Here’s an update on recent media I have done.
The first 3 are favorites, a new friend and two old ones.
Growing Up in Scientology with Aaron Smith-Levin
Jon Atack Podcast
Bryan Callen Podcast
Apologetics Profile with James Walker
This is a pretty extensive Q and A
Hello Mike,
I’m from Melbourne and am really hoping we will eventually be able to get your audiobook here. I heard your talk with Jon Atack, explaining some of the issues here and in the UK. Fingers crossed!
Thank you for everything you do. I’ve almost finished your book and it’s been absolutely fantastic. Thank you for sharing so honestly about your journey with scientology. I’m very grateful for your work.
Hi Mike I’ve just purchased your book and I’m very excited to read it. I noticed on amazon that the book directly under yours when you search “A Billion Years, Mike Rinder”, seems to be a Scientology hit book on you called “A Billion Lies by Ryan Prescott”. It was released the day before your book was and the cover is almost identical to yours but with different photos. Not sure if you were aware of this, but I found it interesting that they managed it so quickly. I took a screenshot of it just in case.
Another false post by a liar.
I do not know if Chris Shelton has introduced you to the other apostates he does videos with. There’s a great ex Mormon aka a formon and an ex JW. You might want to do their podcasts.
Telltale has a pretty cool channel on Cults. You already know Steve Hassan. Shawn Atwood has a good following. He has covered a lot of topics including cults. There really seems to be no end to the people interested in cults. Obviously David Pakman is there as well. Doug Kramer has the YouTube channel Dazed But Not Confused.
Perhaps you have already addressed this previously, but I thought of this question while listening to the Mike Rowe interview.
When you were the head of OSA and the international spokesperson for Scientology did you actually believe the statements that were made about the number of Scientologists worldwide, the impact that Scientology had on drug rehabilitation and prison reforms, and the influence (that was claimed) on governments around the world? Did you know that the orgs around the world were actually struggling with few staff and even fewer customers?
The claims at the events sometimes seemed extremely ludicrous when one had to sit through the endless parade of examples.
Did you know they were mostly fabrications, or did you think they were mostly true?
Hi Mike,
First time commenter, but I’ve been an avid follower of your blog and the Fair Game podcast for several years so thank you for everything you’ve done. I remember hearing that you’d left the church and being so excited for what that might entail – and you’ve not disappointed!
So I was just wondering if there was any news as to when we might be able to get the audiobook version of A Billion Years here in the UK?
All the best,
Andrew. I am told a new solution has been worked out and the contract to move forward was signed today. I don’t know how long until it becomes available, but there is light at the end the tunnel!
Hi Mike,
Amazing, that’s great news – I’ll keep my fingers crossed!
Sorry to go off topic. But I just read Tony Ortega’s account about Tommy Davis’ despicable behavior on a New York City street. It is just amazing that he would treat two of the witnesses in the Paul Haggis trial that way – especially in public. What a miserable bully!
But after reading that, I immediately got a vision of who the next leader of this cult will be should anything happens to The Twerp. In my vision, I saw the next leader of this cult will be Tommy Davis. After all, the job’s primary requirement is to be a miserable bully. Davis is just perfect for the job.
Unfortunately, my visions are only 50-50 when it comes to accuracy.
But if anyone wants to read about that incident, you can find it at:
On Youtube there’s only about a 5 minute excerpt with Mike Rowe.
Where can we hear the entire interview?
Click on it in the post
Hey Mike.
I tried that, it just makes a still picture pop up. Then when I click on that it makes the picture a bit larger. I’ve clicked all around the things that pop up in the vicinity, the play button etc. still no video. Doesn’t seem to be a link there, or I’m doing something wrong?
Here is a link to his podcast website:
Or go to iTunes or Google or iHeart or Spotify.
Hi Mike
I’m from Ireland and have listened to you for good few years and glad to brought a book out which I’m looking forward to get stuck into, I’m sure the story’s you have would have over a pint would be incredible, your a credit to anyone stuck and feel they have no way out of a cult and it can be achieved. Looking forward to hear more from you with the excellent work to continue to do.
Paul shimmin
Thank you Paul. I did an interview with Mike Sheridan in Ireland a couple of days ago. Should be out on his podcast soon.
Brilliant I will listen out for it, thanks for the reply. 👍
Hi Mike
Hope is all well 😊
Can you get your Audio book in the UK/Ireland???
Not yet, it is coming. The problems have been resolved and it will be available finally but I dont have a date yet.
Good stuff Mike I keep eye out for it 👍
I was so glad to hear that your nightmares are gone Mike after completing your book. That was not an easy read and surely not easy to write. Take care.
Oh Goodie! Heard a couple already but looking forward to a couple I haven’t heard.
You are kickin’ it Mike! 💥 👊🏻 💥