I have finally written a book.
It was announced in a press release today — it will be available on 27 September.
You can find it at the Simon and Schuster website where there are links to all major retailers to pre-order if you are so inclined.
There is also a description of the book and some initial reviews from Leah, Alex Gibney, Lawrence Wright and John Sweeney.
It’s taken a long time to put together. I hope it doesn’t disappoint any of you who have been asking me to write a book.
I am about to begin recording the audiobook.
The press release:
Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, will publish Mike Rinder’s A BILLION YEARS: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology, on September 27, 2022. Rinder, a member of Scientology for nearly fifty years, offers insights that only someone of his former high rank could provide and tells a harrowing but fulfilling story of personal resilience.
Mike Rinder was brought into Scientology by his parents when he was five years old. After high school, he signed a billion-year contract with the Sea Organization, Scientology’s elite inner circle. Buying into the doctrine that his personal comfort was secondary to the higher purpose of Hubbard’s world-saving mission, Rinder swiftly rose through the ranks. He went on to serve as the church’s international spokesperson, a member of its international Board of Directors, and head of the Office of Special Affairs, known as the “dirty tricks” division, responsible for looking out for its celebrity members and attacking its enemies. But Rinder couldn’t shake a nagging feeling that something was amiss—Hubbard’s promises remained unfulfilled at his death and his successor, David Miscavige, was a ruthless and vindictive man. Yet he stayed on, helping negotiate Scientology’s pivotal tax exemption from the IRS and engaging with the organization’s prominent celebrities, including Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
In 2007 at the age of fifty-two, Rinder escaped Scientology with only the clothes on his back. His family disconnected from him, and he soon became one of the organization’s biggest public enemies. He was followed, hacked, spied on and tracked. Today he helps people break free of Scientology and is a prominent whistleblower against the organization’s abuses. He has appeared in the HBO documentary Going Clear and cohosted all three seasons of the Emmy Award-winning show Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath on A&E. He and Remini currently cohost the podcast Scientology: Fair Game. While other members have revealed some of Scientology’s inner workings, Mike Rinder’s A BILLION YEARS is the first account told from the perspective of a high-ranking, long-standing member who worked at the very top of Scientology’s hierarchy, in both L. Ron Hubbard’s and David Miscavige’s inner circle.
Gallery Books Vice President and Editorial Director, Aimee Bell, acquired North American rights from Steve Fisher at APA. The audio edition will be published simultaneously by Simon & Schuster Audio, which will be read by the author.
Gallery Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, is an imprint dedicated to publishing a variety of must-read books on a wide array of topics. Launched in 2010, Gallery is designed to showcase established voices and to introduce emerging new ones—in both fiction and nonfiction. Gallery Books is the publisher of Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci, The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish, Where Tomorrow’s Aren’t Promised by Carmelo Anthony, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer, One by One and The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware and Anna: The Biography by Amy Odell.
Simon & Schuster, a Paramount Company, is a global leader in general interest publishing, dedicated to providing the best in fiction and nonfiction for readers of all ages, and in all printed, digital, and audio formats. Its distinguished roster of authors includes many of the world’s most popular and widely recognized writers, and winners of the most prestigious literary honors and awards. It is home to numerous well-known imprints and divisions such as Simon & Schuster, Scribner, Atria Books, Gallery Books, Adams Media, Avid Reader Press, Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing and Simon & Schuster Audio and international companies in Australia, Canada, India and the United Kingdom, and proudly brings the works of its authors to readers in more than 200 countries and territories. For more information visit our website at www.simonandschuster.com
“Few people understand Scientology like Mike Rinder does. In A Billion Years, he tells the gripping, harrowing account of growing up in Scientology, serving founder L. Ron Hubbard, and rising to the top of its ranks. Mike has found purpose in his pain and his book offers not only a cautionary tale but also an inspiring story of resilience.”
—LEAH REMINI, New York Times bestselling author of Troublemaker
“A candid and deeply felt memoir of a life lost to false belief—and courageously regained.”
—LAWRENCE WRIGHT, New York Times bestselling author of Going Clear
“A Billion Years is an extraordinarily powerful book. It is an essential account from the inside, and while it’s a devastating exposé of the abuses of the church, the tone is measured and deeply humanistic. Rinder lets us feel what it’s like to fall into a state of blind faith, and how hard it is to break free and see the truth for what it is. Nothing could be more relevant to our current moment.”
—ALEX GIBNEY, Oscar-winning director of Taxi to the Dark Side and Going Clear
“Mike Rinder has written the definitive book on the great threat of Scientology in the twenty-first century. It’s a flamethrower of a read, burning up the organization’s wicked nonsense so all that is left is like so much ash in the ashtray. Read it.”
—JOHN SWEENEY, investigative journalist and presenter of BBC Panorama’s Scientology and Me and The Secrets of Scientology
Will you do a book tour?
Excellent work! 👍
Operation Stumpy has the CoB on the jump.
Very much needed to have this data published and available in a single doc that is publicly available. “Signs of success” 😉
This is awesome news, Mike! The book we have all been patiently waiting for. Thank you! I hope it was cathartic. I have so much admiration and respect for you and wish you all the happiness you deserve. Every time I hear about your family and current activities it makes me smile. Brings to mind that saying – something like the sweetest revenge is living a happy life. DM can pound sand. He’s the saddest of human beings – so small and I don’t mean stature. You on the other hand, continue to shine light in the darkness and help others out of the trap. Off to order my copy.
Well done Mike, looking forward to it.
Mike, Do you know whether or not your book will be available on Kindle? And if not, or if you don’t know, if there’s anything you can do to make sure it’s available on Kindle, that would be appreciated.
You can already pre-order it on Kindle Dave.
Ordered a hard copy straight away. I know it will be riveting. Thanks for sharing the truth with the world, May God Bless You.
I am now waiting for The “church” reply. I think we all know they will simply have to reply. I did a little looking this morning but nothing yet. I surely hope we can make comments on the article when it comes out. I’m sure some of us here will post some really good ones.
And, Mike, we have all seen that you are a strong man. Keep up the good work! You can do this. The ones of us who were never in and just worry about the people who are in can’t tell the story form the perspective that you can. I truly think the corn cob will be shaking in his booties (not a mistake) when he reads this. (And it makes me laugh.) What a great day!
I sure hope there is the full story that leaves them shaking in their boots but more importantly I hope it will fill in more gaps not addressed that so many ex-members and ex-staff have been eager to know in their recovery. I myself have had all my questions answered directly by just asking Mike but others still want details like the who, what, where of attacks on the CO$ detractors. My fingers are crossed that Mr.Rinder delivers as effectively as he has in the past to blow the whole truth wide open!
Grande! I can’t wait for it! I am sure DM will send his goons even on Mars to try to sabotage the release…. Well we have a saying here in Italy that fit the situation DM is in: “you wanted the bike? Great now ride!”
Congratulations! I have pre-ordered your book and can’t wait to read it!
Mike, I look forward to reading your book.
As I’ve said: Mental Chains Are Stronger Than Steel.
Good job Mike, this book shall give insider perspective …
For US social, political and business leaders an eye opening, how 2nd amendment is misused to deprived American Civil and human rights in their homeland.
A business of .Mental Slavery, by taking postion against University scholars, Psychiatrist, psychologists, reporters , judges and FBI
Keep it up Mike,looking forward for an ebook version.
Fantastic! Light continues to shine onto Scientology’s darkness.
David miscavige is writing a book on himself. Epic sales worldwide predicted. (cob, you don’t have the balls, you twit.! ha3!.)
No way that runt can handle what’s coming to him!🤡😜
Great title and subtitle, a real attention getter!
Can’t wait to see the confected screams of outrage and “hard hitting” rebuttals (read the same tired and hoary bullshit and filth) from the now toothless yapping and scared piddling in the purse from the tiny sized mutt that is $camalotofmoneyology. I can also picture the latest barrel of scotch that Dwunkendwarfer Miseryguts is swimming in beginning to boil as his fear turns to anger.
Congrats! Can’t wait to read it. Good timing too. Interest in Scientology will be at a peak in October with all the legal action.
I’m still working on my book. My book will be like no other and very very explosive. So look out OSA. I’m loving how these bullies who gaslighted everyone for so long are now being exposed.
Truth wins.
Don’t take this the wrong way, Mike, but it’s about freakin’ time. In this bold new age of post-cult defectors and escapees, it seems like every former Scientologist and his dog have written a book about their experiences. So I hope that your book raises the bar of this astounding phenomenon and inspires a new generation of insiders and whistle-blowers whose time may have come.
Pre ordered .
I hope writing this book was a positive experience , it couldn’t totally easy .
Thank you.
YEs, it was. I talk about it in the Epilogue
Good for you Mike! We all aid each other in our individual recovery in some way by getting to that inner layer of the untold truth! There is a need for healing for so many that served in the CO$ as staff, sea org and public defenders turned detractors. I have always found you candid and hope you dug deep to have all questions answered! Best Wishes as ever my friend!
Congratulations and thank you.
It’s gotta be therapeutic for you and it will be encouraging for anyone else finding themselves in the midst of a dangerous mind altering belief.
Proff that with a lot of hard work one can regain the self worth we all need to be healthy and feel whole.
I hope your disconnected family read it.
I’m looking forward to the audio version.
Alles Gute! Viel Erfolg! herzliche Grüße!
I went straight to Amazon to preorder, THEN came back to read the comments! So glad you wrote it all out, Mike, and I’m looking forward to reading it!
Thank you
Thank you, Mike, and best wishes for much success at sales of your book. I have read almost all the other Scilon-leaving books, and I’ll be reading yours soon as I can. I hope it contains lots of gritty bits so far unrevealed in your various blogs and interviews.
But I wonder, albeit tongue in cheek – will the contents of your book finally appease Gerry Armstrong?
Looking at buying one, is their one you enjoyed more than the others ?
Thinking of reading a piece of blue sky (or the book with a similar title)
The two foundational investigative books about Hubbard himself are the recent revised version of Jon Atack’s ‘Let’s Sell These People A Piece Of Blue Sky’, and Russell Miller’s ‘Bare Faced Messiah.’
For a quick overview, google ‘The Anderson Report, Board of Inquiry into Scientology,’ and read ‘The Prefatory Note’, a one-page condemnation of Hubbard and Scientology. It uses somewhat over-the-top language, but as one learns more and more about the abuses within Scientology it seems The Anderson Report got it exactly right way back in 1965.
Mike Rinder’s blog has his own reading recommendations in no particular order, shown below, with some of my own additions. There are other books, this list is not complete.
Troublemaker – Leah Remini
Ruthless – Ron Miscavige
Going Clear – Lawrence Wright
Counterfeit Dreams – Jeff Hawkins
Blown For Good – Marc Headley
Abuse at the Top – Amy Scobee
Unbreakable Miss Lovely – Tony Ortega
The Church of Fear – John Sweeney
Fair Game – Steve Cannane
The Truth Rundown – Joe Childs and Tom Tobin
Jenna Miscavige – Beyond Belief
Robert Dam
Margery Wakefield
Nancy Many
Janis Gillham Grady (2 books)
Deceived – Bonnie Woods
and the Time Magazine article ‘The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power’ from May 6, 1991.
Cult info:
Robert Jay Lifton M.D. – Eight Criteria for Thought Reform
Steven Hassan – The BITE Model
I once found a website called ‘Chronology of Publications on Scientology’ which included books and articles dating all the way back to 1950, including titles like ‘From Science-fiction to Fiction-science’, ‘Have You Ever Been A Boo-Hoo?’, ‘Scientology – Menace to Mental Health’, ‘Scientology can drive you out of your mind’, ‘Agents Search Scientology Offices for U.S. Documents’, ‘Scientologists Plotted to Frame a Critic as a Criminal’, ‘Scientologists Convicted’, ‘Scientologists’ Matriarch Surrenders ‘, and ‘Scientology’s bizarre manual of dirty tricks’, plus many others similar to these.
I would avoid Janet Reitman’s book on principle, since much of it is reportedly a not-very-accurate mish-mash of the work of Jon Atack. I also avoid anything by New Religion academics who refuse to interview critics and ex-Scientologists.
…and of course Mike’s new book is soon to be available and almost sure to be one of the best.
That was a detailed response, thank you for taking the time and effort to answer. Much appreciated
The Yo Yo on LRH’s lines tells his story.
Mike, I asked you once, but when you went to the RPF I think in 1982, it was in the weekly report to LRH, and he disparagingly said, I quote from memory but this is pretty close “….was a Yo Yo on my lines…..” which I believe in reference to how when you were holding Watch Messenger, you were a “yo yo” meaning he had to send you back a second time to get compliance or the info he wanted.
Yo Yo’s would be messengers who bounced back and had to be sent out again on the same order, I guess.
When I was doing the research for the routing forms project, I read all the final years of traffic, and then later when I was in INCOMM I read all that LRH traffic, and when I was in ASI, I read all that traffic.
LRH from the 1975 onwards years until he died, would write when he got sent his weekly reports or when he asked to be updated. That whole final decade of reports he got, his replies had his comments, and his comments when execs, like you, got busted (usually to something he’d ordered and was pissed about, and then the powers that be above the person to be busted would decide to scapegoat the person to be busted to comply with the Hubbard displeasure reply), and then when the person was sent to the RPF and the compliance went to LRH that that was how the other upper people told LRH the “situation” was being handled, then that’s how LRH would send his come back comments, for example then LRH would say, “Vaughn was a bad writer”, “Mike was always a Yo Yo on my lines”, or something similar.
After the person who LRH had priorly praised and appeciated, once that person was busted and LRH was told that that person blew or wanted to route out, or was RPFed, then LRH would pile on some disdain on them.
Anyways, this is a detail only those who read all the durned LRH traffic and LRH’s replies, and LRH’s reaction comments, and studied the week by week sequence of the LRH traffic got to read and ponder.
LRH wrote Scientology in such a way never to condemn himself, but always to condemn all who were left holding Hubbard’s bag of quackery which no one can make really work and benefit humanity.
Scientology is a losing battle quackery empire that blames the staff and followers when the quackery fails.
I look forward to dissecting it.
I hope you go into OSA issues/LRH orders in detail.
I’m glad a major publisher is fronting you.
I fear though, that legal fears on their part might prevent free printing of the LRH raw writings that do still need to be risen up to being widely taken into consideration.
You were OSA’s boss for a decade or more, off and on, and kind of like the ex Director of CIA/FBI of Scientology writing your book.
Thus, the LRH writings to Scientology’s CIA/FBI do need a lot of listing out, quoting Hubbard, showing he’s the guy.
Your site for years has ample LRH straight issue quoting.
But a book, by a major publisher, I hope includes a good amount of LRH issues quoting, because one thing I think all should remember, that Scientology was LRH’s baby. The damage all concerned have suffered comes from Hubbard’s pen, mostly. So quoting the great Hubbard, tracing back the suffering to him, is right.
What great news to start the day with!!!
I’m in awe of you that you’ve managed to fit this in around being a husband, dad AND kult-buster. Big pat on the back, mate. Looking forward to getting and reading it – and getting a second copy to loan out to my kids.
THE POWER TO BREAK FREE! shattering suppression and becoming a true OT
That’s brilliant! I look forward to reading it, and hopefully sales will boom in Clearwater.
Hip, hip, hurray!
Hip, hip, hurray!
Hip, hip, hurray!
Very well done my friend.
Bought it just now and can’t wait to read it.
Thanks so much Glenn!
Mucho fantastico!
Now if, when the book is out, you could set up a table right across from Flag with a BIG sign and sit there to sign copies! If you do, I will fly to Florida and get in line!!
Can you imagine, Revolted, if all of Mike’s followers converged at once on Clearwater for that event?
Yes!! So exciting. I think I will pre-order and also wait for the audio. Can. Not. Wait!
Hmmm this is one I have to buy. This could be really good.
Thanks for writing it.
Such great news! I’m looking so much forward to read your book, Mike.
The word is getting out, e.g. :”Ex-Scientologist Mike Rinder Has Memoir Out in September”
Nice, Nice! Beautiful news.
Congratulations! This is such exciting news. I immediately pre-ordered it from Amazon. September 27th can’t come fast enough.
Thank you!
I pre-ordered from Amazon too 🙂 Can’t wait.
Thanks Peggy
Great news Mike, I’m looking forward to the read!
Mike, I just pre-ordered your book from my local independent bookstore. May my order be one of many.
I had Googled how to preorder it and found tons of newspapers and outlets had released the news that your book was coming out.
The world knows it’s coming. I’m so excited.
Thank you for making my dreams come true and finding time to write the book that was inside of you.
Thank you!
Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it, oh, and can’t quit smiling just thinking about the melt down DM if probably having right now.
I wonder who had to deliver the news to DM that “Rinder wrote a book”. Maybe they drew straws, short straw goes in.
I know Richard!! I just can’t stop smiling thinking about the explosion. I also hope they make a movie about this book – HA! I hope they get that screamer guy with the crazy hair to play DM. This is just so sweet.
No doubt DM had someone pre order the book for him. Good bedtime reading for him reflecting on the good old days when Mike was around and he wasn’t in so much deep s**t. The audio version might be a bit annoying.
Can’t wait! I drive long distances to work and love to listen to audiobooks. It will be great hearing this story narrated by Mike.
I will read this.
In LRHs Bulgravia .
I just pre-ordered it!
Thank you!
Wow, Mike. Super proud of you!
Thank you my friend. Hoping it will be at least 10% as successful as Mariette’s books!
So exciting! I look forward to reading your story! Will you also narrate an audiobook version? I’d love to hear you narrate your own story!
Also, will you be signing any autographed copies? I’d gladly pay extra for a copy to be signed by you!
I am doing the audiobook recording over the next 10 days.
Don’t really know yet about autographed copies…
Congrats Mike!!!! I am looking forward to reading this one! Im sure it took alot of courage to write this book. I bet our favourite little dictator is shaking in his platform boots
For me, this is going to be a must-read.
Looking forward to it.
Thank you
Mike, this is fantastic! I know how much work this takes — and how much it takes out of you. I’m so excited for you. Congratulations!
Hooray! At last! 😁
Awesome, I’m looking forward to your memoir.
Bravo Mike 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
What a journey!
You have saved and continue to save lives.
I have Nothing but respect.
Done and bought! I pre ordered for kindle! I have been waiting for this book since I saw you on the show! Good work! I know this has been a hard project for you emotionally. Keep up your best revenge living a great life with wife and kids!
Thank you
How fantastic. I feel like a very proud uncle.
Thanks Uncle Neil!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Hooray!
I sense a best-seller in your near future, Mike. Well done!
That’s great Mike. Look forward to either reading or listening to it
With Love from Germany
Very happy to hear about this. Can’t wait to read this when it comes out!
Nice work Mike! I can’t wait to get into the read.
Yo Dave,
I recommend you get it and read it, we know you will. But ya better git yer whippin stalls ready good buddy cause we’re thinkin that each page will be cause fer another plebe to do some dumpster divin ….. and scrubbin!
And best to up yer scotch supply now. Ya don’t want any shortages when you’re in the middle of a chapter.
Yer buddy,
Mr OH TEA ATE (reconstituted into an ESS PEE)
I see you are still doing well Cooper. Nice to see you here. I’ve missed your letters to dave. Classic.
Hope you and yours are thriving as usual. 💖