was an auditor and c/s and all that BS…haha) and facing the reality of MY own life, which was pretty damned shitty at the time.
Of course it’s gotten harder. The closer you come to YOUR truth, the more the false data is pushing back. Here’s the point where your personal courage gets called on to keep moving through the morass which has been built up. It’s not Hubbard or Miscavige any longer. This is your personal internal war. You will win it by simply keeping on what you KNOW to be your Truth.
For me it was the same. I peeled them off of myself by identifying those ‘stable datums’ as ron/scientology/cherch service facimilies. All of your above quotes are used by them to make themselves right and superior and to dominate. Getting free includes letting go of lower level truths.
Dear Secret. I’m a never-in and feel great compassion for your plight. All the reading and postings I’ve watched (Tory, Chris Shelton, Steve Hassan’s website “Freedom of Mind” … go to Steve’s website and watch all of Tory’s and Chris’ videos). I’ve learned that the Scientology language is deeply embedded, and it can take a year or two or three before those deeply internalized thoughts are rooted out and shed for good. It’s a tough struggle. Read Tony Ortega’s blog too. I’ve learned so much about the tough path ex-Scientologists must walk to gain personal freedom of mind, spirit and body. You can do it Secret. The fact that you posted here to Mike, is major. You came to great place, Keep coming, keep reading. You will feel better. You will gain your freedom. Yes and find some real joy. Hang in there friend. Stephanie
All that you said Step and others. Its a long sometimes hard road out but well worth the effort. Take care of your self first. Hugs to all
I know what you mean and feel. Study study study about abusive relationships and you’ll find yourself again. Hugs and best wishes
secretfornow, a little process that helped me was differentiating what thoughts are mine and what thoughts came from somewhere else. This was a continuing process as different life situations came up. For example, when people were devastated by hurricanes, was it really out-exchange or wrong for our government to give them food stamps so they could eat or money to pay their electric bill? Real life situations where I popped up with some “stable datum” that was not my own and not based on my own experience and observation…and I evaluated those. Eventually, they quit popping up.
thanks. One of the things that has been chafing lately is the recognition of how on some level it’s like I believe against my will. (I KNOW I’m not alone in this, it’s just the part I’m at!)
So even though I know that all the various tek – o/w, conditions, pts, are just made up crappola, it still lives in my head as the answer and I have to push it away.
I know I know I tell myself, this takes time. I can’t throw off almost 40 years of thinking in a month or a year.
I just so much feel …..empty. It’s like…I don’t know what to think, and I have no trust anymore.
Ha – so here I am, all a’swim, and just trying to breathe in and out…and meannnnwhile, the conditioning is continuously popping up and staying things like, ‘oh, you sound like you’re in confusion, oh, no trust? that’s treason… you need to do treason, etc etc. It doesn’t help that I had wins on every single thing I did until I didn’t. So these condition formulas “helped” at various times.
The scn person I was… was very very very strong and confident. I was Me in spades. I had it all taped out, decades of wins and successes. My whole track was real and fun and OT auditing had been a blast, etc etc. I had a long staff history, hatted up and trained and all these things were WHO I WAS. That was this whole other person.
Now…it’s like, I have nothing in common with that person except the memories.
Without all my answers, with no certainty, with a big swimming head of noise, with pressure and fear of being found out, with having dedicated scios mouthing the stuff about me…
It’s just super hard sometimes.
and then I give myself hell for “being a victim” So….I come here and burble up the crap sometimes.
thanks for listenin! I swear, someday I’ll be in a position to speak freely, and then I want to be able to help others, even if just by listening. Yes, I need to help more. I’ve been branching out into areas of help non-scio, and that is something I should ramp up!!!!! I think that may end some of the pity party introversion insanity that has been troubling the waters lately.
You can call me or a bunch of others. Hugs :). 213-880-3661
thanks, that’s astounding. If I don’t call it’s merely because of abject terror and too much to lose. <3
secretfornow, I have experienced exactly the same thing, the same way. Even though it wasn’t for as many years, it was during my “formative” years. I think the thing that really threw me was not being “in control” like everything in Scn made me “think” I was in control of. For every bump, there was a formula or a process, always something that could fix it and make me feel like I was in control. Without that, I felt absolutely out of control. Since my goals were so fixated on helping people with Scn, I never realistically considered how to accomplish helping others without it. I started to change this by volunteering myself and my girls at a local soup kitchen. We had plenty of storm victims to help in all sorts of ways too. I decided I’d finish college and get a master’s and become a licensed professional counselor. Going back to college gave me discipline and made me organized and gave me tangible goals (grades) and gave me control, at least of myself.
And really, that’s about all you can control is yourself. (opposite to what I believed in Scn)
I changed my goals after the death of my partner, and will become teacher certified to teach high school, where I can have a positive impact that way. It’s a continuing process and I can’t predict or control what will happen in the future and that’s okay with me nowadays.
“For every bump, there was a formula or a process, always something that could fix it and make me feel like I was in control. Without that, I felt absolutely out of control.”
Wow. This is very accurate. I no longer have a toolbox of solutions, and the very concept of solutions is a minefield.
I know nothing, and I’m fine with that. (so far)
I’m SO glad for you. Good for YOU!
secretfornow, thank you. Take whatever you felt/feel worked for you and use it however you see fit. You no longer have to play by their rules; you can make your own rules and make your own tools, use pieces-parts, whatever you want to do.
Empty Organizations and Cannibalism Update:
Have your empty organizations within a 15 mile radius of you epic Valley Mortuary become fair game for being cannibalized? Your long time Sherman Oaks Mission store front on Ventura Boulevard is now literally gutted — signage and ALL. What remains is all cowed at the back alley exit. Will everything be completely gone in another weekend or two?
Kinda like deja vu all over again. Your last Mission in the Malibu area disappeared into the sunset years ago; never to be seen again.
Good riddance.
Dear 3′ , I plan my 1st study to the famous Princess Org in Porn valley my self in a week or so… I will keep stats and times. I will see for myself how productive they are or arnt. My disconnected son is only a mile from there. Discovering life for myself in my dream rig Winnie.
The key operative words in the proposed discussion are: “If David Miscavige believed his own propaganda…”. Since I believe it is more than likely true that DM does not believe his own propaganda that makes this discussion (and the diminutive monkey!!!) null and void.
Not to cast aspersions on you, Mike. Your point is well taken. Aside from all the obvious problems with Idle Morgues and the current climate… IF the tech worked, and DM had its best interests at heart, other solutions ARE available. Any sane person could promote and implement something like this and probably be successful (maybe with some reformation of the bad policies and tech) at seeing the cherch rise from the ashes.
I forecast a destruction, hopefully brutal but soon, sudden, and totally justified. Ka-boom!
The goal of “Planetary Clearing” has always been nothing but a pipe dream from LRH; a DELUSION like most things that came from him.
In the first place, attempting to use one specific system of belief/therapy in order to change people is a VERY unwise and dangerous endeavor that history has taught us that can ONLY leads to the enslavement of the mind and tyranny – that without even mentioning the self-righteousness of such proposition.
There are many routes to Freedom that, although might be based in different sets of beliefs, all of them have the same arrival point : An harmonious and compassionate interaction among the citizens (which includes ALL lifeforms) of this planet for the benefit and welfare of ALL of us. That’s has been the goal of many religions and philosophies of this planet, and each one of them seek that arrival point in different ways, only demonstrating the beautiful diversity of Life.
When you see ANY group asserting “I have the ‘correct’ solution to the dilemmas of humankind”, listen with a LOT of suspicion for you are witnessing a delusional mind. You are witnessing a potential criminal.
And in the second place, this planet doesn’t need any “saving”. That impulse to “save” the planet is just an Ego dramatization (manifestation) of the ones seeking it as cultures follow a natural evolutionary process of decay and growth. No real spiritual teacher – the ones who have ACTUALLY achieved Enlightenment – is concerned, not even a little bit, with “Planetary salvation”. They would laugh at such a “goal”.
We humans have come a long way in our understanding of this universe and of the mind. We still have a looog road to travel, all right, but if we study the history of how humans have evolved over the centuries, we should be able to see a lot of great changes in terms of responsibility for our fellow beings including all forms of life. Human Rights have become a concept understood and supported by more and more people, instead of the apathetic submission to authority that plagued people for centuries. We are now instantly connected over the whole planet, and more and more people are participating in the affairs of their own nations.
This planet, even though is still very far from ideal, is moving along nicely, and given enough time, humans will reach a level of sanity never heard of. This WILL happen; this is ALREADY happening. Of course, if we only tune in to the common Media, all we’ll see are stories about crime, death and general turmoil (which is TRUE enough). But there are an INCREDIBLE amount of great things happening which is just not disseminated by the mainstream Media. Why? Because it doesn’t sell according to them.
This goal of “Planetary Clearing” is the direct result of fear and delusion; humans’ greatest enemies.
maybe you ought to tell Marty that the fact of clearing never happened and the state of OT the same, so the so called religion is not a religion.
Yeah; may be I ought to,
Thanks for the sanity, ThetaClear. You are absolutely spot on. The amount of GOOD that is going on far outweighs what the media claims as the truth. There was a brilliant article published in IMPRIMIS, a very sane publication. on the Demise of Journalistic Standards. Well worth the read.
Thanks Thegman77! Yes, the world is a lot more different than it is made to look through the Media.
Thanks for the link of the article; I will definitely take a look at it.
Your comment, Mike, is another proof that Scientology and Ron’s tech are one of the greatest spiritual fraud in the history of man.
For the purpose of this post, I’m going to look at things from an inside the cult perspective, or at least an Indie view.
If SCN was interested in clearing the planet and massive expansion, they could focus on letting people exchange service for service. Have public help out the full time staff in exchange for training / auditing hours. Give staff and SO members one day of free auditing / practices each week.
Fundamentally, auditing is not expensive. The church controls the meters and the certifications. They can make people into auditors for relatively little actually money. This auditing service can be exchanged for other services. People who are out of money can still get to clear by filing or mowing the law or cleaning the org. It’s still an exchange, but it is one that is less likely to burn people out.
But what if the reactive bank is part of the con?
First of all, I would never fart in a wind tunnel. The wonderful odors I emanate are a thing to enjoy. Elevators are my favorite place ‘drop an emanation’. Unlike Lron who dropped them in his many ‘advises’ and ‘orders’.
Is it a coincidence that ‘order’ and ‘odor’ are almost spelled the same? I think not.
The auditing scam was just the first level on the pyramid of scaminess. Auditing was supposed to ensnare the PC in the web of light hypnosis and group think that is the beginning of $cientology. The auditing level was supposed to be much better than self supporting. It was supposed to provide lots of income to the upper reaches of the pyramid (i.e, Lron, himself).
Fees for training auditors was supposed to be the mainstay of the whole scam. Well, Lron saw that there was a lot of room for more levels, the moving target scam requires ‘levels’. After gouging out all the income he could Lron walked away from the scam and sat on his suitcases of cash in his palatial motor home and died. There an emanation for you.
It is forever 2pm Thursday in $cieno Land and they can never get beyond that. There is no future in a science fiction based religion. That is why paying auditors can never happen.
Actually, in the mission I was in, the Cl4 auditor was making $20 an hour and that was back in the late 70s. Phenomenal auditor, better than a Cl8 who worked there for a short time. I completely disagree with the “light hypnosis” theory which seems so prevalent lately. Having studied and practiced hypnosis for several years long ago, I know that most of the auditing I got…and training as well…had nothing to do with being hypnotized. And when I was a course supe, there was no “hypnotism” going on.
As for Hubbard’s ensding, I heard nothing of “suitcases of cash” and I’ve yet to hear of a “palatial” motor home anywhere. According to the man who was with him all through the end, it was a pretty miserable existence.
the gman said, “As for Hubbard’s ensding, I heard nothing of “suitcases of cash””
That’s because you don’t listen or even read much. Even if you read this blog in much depth you would have read about the cash a dozen times. smh
My experience with auditing and training was similar to yours.
Truly, I don’t invalidate others’ experiences which differ from mine. Each of us owns his or her own experiences.
Its possible that there are people who puzzle over what I share about auditing as much as I puzzle over what they share about auditing.
I think it would be great one day to meet people who felt like they were being hypnotized when they were audited – to meet and delve further so that I could simply understand why it was that way for them, and they could understand why it was the opposite for me.
Oh, well, mysteries always hook me until I figure them out. Then its onto the next mystery
I wouldn’t see a layperson about myself…that’s what friends are for…I would rather see a professional who could provide suggestions to consider…not some ppl asking me how often I master baiter, unclean thoughts about COB, etc. but that’s just me.
Not to make wrong , Barbet, but the word you are looking for is spelled “masturbate” .
It’s an old joke – how a fisherman worked hooking bait on lines for years until he became a master baiter?
Got it.
Auditors are great, if you can find one that can audit. People in the church are afraid to audit correctly because it may get them declared, and at the same time, they are afraid to audit incorrectly because it may get them declared. A person in Scientology can be declared today based on a false report. I can’t stand Scientology.
Me neither
Really good article, Mike. I always wondered why, if auditors were so vital, scholarships and grants were not available for qualified public. It just made sense to me that if you’re serious about clearing a planet you would set up a system of turning out lots of auditors, in volume. What you’ve suggested makes even more sense because its a much quicker way to make lots and lots of auditors…you’d think these dumbass sheeple would figure this out, would figure out that Ideal Morgues will not clear the planet. If buildings could clear people we could all just take our own European Cathedral tour or something…God, they’re dumb. Today is one of those days wherein I believe that the Sheeple deserve to get scammed, they’re so damned dumb. End of rant.
There used to be scholarships, special awards, amnestys. That has all gone away.
There used to be lots of auditors auditing in missions. Those missions stabily made scientologists who would then go train at orgs. There are no missions to speak of left.
Missions had independent thinking people who could make a living from their establishments. And people could get basic training from those missions.
No more. Just empty building enhabited by empty, hollow Sciebots.
Got it on all, BKmole. I really wish I had been in back in those busy days. I came in on the tale end of all that, in the mid 80s.
This reminds me of the letter I wrote in response to the CO of ASHO D back in the 1990’s (Jon Lundeen?) when he was doing an outreach to VIII’s in the field. My suggestion to him was to treat new staff coming on as the army does: someone that signs up for a five-year contract is immediately trained up to Class V, no matter what their post might be, in addition to any admin training for their post. They audit/are on post those five years and even if they don’t re-sign, there’s another Classed auditor out in the field – probably auditing, but at the very least, simply a trained auditor out there interacting with people everyday – putting in good PR and possibly creating interest in Scientology.
I was already out (my friends said “disaffected”) by this time due to the bastardization of the tech by MIscavaige (not interested in debating the validity of the tech – I understand blog readers may not have found anything good in it), so I really didn’t think my suggestion would be taken seriously. Needless to say, I never heard back from him, and from the things I have read recently about him, I’m very glad for that.
But, I guess my point is, the individual members’ short-sightedness, fear and greed outweighs any longterm survival decisions the church could make – and, if any of the VIII’s left in let themselves see that, they would have an even harder time remaining in and supporting it.
Don’t despair WhatWhenAllWho. You can still do all that stuff you suggested. IF you think the tech is worth it…
Good suggestion. I do remember the days when it was all about “selling it with services.” Those were way different times. Obviously, david miscavige doesn’t believe in that.
“That would consume about 1/3 of the money they have amassed. But, if their “tech” is correct, it would generate far more income.”
If even the lower “Bridge” tech worked, the CoS would have to use the might of the entire US Military to keep people from swamping the orgs with demand for service and they’d need dump trucks to carry all the cash to the bank.
But, it doesn’t “work” (work: perform as stated). It has NEVER worked. Hence no org or mission has EVER had that problem.
Dianetics & Scientology are make believe. I know members want it to be true, but, it’s not. Members still get sick and die. They still colds like the rest of us. It’s all scam. One enormous scam. If you think it’s too good to be true…you’re absolutely right.
I respectfully disagree with both of you, Wynski and OSD, only because you’ve painted with a very broad brush. “The Tech”…its a very broad brush.
For example, a comm cycle is “the tech”. Communicating so that the recipient can hear what you’re saying, Listening, understanding, acknowledging and being in turn listened to, understood and acknowledged? Seriously, this doesn’t work?
Now, Scientology calls this a “communication cycle”, but it could be called anything else and possibly is called other things elsewhere. No matter, Its part of training on the lower Bridge and it does work when applied.
That’s just one example. I could furnish a number of other examples of what’s workable on the lower bridge.
What do you disagree with Aqua? You don;t think that if people could get the gains CLAIMED for Grade 1 that orgs would be flooded with people?
On target again, Mike. But I suspect that it is not on program to work Scientology in this manner. Unless LRon said to do it, it will not happen.
And also understand that the REAL public has your back. These ‘Marty Movies’ especially this second video about ‘Leah Remini’s Troublemakers Part 2’ has made me realize Marty is not sick; he is exacting money for payback in his mind through new investment with Miscavige. How long this relationship will last is the big unknown.
You are ‘da man’.
I’ve been thinking. What exactly does scientology offer in terms of benefits to new members these days? “A better you?” “Better communication?” Does the CO$ really offer anything that can’t be gotten elsewhere cheaper and/or free? At least in the 50’s and 60’s (and perhaps later, I’m not sure) LRH was promising cool shit like gaining IQ points, curing all manner of medical illnesses, etc. once you reach the state of clear. They don’t even promise that any more as far as I know, since the FDA came down hard on them for making the health claims without scientific evidence to back them up.
Maybe they’re offering salvation from this “prison planet?” Exactly how does this benefit someone who’s happy with their life? If they can’t deliver identifiable and objectively measureable benefits, why in the hell would I trust the decidedly unscientifically verifiable promise of my “eternity?” Maybe knowledge of past lives would be helpful? Ever notice that people who believe in past lives are always someone important, like Julius Caesar or Jesus, not the village idiot, a pauper, or the town drunk. It’s almost as if it’s a total load of bollocks.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. If the CO$ could deliver super powers, a higher IQ or cures for medical illnesses, etc. as originally promised I’d be throwing my money at them. In the immortal words of Jason Beghe, “Show me a motherfucking clear!”
They offer to lighten your wallet…
Not “offer”; “demand”!
The ONLY thing that “they” seem to be clearing with 100% accuracy are people’s bank accounts, IRA’s, retirement, kids college funds, through their “necessary & overly costly auditing sessions”.
Right on the money!
I assume the answer comes down to some pseudo-theological angels-dancing-on-the-head-of-a-pin type theory (or excuse) that if people people were paid to become auditors, they would be “out exchange” (not personally financially responsible) and therefore would be in a state of mind and spirit that would hobble them from becoming good and effective auditors.
Scientology seems to me in many ways just a sort of sci-fi version of the sort of ceremonial magick that Hubbard practiced with Jack Parsons, where supposedly spells only produce their incredible results when done according to an exact formula by people who have prepared themselves in just the right ways. If the spell didn’t work, it’s because the right words weren’t said in the right way or the right motions weren’t made, or people hadn’t cleansed themselves properly beforehand, or whatever – sound kind of familiar?
I find it outrageous that you would insult NASA farts this way — implying that they are even remotely as repugnant as Scientology!
Termites have been around for about 250 million years. Each year they produce over 150 million tons of methane-producing gas. Cows also contribute to the greenhouse effect. It’s estimated that 18% of the greenhouse effect is caused by methane gas. So termites and cows are having a greater effect on our planet than $cn. Chuckle.
It must be difficult sometimes to discuss new ways of pointing out the same thing. The church really has nothing to do with logic or the public. It’s purpose is to support the lifestyle of a few people. The rest is a dog and pony show. It’s that simple.
Just another, couple “methinks”… since the late ’70s, there’s been an exorbitant amount of Scientologists who have been treated quite poorly. It’d be interesting to see stats on # of Declares. Expulsions, Disconnections, etc. The internet and WWW has been exposing this, as well as things like Mike and Leah’s show, or witnessing Scientologists acting dink dink, like Rat Bum. Turns people off. This is blatant deterioration.
I’d also like to see a comparison between Hubbardism and Misscaviagism, but could soundly guess GAT doesn’t approach the “success rates” of Scientology boom days. The question is, can the current Tech really make a Clear, even if they made a million auditors?
And back to reality… a big mega methink, is, there’s no such thing as the reactive mind or the state of Clear and any benefit ensuing from auditing is just like any counseling; works by merely addressing thoughts of the patient. It’s not because of some wonderful method. And solo meditation probably produces greater result for free, after one learns how.
Rob, the church membership started collapsing in the mid-70’s. No Miss Cabbage needed.
And it’s been falling ever since.
Yup OSD. Right down the chute.
Very true. If it’s so important to get this planet cleared, then why is it so out of reach for just about everyone. The entire “business plan” is just crazy. Just train auditors who want to audit, and pay them a decent wage. Let P.C.’s be P.C.’s. Yea, I know..half the gain’s in training. So settle for half. Here’s an example of how this “plan” would work in real life. “Excuse me yes, is this Acme plumbing? Yes, I’d like to get a man out to my house…fix the toilet. What, I have to learn to become a plumber first? Only take 6 years of my life, 8 hrs a day”?
How many auditors would audit for a living if they could make 50K per year? Lots. Charge P.C.’s $20.00 an hour, + an extra $10-$15 a day per auditor for the C.S. Then, if the tech worked, you could clear a planet.
Of course your idea for paying people to be Scientologists (more specifically, auditors) is the one thing that Miscavige could possibly do to fill his orgs, at least partially, and truly boom the scene. There would be so many applicants they could actually be choosy. But besides this being expressly and totally opposed to Hubbard’s entire ethos (grab the dough and horde it), Miscavige is not the least bit interested in a membership boom. He has accepted that his downward spiral is irreversible and he is only interested in keeping puppets dancing on strings for as long as he can, while he manages his well-remunerated exit.
If a member of a religion, in this case scientology, sets aside some time to think deeply about the basis of the religion, it is surprising what can be learned, without the spoon-feeding from other members of the group, or from a parent at an early age. This level of thinking should be applied not just to religion, but to many facets of life… politics, education systems, you name it.
I mean it, step outside of your shoes and try to think objectively about whatever ideology or system you believe in. I have tried this myself and woken up to some scary realizations, some liberating realizations, and some pleasant realizations.
Mike’s post today is the kind of thinking I am talking about. It seems obvious to an outsider, but to those “in”, rarely are such logical conclusions reached. Why is that?
If I recall correctly, Any Rand described it as “blankout”.
Planetary Clearing? Whoa!!! Before planetary ‘clearing’ can occur there must first be an individual ‘clear’. I haven’t seen one yet. Not even close, even by ‘book one’ standards or any other standard that came afterwards. As the old sage Lao Tsu is quoted as saying, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. It’s kind of hard to take that single step when it doesn’t exist. Just like I can imagine frolicking around on Mars I can imagine taking that single step, but in reality it’s just in my mind. As another old sage, my father, often said, “shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first”.
Wow! The circular arsenal of lies that composes organised Scientology. Whichever way a question is posed about what Hubbard and now Miscavige preach about the tech and the value of auditors, the response is similar to a revolving chamber coming to rest on an appropriate response, ie a lie. From the SPs opposing them, to the need for donating for the IAS, renos, Ideal Orgs, VM pgms, WTH pgms, disaster relief, and so on and so on is their mode and only mode of operation. Making auditors is something they are incapable of doing, even if they used all their money to do so because no one is Scientology knows how anyway. What is written in their technical materials is complete gibberish!
Hubbard and organised Scientology raves (well they use to) about Saint Hill size in the 60s, 200 in the TTC (auditor training) etc, yet that vanished as soon as Hubbard did from that Org and then Miscavige literally threw out/declared the vast majority of the original staff, or they left of their own accord, especially the technically trained ones. They posed the greatest threat to Miscavige’s dictatorship. The mission network was next to go and going on at the same time the alterations of the technology was put into overdrive.
It’s all a pack of self perpetuating lies built upon Hubbard’s original ravings and wanderings concerning a technology he just couldn’t help himself “develop” further and further and further. He had the damn gall to declare, “we have for some time since past the point of uniformly workable technology” in 1965 and forbid anyone to alter anything in it while he worked like a madman doing exactly that.
From my experience in it, there is some nifty stuff that can be done with simple auditing to relieve some of life’s batterings but the claim it’s going to save mankind and make OT/Gods out of us all is bs; but oh my goodness, didn’t the bs sell well?
Organised Scientology is so fucked up there isn’t a snowflake’s chance in hell of it ever doing anything else but lie its way round and round in circles for the rest of its miserable existence, which, with any luck will cease sooner rather than later. I’d love nothing more than to see and experience the whole family sitting around a Christmas or Thanksgiving celebration enjoying themselves as a family unit. That’s what really hurts about the Scientology experience, the loneliness and dismay it creates. I don’t have all that long left and just a bit of shared honesty about what Scientology is actually up to and being allowed to express forgiveness is about all I’ve ever really wanted for the family. Plus high on my agenda is to experience a little bit of life’s simple pleasures, like a phone call checking up on how you’re doing and what are you up to etc, I now realize I took that sort of thing for granted.
Your blogs are always so insightful. Thank you.
Filed under: You learn something new every day!
“A fart in a NASA windtunnel”.
Now that’s a concept that would never have entered my mind.
Mike, why do you think the cult members aren’t realizing this? They don’t have to watch/read/listen to wogs or anti-$cientologists to come to this realization.
Same reason that Jim Jones was able to convince over 900 members to kill them selves and their children.
People frequently don’t see what they don’t want to see. This is a generalization but workable. It applies to all kinds of issues other than the obvious lies emanating from the Church of Scientology. Many people turn a blind eye to what they don’t want to see, because its just not confrontable for them, or, its inconvenient. Wasn’t it the New Testament which gives the words,”He has eyes to see, let him see. He who has ears to hear, let him hear”. When people don’t see what’s staring them right in the face, that means they cannot or will not confront it. Ergo, for them, it doesn’t exist. Simple, really. Not only Scientologists suffer from this. Look around you and you’ll observe people blind to one thing or another in their lives.
And, not only are they blind to something, they WANT to be blind to it. They WORK at being blind as regards this thing. Very common.
Mike, your pieces keep turning up the heat on Scientology. This piece particularly powerful because in my opinion you are showing exactly why Scientology will never achieve the goal of Clearing the Planet as they so proudly proclaim they are doing, year in & year out. I love your line ” they register less impact on the world than a fart in a NASA wind tunnel.” Brilliant. The smiling auditor gives me the shivers because she morphs into a listing sec-checker the instant she sees me approaching! ????
Mike, you make a great point. However, it also shows that this really is a money making operation. In other words, it’s a cult. And it’s mission is to take every dollar you have. Your idea has tremendous merit. But, there’s not a chance in the world that the dwarf will take your advice.
And since all the Model, Idle Morgues, scattered around the world, are empty, I say to everyone here, pull up a chair, relax, and watch the show! I’m sure it’s going to be entertaining! I’m pouring a glass of Merlot right now. This is going to be fun to watch.
Yes, it’s show alright. Enjoy your Merlot my friend. I hate to say this but I share something in common with Miscavige, I enjoy a good whisky, but I do know where I’d like to shove the empty bottle!
I can help you with that empty bottle thing.
The problem is that the Seasons were taught to audit out innocent individuals, not just the criminals but, helpless mothers and fathers that with audits were buried with sabotagical debt, criminal charges and personal slander, leaving the lawyers with every type of beneficial assets including the kids and the kitchen sink.
Diane Cisneros Kekilian, I have no idea what you just said.
The lack of forward-thinking truly boggles the mind. However, as you’ve said before, it seems they can only go by the handbook of their beloved founder. From what I’ve learned though, he cared much less about “investing in the future” as he did trying to “keep it all for himself”.
And thank you for that last sentence Mike. That gave me a good laugh.
Big problem when your financial director believes in taking it with him to Target 2, a non-extradition country.