Today (7 Sept), tomorrow and Friday, A Billion Years is available with a 25% discount at Barnes & Noble.
Go to this link: Barnes & Noble, search for the book or audiobook and use the promo code PREORDER25 at checkout.
Less than 3 weeks now before you will be able to read it (or listen to it)…
There is a country bar near Cincinnati called Lori’s roadhouse. There logo is LRH. It’d be great to have an event at LRH!
pre ordered on
looking forward to it
Thanks Mike
Hey Mike, are you doing any kind of a book release event or signing event locally? Looking forward to it!
Nothing is planned at this point. Apparently bookstores don’t really do these sort of events any more…
I bet a brewery or DT Clearwater book event would move some copies. Would love a signed copy or a reading of passages meaningful to you. I got my advance copy on order; keep getting your voice heard, Mike!
-The schiesty lawyer you met on Aaron’s campaign a couple times
Hey Chris!
Cant wait for what will no doubt be a compelling and gripping read. I hope it gets the world wide recognition that it deserves and the exposure that DM is dreading!
Long time reader, first time poster…….A billion years is coming my way, per-ordered this afternoon.
Thank you for for what you have done so far, I hope the book will become a massive success. Happy to donate the book, once I have finished reading it, to my local library.
Thank you
Already pre-ordered on Amazon, can’t wait to read it. Congratulations to you Mike!
Thank you
Mike, will your book be available here in Aussie? If so, when, and through what source?
Yes, I am told on 27 Sept too. Not sure how the distribution happens yet…
Very much looking forward to reading your book, Mike. I see from Aaron’s YouTube channel that Scientologists are ramping up a campaign against you in anticipation of the book’s release. Stay strong, Mike, and know you have many friends and allies who support you and all who seek Truth.
Amazon is so well organized.
If you pre-ordered, early morning on 27th Sept the book delivered to your door. 🙂
I got an email this morning and pre-ordered the Kindle edition too. Looking forward to it!
Thank you!
All good buddy. Best of luck hey 🙂
Book preordered. Can’t wait! Love the podcast! My favorite characters are john Atak, Claire and Mark Headley (sorry if I spelled name wrong) And the john Sweeney episode is great! I keep checking for new ones. I’m sure they are forthcoming!
Gary Meek
I am looking forward to reading this book.
But I have to ask the following. During the TV show “Aftermath”, you told many ugly stories about what it was like being at the mercy of Miscaviage and all the terrible things he did to you.
I can’t imagine just what you could put in your book that you have not already told us on that TV show and in this blog.
Can you give us some idea as to what else you have to say about the cult in the book that you have not already told us?
A lot…
Ordered last month, should be in my mailbox any day now, can’t wait, can’t wait CAN NOT WAIT!
That sounds like a reply a car salesman would make. Short on any details. Long on some sizzle.
I think I will pass on this book.
I think that’s probably a good plan for you.
I wrote the book so I could fill in details and answer people’s questions. It’s self defeating to spend time explaining what’s in the book in response to random questions. If you really want to know, get the book. If you don’t care, that’s OK too.
Hey Steven, I think you should write a book about living life as an asshole.
You’re such a fuck*n idiot.
@Steven Reeves,
No worries!
Go to your local library and read it 🙂
Much love,
You are going to put YOUR BOOK on your important reading section on YOUR Blog… right?
Super Congrats!!
What goes around comes around.
Read Dianetics. It’s the owners manual for the human mind. Get your copy today … at Waldenbooks!
PS Mike’s sales will actually be verified and cultists will not be told to go to the nearest book store and buy a copy and send it back to HQ for re-selling.
I’m sorry. But that just does not make any sense to me.
Why would the cult have any interest in sending a copy of this book back to HQ to re-sell it?
I would think the cult would do everything they could to discourage people from buying this book. Are you trying to be funny? Or did you make some kind of mistake in writing that post?
Steven, I believe the Pope is referring to the practice of exhorting scientology parishioners to go to Waldenbooks and buy Dianetics, or the latest Mission Earth book or the Battlefield Earth book in order to boost numbers and make that LRH book appear to be a bestseller.
The hope was that other people, non-scientologists, would buy the LRH book in question because it was a ‘success.’ It’s like buying bot ‘likes’ on social media. It’s cheating to decieve the non-scientologists. If there was a deceitful way to sell more books to the general public, scientology would do it. And ask the parishioners to help out.
The Pope is pointing out that the stats for Mike Rinder’s book will be accurate. You won’t be going into your local bookstore, buying ten copies, then bringing them back to the scientology headquarters and getting reimbursed by the cherch.
Mike’s book will be bought by people who want to read his story. Scientology has their own bookstore, which might make one think that their books are so damn good and in demand that they need a scientology-only bookstore to keep up with the demand. Uh no. They have their own bookstore because Waldenbooks, et al won’t carry freaking History of Man. And it takes a hard sell from the scientology test evaluator to loosen the coins in your pocket to buy one these tired-ass books from LRH.
Correct that is why Dianetics covers said “one million copies SOLD” not “one million copies IN PRINT. ” There is a huge difference. Theoretically I could sell one book a million times and make the same boast.
On a related note, Scn donates tons of Scn books to libraries and they just throw them out. Won’t even put them on the shelf. BUT my guess is that Mike Rinder’s book will be on library shelves.
Indeed. Mike’s book belongs on library shelves!
Hey Mike, I sent a message to you last week, the 1st of September, from this site’s contact me page. It’s very personal and kind of important. Would you mind looking for it? Thanks buddy. 🙂
I’m sorry, there is something wrong with the email link. I just checked and have not received any emails since 30 August! I am troubleshooting to find what happened and see if I can recover the emails. In the meantime, if it is urgent you can DM me on Twitter and I will give you my email address.
Gosh, hope you can figure out that email issue. Man, wish I’d saved what I wrote, poured my heart out.
Okay, I set up a twitter account, but it says you can’t be messaged. I’m a complete social media newb and can’t figure it out. I’m so sorry. Would you mind DMing me? It’s the same as my email. Otherwise I’ll try to reach out to you through the aftermath fdn.
If you follow me you can DM me. I don’t see an account with your email name?
Just preordered Mike, can’t wait to read the book. Best wishes to you and your family from a fellow Aussie in the States!
Thank you!
Pre-order done, Sir!
Thanks Mike!
Congrats Mike
I encourage everyone To buy extra copies and place them in every Library on the planet
Leah’s book helped me wake up to the truth
The Library’s are a valuable resource for lurkers under the radar to finally get the truth about Scientology
A library campaign!
How ironic.
Hilarious AND an excellent idea.
Just had the library that I work for pre-order it! 🙂
Wonderful! Thank you.
At least here in Sweden you can ask libraries to procure books and I did that here in Umea and some day later I got it confirmed.
Hmm, gonna do the same with the University library here as well.
I do that at my libraries too! I’m requesting it be added in book and audio format, both print and digital.
Just got an answer from the University library that they will not provure the book:-(
Will question it etc and so on and so forth;-)
Very exciting!
I’m so excited for this book! Really looking forward to reading it. I hope you are well, and the harassment you are, no doubt, receiving is not too terrible.